Black Rock Shooter “Beast” Figma And Huke Art Book!

Black Rock Shooter “Beast” Figma And Huke Art Book!

What an awesome set! Huke, the creator of Black Rock Shooter released his art book in 2012; this special set includes the 200+ page coffee table book in full color with works pertaining to Black Rock Shooter, Steins Gate and other pieces. Also included is the Black Rock Shooter “Beast” Figma action figure.

BRSB 1 Black Rock Shooter “Beast” Figma And Huke Art Book!

The set comes packaged in a really cool brown cardboard box that has the same markings as an electronic appliance with the typeface “BLK” featured in bold.

BRSB 2 Black Rock Shooter “Beast” Figma And Huke Art Book!

The reverse of the box has a product description of the included Figma action figure.

BRSB 3 Black Rock Shooter “Beast” Figma And Huke Art Book!

Inside the brown box is …

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DVD Review: Monsuno – Destiny

DVD Review: Monsuno – Destiny

monsuno DVD Review: Monsuno   Destiny

The premise for “Monsuno” sounds really familiar:

Monsters are launched from a container by their masters as they duke it out.  Yes, it sounds like tv show in the 90’s that starts with “P” and ends with “N.”

“Monsuno” is a new tv show on Nicktoons.  It deals with main character, Chase and his 2 friends, Bren and Jinja as they try to fight the villains in S.T.O.R.M.  The baddies are after Chase because he has monsters called Monsumo, that’s suppose to control the destiny of Earth.  These monsters look like a combination of different animals such as a tiger and …

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Comic Book Review: Superior Spider-Man #1 (Spoilers)

Comic Book Review: Superior Spider-Man #1 (Spoilers)

Well my friends the day has come, the first issue of Dan Slott’s Superior Spider-Man is out, a book that has since its announcement earned the hate of many comic book fans and after reading it… The hate has been pretty much justified.

First of all I don’t necessarily hate the idea of Doc Ock becoming Spider-Man, if done well (which its not) could be an interesting arc for the character, but two things bug me about the premise itself, firstly Marvel has a piss poor track record when it comes to deaths and/or changing the status quo of a character.…

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Superknockedup: problems of a  supervillain

Superknockedup: problems of a supervillain

Darkstar Superknockedup: problems of a  supervillainSuperknockedup is a web series written, produced, and directed by Jeff Burns of Troy, New York.  It can be viewed on the website 5 to 7 minute installments are put up every few weeks.   There is also a web comic  written by Burns and featuring art by Donny Gandakasuma.

The series has a unique premise, one that I  think we can all relate to in some way.  Darkstar, aka Jessica James (played by Natalie Bain) is an independent young woman who is at the top of her game as a supervillain.  She`s working with fellow villain Dr. Destruction (David Bunce) …

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Comic Book Review: All-New X-Men, Vol. 1: Here Comes Yesterday

Comic Book Review: All-New X-Men, Vol. 1: Here Comes Yesterday

Brian Michael Bendis is a man who in my eyes will have a mixed legacy in the comic book industry, while his Ultimate Spider-Man and Daredevil work has been some of the best we will ever see, his Avengers work left much to be desired and was just painfully mediocre throughout, does All-New X-Men fall in with the former or the later? Let’s find out.

This book was and still is quite controversial with die hard Marvel fans who argue that it is impossible to bring in the original five X-Men from the 60s into present time and not just destroy …

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Comic Book Review: Iron Man Volume 1: Believe

Comic Book Review: Iron Man Volume 1: Believe

STK517530 Comic Book Review: Iron Man Volume 1: Believe

Iron Man is probably the character who’s popularity has benefited most from the MCU and its pretty understandable, both of the Iron Man films are pretty good and Robert Downey Junior is an amazing Tony Stark, this huge spike in popularity made me interested in the character and with the announcement that one of my favorite writers, Kieron Gillen would be writing a new ongoing series, I was understandably excited but sadly with the first story arc over, Marvel Now’s Iron Man is probably the weakest book of the entire initiative.

Kieron Gillen is a character writer, while he can do …

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Thirty Years of MOTU: Dec- Procrustus, Mosquitor And Bonus Buzz-Off!

Thirty Years of MOTU: Dec- Procrustus, Mosquitor And Bonus Buzz-Off!

In this, my final review of Masters of the Universe Classics—to be taken over in 2013 by Miss M—I am offering up a great pictorial of three very cool figures.
Buzz-Off is a very nice surprise that I received for “free”—he was “free” because subscription holders were given a payoff for Frosta having reversed forearms. Others have received Mer-Man or Stratos and apparently others here and there. I’m quite happy with getting Buzz-Off because I don’t have him at all—now I do.

So, let’s begin with Buzz-Off!

Buzz 11 Thirty Years of MOTU: Dec  Procrustus, Mosquitor And Bonus Buzz Off!

This Bee-Man comes packaged in the usual bubble and card—mine was thrown together quite …

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MY Top 10 Toys In 2012!

MY Top 10 Toys In 2012!

That’s right, it’s the end of 2012 and I figured I would do a listing of MY OWN top 10 toys that I got this year—regardless of their original release date.

Lets begin with…

10 693x1024 MY Top 10 Toys In 2012!

10: Stinkor, from Masters of the Universe Classics! That’s right, the Stink-man is just awesome and has a fan base to match (probably) Coming with enough accessories to dress him up as either the 200X version of the character or the 80’s version; Stinkor comes complete with his orange armor, Blue shield, blue stink-gun, blue gas mask and blue stink tanks. Also included is either a …

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Movie Review: The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

Movie Review: The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

The Hobbit Movie Review: The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

The long awaited return to the Middle-Earth has finally arrived in the form of The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, the first of a new prequel trilogy that adapts both The Hobbit and The Silmarillion, does this new film capture the magic of the epic LOTR trilogy or are we facing another Phantom Menace on our hands? Let’s find out!

The main of the film revolves around a younger Bilbo Baggins as he is swept into an adventure by the always badass wizard, Gandalf the Grey, to save the now destroyed Dwarven kingdom of Erebor from the dragon Smaug that now resides

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Temple of Darkness Sorceress!

Temple of Darkness Sorceress!

It’s the coming of winter and my present to myself is the snowy Temple of Darkness Sorceress! No, she isn’t covered in the cold white stuff; however she is pretty damn cool! OK, stop groaning!

Temple of Darkness Sorceress comes straight out of the mini comic to collector’s shelves sporting the all white outfit from the mini comic of the same name.

TDSor 1 697x1024 Temple of Darkness Sorceress!

“White” Sorceress comes packaged in the usual card.

TDSor 2 765x1024 Temple of Darkness Sorceress!

…and on the back of the box is the usual “also available” and a bio which is OK.

TDSor 3 484x1024 Temple of Darkness Sorceress!

The side panel of the package has some info, but if you already …

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