This week’s photos will consist of anything related to baseball. Every photos on my blogsite are all taken by me. I will post one photo per day with different themes per week. If you like photography, check it out at…
This week’s photos will consist of anything related to baseball. Every photos on my blogsite are all taken by me. I will post one photo per day with different themes per week. If you like photography, check it out at…
So I went to Huntington Library yesterday in San Marino to test out the new camera. Got there around 12:30 p.m. and of course, the sun was already fully out. When the sun is on top of everything and you’re shooting on manual, you’re screwed to hell. You’re either going to way under exposed or way over exposed shots. There’s no two ways around it. If you try to get a good perfectly exposed shot, you’ll end up with boring ass lighting that has no dramatic effect. So it’s a lose lose situation, unless you’re a big fan of silhouettes (I …
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