Trailer: The Loved Ones – Horror

Trailer: The Loved Ones – Horror

Check out this upcoming Horror flick, which stars Eclipse’s Xavier Samuel.

The trailer looks awesome, as it reminds me of Carrie, but with a humorous twist. The guy falling off a tree must be the best scene in the film! Sadly, no wide-release date has been announced yet for the US, so we may have to look for this on DVD online.…

Movie Review: Predators

Movie Review: Predators

Predators 1 Movie Review: Predators

Never underestimate the small pleasures of a well-made B-movie. Predators is something of a sequel to the classic Arnold action flick from 1987. The macho mix of Alien and Rambo was a box office smash and spawned a sequel and a ton of spinoffs. Predators gets back to basics, set in the jungle, with some well-staged action scenes and a heaping helping of gore. Adrien Brody (miscast, but amusing) takes over the role of the leader of the gang, this time, it’s mercenaries, criminals, and an out of place doctor. Brody brings his sensitive method acting down a notch and growls …

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Star Wars in Subway, Ghostbusters in NY

Star Wars in Subway, Ghostbusters in NY

Stormtrooper banner Star Wars in Subway, Ghostbusters in NY

From Heatvision, here’s a funny video of a Star Wars reenactment inside a train.


The videos were made by a theater group called Improv Everywhere.…

Writers of Predators Hired For He-Man

Writers of Predators Hired For He-Man

masters of the universe he man 1024x819 Writers of Predators Hired For He Man

He-Man aka MOTU might just become a motion picture, once again! Heatvision reports that Predators writers have been signed to do MOTU. This is exciting news for He-Man fans, the film was once jump-started by WB, but never came to fruition.

Just for kicks, check out the original intro below:

Let’s cross our fingers, and hope for a good MOTU film. We can all jump for joy, but in the end, Mattel has the final say in the go-ahead of the film.…

‘The Road’ Director Directs Levi’s Commercial

‘The Road’ Director Directs Levi’s Commercial

the road still 5 The Road Director Directs Levis Commercial

John Hillcoat, director of The Road, works on a Levi’s Commercial.

NY Times reports that the idea behind the commercial is to show that the people from Braddock, PA were the first ones to use Levi’s Jeans. It’s a good commercial with a motivational theme. Levi’s made sure to focus on the people, rather than the brand.…

Rumor: Jonathan Nolan to Direct Superman?

Rumor: Jonathan Nolan to Direct Superman?

superman flying Rumor: Jonathan Nolan to Direct Superman?

The new Superman has a great team behind the project so far. Batman Director Christopher Nolan is producing the film, along with his brother Jonathan. Writing the story, as well as the script, is David Goyer, who was at one point, rumored to direct the film. Goyer is a great writer, but I’m glad he’s not directing Superman, remember Blade: Trinity?

Anyhow, latest reports from GeekTyrant indicates that Jonathan Nolan might fill the job as the director. What has he done before? Nothing as a director, but he was one of the writers for Dark Knight.…

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Pixar Hired To ReWrite Tron: Legacy

Pixar Hired To ReWrite Tron: Legacy

tron legacy02 Pixar Hired To ReWrite Tron: Legacy

Pixar writer/director Brad Bird (Incredibles) and writer Michael Arndt (Toy Story 3) was hired by Disney to rewrite the script for Tron: Legacy.  It turned out that the Pixar crew including John Lassetter saw a rough cut of the movie in January since Disney wanted to reshoot some scenes.  According to EW, Disney wasn’t too confident with the film and hired Bird and Arndt  to focus on “character, emotion and theme.”

I’m guessing Tron: Legacy was probably visually appealing but have no emotional weight.  Pixar is known to make grown men cry from their movies so Disney did the right …

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Kick-Ass 2 Will Focus On Villain Red Mist

Kick-Ass 2 Will Focus On Villain Red Mist

Kick Ass 1 Kick Ass 2 Will Focus On Villain Red Mist

In a recent interview with, Kick-Ass creator, Mark Millar talked about his plan for the franchise.

“I always had this planned as three volumes, and each is a sequel.  It’s not like a regular comic where it’s issue nine, 10 and 11. It’s Kick-Ass 2, Issue 1 sort of thing. It’s just starting where we left off last time.”

I never knew Millar planned to have a trilogy for Kick-Ass.  I thought it was going to be like his other work, Wanted, just a one shot mini series.

“Through success [he’s] inspired other people, and what the …

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Machete Trailer

Machete Trailer

Oh yea, here comes Danny Trejo as a man seeking for revenge. Machete probably has the same storyline as Desperado, but who cares! Robert Rodriguez can bring the fun with his cheesy lines, and amazing over-the-top action sequences. To top it off, this crazy flick stars the legend, Steven Seagal.

Trailer courtesy of IGN

Danny Trejo, Steven Seagal, and Lindsay Lohan in one movie, what could go wrong?

The movie comes out Sept. 3, 2010.…

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Tron Legacy Images

Tron Legacy Images

From IMDB, Tron Legacy is about “Sam Flynn, the tech-savvy 27-year-old son of Kevin Flynn, looks into his father’s disappearance and finds himself pulled into the same world of fierce programs and gladiatorial games where his father has been living for 25 years. Along with Kevin’s loyal confidant, father and son embark on a life-and-death journey across a visually-stunning cyber universe that has become far more advanced and exceedingly dangerous.”

Check out some Tron Legacy stills, courtesy of Empire.

tron legacy02 Tron Legacy Images

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Release Date: Dec. 17, 2010

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