Syfy Trailer: Sharktopus

Syfy Trailer: Sharktopus

sharktopus Syfy Trailer: Sharktopus

Hot babes beware, with 3D Piranha and Sharktopous coming out, you will not be safe anywhere near the water!

I don’t know who’s more entertaining, Eric Roberts or the Sharktopus!

Trailer: Ben Affleck in ‘The Town’

Trailer: Ben Affleck in ‘The Town’

2010 the town 001 Trailer: Ben Affleck in The Town

The Town is about a group of bank robbers from Boston, it stars Ben Affleck and Jeremy Renner (Hurt Locker).

The plot description sounds ridiculous:
“As he plans his next job, a longtime thief tries to balance his feelings for a bank manager connected to one of his earlier heists, as well as the FBI agent looking to bring him and his crew down.” IMDB

Based on the trailer, the acting seems solid, and the action scenes look pretty intense. But, I’m not sure about the storyline.…

TV on DVD Review: White Collar: The Complete First Season (USA Network)

TV on DVD Review: White Collar: The Complete First Season (USA Network)

White Collar TV on DVD Review: White Collar: The Complete First Season (USA Network)

White Collar is an entertaining and fun series about a con man named Neal Caffrey (appealing and photogenic star Matt Bomer) who escapes prison, but is arrested by an FBI agent named Peter Burke played by Tim DeKay (from HBO’s excellent supernatural series Carnivale). White Collar has a lot of caper hijinks, stylish camera work, and superior acting from a talented cast. It’s the perfect summer show to pass the time. The strong supporting cast includes Willie Garson and Tiffiani Thiessan from 90210, and of course, Saved by The Bell.

The first season DVD set includes all 14 episodes on four …

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Pot Belly Robin Spotted In NYC

Pot Belly Robin Spotted In NYC

Check out Luis Guzman as Robin for the 80’s remake of “Arthur”

robin Pot Belly Robin Spotted In NYC
Arthur is a comedy about a playboy who must marry a rich girl to keep his family’s wealth.   Arthur will be played by Russell Brand, who also played a ladies man in “Forgetting Sarah Marshall” and reprised his role in “Get Him To The Greek”

batman Pot Belly Robin Spotted In NYC

Here’s Brand donning a Batman costume that looks like a combination from the original Tim Burton version and Batman & Robin.

batman from behind Pot Belly Robin Spotted In NYC
The back part is definitely from Joel Schumacher’s version.

batman2 Pot Belly Robin Spotted In NYC
This movie looks really funny, imagine the funny scenarios they’re going to be in …

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Funny: Zoe Saldana & Kate Bosworth Are Idiots!

Funny: Zoe Saldana & Kate Bosworth Are Idiots!

saldana Funny: Zoe Saldana & Kate Bosworth Are Idiots!

From funnyordie, Zoe Saldana and Kate Bosworth walks into a bar; they’re beautiful, they’re sexy, and they have the mental capacity of 2-year olds!

Zoe Saldana’s facial expressions ftw!!!…

Toy Story 4 In The Works?

Toy Story 4 In The Works?

toy story Toy Story 4 In The Works?

Maybe so, as wrap online suggests that a 4th installment of the successful franchise might be coming soon. On board so far is Tim Allen, as the sometimes delussional, Buzz Lightyear. But, Allen’s agreement could be due to contractual obligations. Toy Story 3 grossed $560 million worldwide, so it would only make sense for Disney to go for 4th. But, a statement from Disney seems to shut-down the idea, “We are thrilled with the audiences response to Toy Story 3, and fans will be seeing more of the Toy Story characters in a short film next year. At …

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Funny: Rachel Bilson Sex Scene

Funny: Rachel Bilson Sex Scene

rachel Funny: Rachel Bilson Sex Scene

Ever wondered what happens when an actor isn’t inspired to do a sex scene? It’s called a Body-double.

The director is played by McG (Charlie’s Angels, Terminator 4), I gotta say, he’s a better actor than he is a director!

Thanks to Funnordie for the videos.…

Piranha 3D Trailer, Set Pics of Babes

Piranha 3D Trailer, Set Pics of Babes

piranha poster Piranha 3D Trailer, Set Pics of Babes

Elizabeth Shue and Christoper Loyed reunites in Piranha 3D, a cheesy rendition of JAWS. Piranha 3D is about a pack of prehistoric Piranhas out to get the sexy girls of Spring break.

Looks interesting, but the Piranhas look so fake, almost like unrendered CGI. But, nevermind the Piranhas, see the photos below, and tell me you still wouldn’t want to watch the film!

Piranha 3D comes out Jan 11, 2011 on home video.

piranha3d Piranha 3D Trailer, Set Pics of Babes
Riley Steele and Kelly Brooke

piranha 3d 2 Piranha 3D Trailer, Set Pics of Babes

piranha 3d 3 Piranha 3D Trailer, Set Pics of Babes

piranha babes Piranha 3D Trailer, Set Pics of Babes

kelly brook piranha 3d Piranha 3D Trailer, Set Pics of Babes

Bikini3D Piranha 3D Trailer, Set Pics of Babes

afmpiranha3 Piranha 3D Trailer, Set Pics of Babes

piranha 3d Piranha 3D Trailer, Set Pics of Babes

pir3 Piranha 3D Trailer, Set Pics of Babes

Babes of Piranha 3D, courtesy of SpoilerTV

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Leonardo DiCaprio And Supherhero Roles

Leonardo DiCaprio And Supherhero Roles

Leonardo DiCaprio1 Leonardo DiCaprio And Supherhero Roles

It turns out Leonardo DiCaprio could have been a superhero at least 3 times.  In an interview with, he spoke about his opportunities in being involved with Batman & Robin, Spider-Man and Star Wars.

Here’s what DiCaprio had to say about Batman & Robin where he was approached to play Robin:

I had a meeting with Joel Schumacher. It was just one meeting and, no, I didn’t end up doing it…As I recall I took the meeting, but didn’t want to play the role. Joel Schumacher is a very talented director but I don’t think I was ready for

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Green Lantern Costume Revealed

Green Lantern Costume Revealed

Entertainment Weekly has just provided comic book fans with the movie costume for Green Lantern.  Ryan Reynolds wearing the costume looks cheesy. But then again, Batman’s costume in Dark Knight also looked like crap with the still photos and it looked good on screen.  Green Lantern’s mask looks like an afterthought and tacked on.  It’ll be hard to pull off Green Lantern’s suite without looking tacky.  Best of luck to Ryan Reynolds!

greenlanternfirstlook625 Green Lantern Costume Revealed

We’ll find if the costume will be cheesy when Green Lantern comes out June 17, 2011.…

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