Giveaway:  DC 75th Anniversary Toy Gift Pack

Giveaway: DC 75th Anniversary Toy Gift Pack

To coincide with Comic Con and DC’s 75th Anniversary, WB and NERDSociety are giving out one (1) toy gift pack containing 3 figures.

Here’s a word from WB regarding DC’s 75h Anniversary :

Celebrate 75 years of DC Comics with films and TV series inspired by some of the most popular SUPER HEROES, including BATMAN, SUPERMAN and other iconic DC Comics characters. To celebrate this milestone, Warner Bros. Digital Distribution is highlighting dozens of movies and shows that are available for rent and for download on DC iTunes Experience PageAmazon On Demand and

Fans can download their …

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Batman 3 News/Rumor: Is Joseph Gordon-Levitt The Riddler in Batman 3 ?

Batman 3 News/Rumor: Is Joseph Gordon-Levitt The Riddler in Batman 3 ?

JGL 1 Batman 3 News/Rumor: Is Joseph Gordon Levitt The Riddler in Batman 3 ?

Joseph Gordon-Levitt (JGL to his hipster fans like myself) is in talks to play The Riddler in the next Batman movie……or was he already cast ? It’s hard to seperate fact from fiction, but a lot of major websites are discussing this potential casting. As JGL’s biggest fan, I’d love to see him tackle a villain role in a big budget flick. He has done a lot of indie flicks and has now broken into the mainstream with his supporting role in Chris Nolan’s massive hit Inception.
If you just know him as the kid from 3rd Rock From the Sun …

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Hangover 2 in Thailand!

Hangover 2 in Thailand!

Comingsoon reports that the sequel of the comedy-hit, Hangover, will be filmed in Thailand. And, nothing could be better! Thailand is better and worse, at the same time, than Las Vegas. Imagine the crew rummaging into the funky streets of Bankok in their new-found journey to party-up. Thailand is exotic enough for a refreshing story, and there’s enough Thai-related jokes that can last multiple lifetimes.

hangover photo 04 Hangover 2 in Thailand!

I wonder what they’ll do to the elephants?…

Concept Art: Captain America / Thor

Concept Art: Captain America / Thor

For those who can’t wait till SDCC, Marvel/Paramount Studios released some hi-res concept art of Captain America and Thor.

The art-piece below just became my new wallpaper. The contrast and texture is amazing, I also like the artist’s semi-realistic approach to the costume and the pouches. The painterly feel, along with the realistic story-backdrop is a good start for the promotion of the film. Let’s just hope that the filmmakers can capture the same feel as Ryan Meinerding did in his art.

The concept art for Thor isn’t as appealing to me. Although, the art-style is the same, it …

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Funny: James Franco Acting Lessons

Funny: James Franco Acting Lessons

james franco Funny: James Franco Acting Lessons

From Funnyordie, James Franco demonstrates with his brother how to cry in films, how to fake hover-board across a city, and how to recreate classic scenes.

After watching Pineapple Express, i really think that James Franco is a better comedian than a serious actor. – “You can’t play James Dean, I’m James Dean!”…

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Reviewing Inception!

Reviewing Inception!

Inception is the melding of “Strange Days” and “The Matrix” on a scale so heavy that the quality special effects and the grade-A actors commanded the budget of $200-million dollars.

Starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Ellen Page and featuring Cillian Murphy, Marion Cotillard and Ken Watanabe with cameo’s from Michael Caine and Pete Postlethwaite.

The cast of Inception alone calls for memorable performances from all.

The film itself is best described as don’t blink or you’ll miss it! The complex story-telling of the world of dreams backed by the plot of Corporate Espionage makes for a wild thrill ride and …

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Sam Raimi’s Next Movie: Earp

Sam Raimi’s Next Movie: Earp

sam raimi 20090525 Sam Raimis Next Movie: Earp

To coincide with Comic Con, Radical Publishing has just announced that Sam Raimi will be producing and directing the comic book adaptation of Earp: Saints For Sinners.  Not familiar with Earp?  The story is an alternative take on the legendary lawman, Wyatt Earp.  While the real Wyatt Earp lived in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s, the comic book is set in present time where the economy has collapsed and the the politicians are corrupt.  Most of the story takes place in Las Vegas.

EARP 0 Sam Raimis Next Movie: Earp

Sam Raimi has directed a western before in Quick And The Dead and that was okay.  Nothing …

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Transformers 3 Detailed Report From Chicago Shoot

Transformers 3 Detailed Report From Chicago Shoot

Michael Bay and crew are blowing things up nicely in Chicago for what seems to be the climax for Transformers 3 and  Joe was on hand to watch the spectacle.  Which actors did he see and which autobots showed up?  Below is his detailed report from the shoot (click on the images for high res pics):

Hey guys, here’s my lil’ report from spending the day downtown.

First off, if you plan on going, do a little more research than I did. I live about 30 mins from Chicago, and barely go, so I don’t know the parking or …

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Movie Review: Inception

Movie Review: Inception

Inception Poster1 Movie Review: Inception

Inception is a 2 1/2 hour puzzle about the world of dreams and our subconscious. It’s a movie about how dreams affect our real lives and about how dreams while not easily explained, have a power on our psyche that cannot be denied. Writer/director Chris Nolan has fashioned a thinking person’s blockbuster that is equal parts riveting and frustrating to the viewer. Simple explanations of the plot do not do justice to the vision on screen. There are cool special effects and some terrific acting from an A-list cast along with some awesome music courtesy of Hans Zimmer. His thunderous, booming …

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Star Wars: 19 Things You Didn’t Know

Star Wars: 19 Things You Didn’t Know

This is an interesting little graphic card that entails some useless, but fun facts about Star Wars.

starwars Star Wars: 19 Things You Didnt Know
Chewbacca was based on a dog? Who would’ve thought!…

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