Boba Fett In Force Unleashed Sequel

Boba Fett In Force Unleashed Sequel

boba fett 21 Boba Fett In Force Unleashed Sequel

Despite Boba Fett having less than 10 minutes of screen time in the Star Wars movies, everyone’s favorite bounty hunter will make an appearance in the Force Unleashed sequel.  Haden Blackman, the writer for both the original and sequel said:

“We give him what I think is a satisfying character arc. He starts in one place emotionally and physically, and ends up in a different place.”

Blackman said they’re just not adding him just for the sake of making the game cooler.  He said Fett will have a “small but pivotal role.”

Here’s the video (with a 30 second commercial first, …

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New ‘Machete’ Red Band Trailer

New ‘Machete’ Red Band Trailer

Meaning that this special SDCC trailer is for geeks 18 and older!

Props to IGN:

Sure, the new trailer shows guts hanging out, and nudity; but I still like the other older one better. It just feels more badass!

Older Trailer:

Machete also stars Steven Seagal, Robert DeNiro, and the convict, Lindsay Lohan.…

Stallone Blames Batman!

Stallone Blames Batman!

stallone Stallone Blames Batman!

Sylvester Stallone was interviewed by L.A. Times and asked how the one man army movies from the 80’s fizzled.  His response:

“”It was the first ‘Batman’ movie, the action movies changed radically when it became possible to Velcro your muscles on.  I wish I had thought of Velcro muscles myself… I didn’t have to go to the gym for all those years.”

I’m glad Stallone makes light of the situation and he’s not bitter.  Although Stallone is known for starring in macho movies, he’s actually a talented filmmaker directing most of the Rocky movies (didn’t direct the first or the crap …

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Zack Snyder’s Sucker Punch Posters

Zack Snyder’s Sucker Punch Posters

WB has released new posters of Sucker Punch. Directed by Zack Snyder (300), the film promises a massive femme ass-kicking action set in a crazy girl’s fantasy-ridden world.

From IMDB:
“Sucker Punch is a movie about a girl who is trying to hide from the pain caused by her evil stepfather and lobotomy. She ends up in mental institution and while there she starts to imagine alternative reality. She plans to escape from that imaginary world but to do that she needs to steal five objects before she is caught by a vile man. Story is set in 1950’s.

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SDCC: Saw 3D Trailer

SDCC: Saw 3D Trailer

Saw 3D copy SDCC: Saw 3D Trailer

Okay Saw fans, here’s a very short teaser of what’s coming your way, in 3D! The trailer doesn’t really reveal anything, except that it’s supposed to be viewed in 3D! But, what else is there to reveal?

From IGN:

The producers claimed that this is the last of the Saw series, so make sure to watch it! Way to milk it guys!…

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Funny: ‘Brostitutes’ with Tim Roth

Funny: ‘Brostitutes’ with Tim Roth

tim roth 703471 1024x679 Funny: Brostitutes with Tim Roth

From Funnyordie, here’s a mockumentary about the harsh lives of Brostitutes. In short, Brostitutes are friends-for-hire, and not unlike their prostitute counterparts, they also need pimps to keep them in check!

For a comedy skit, Tim Roth’s performance is surprisingly good!…

The Secrets of Inception (Entertainment Weekly)

The Secrets of Inception (Entertainment Weekly)

Inception Cover The Secrets of Inception (Entertainment Weekly)

Inception has taken the world by storm. Whether it’s a zero gravity hallway fight scene or that shocking ending, it’s the one movie everyone in America, nah the world, is talking about. Entertainment Weekly’s fascinating cover story is terrific and the issue is well worth picking up.

EW Article Preview:

You’ve seen the commercials filled with surreal, phantasmagorical imagery. You’ve read the reviews full of effusive praise or total confusion. Heck, maybe you’ve even bought a ticket for Inception (the movie, released only last week, is on the verge of grossing $100 million) and have your own opinion about this mind-bending …

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SDCC: Joss Whedon Will Direct Avengers

SDCC: Joss Whedon Will Direct Avengers

avengers SDCC: Joss Whedon Will Direct Avengers

whedon SDCC: Joss Whedon Will Direct Avengers
Joss Whedon

Fellow-nerds have been speculating of this announcement for awhile now, but the news was never confirmed until today at SDCC. Creator of Buffy, Whedon’s experience in directing is slim. He did direct Serenity, which flopped at the box office, but later became popular with sci-fi fans. He is given a big task here, to direct all the big screen Marvel Superhero characters in one film. Can he pull it off? I hope so, but I would bet against him on this one.…

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New Tron Legacy Trailer

New Tron Legacy Trailer

tron legacy05 New Tron Legacy Trailer

From Disney: “Sam Flynn (Hedlund), a rebellious 27-year-old, is haunted by the mysterious disappearance of his father Kevin Flynn (Bridges), a man once known as the world’s leading video-game developer. When Sam investigates a strange signal sent from the old Flynn’s Arcade — a signal that could only come from his father– he finds himself pulled into a digital world where Kevin has been trapped for 20 years. With the help of the fearless warrior Quorra (Wilde), father and son embark on a life-or-death journey across a cyber universe — a universe created by Kevin himself that has become far …

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Guillermo Del Toro To Direct ‘Haunted Mansion’

Guillermo Del Toro To Direct ‘Haunted Mansion’

guillermo del toro9 Guillermo Del Toro To Direct Haunted Mansion

Yes, as in Disney’s Haunted Mansion. Guillermo Del Toro announced this at Comic-con today after the Tron panel. My fellow nerds, don’t fret because his version of the film will NOT have anything to do with Eddie Murphy’s ‘The Haunted Mansion’. HRT reports that Del Toro’s Mansion experience will be filmed in 3D. How long can this 3D hype last, or is it here for good? Anyhow, I’m glad that GDT finally found a project he can start on. As most know, he was stuck working on ‘The Hobbit’ with Peter Jackson, but GDT felt that the wait …

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