SDCC: Thor Trailer

SDCC: Thor Trailer

thor SDCC: Thor Trailer

As Shown at Comic-con’s infamous Hall H, here’s the early, but long trailer of Thor!

Cheesy lines, campy cinematography, and bad acting, Marvel is on the right track!…

Funny: ‘Braveheart, Matrix, Exorcist’ Inappropriate Soundtracks

Funny: ‘Braveheart, Matrix, Exorcist’ Inappropriate Soundtracks

braveheart Funny: Braveheart, Matrix, Exorcist Inappropriate Soundtracks

I found this on Youtube, and thought I’d share it with you guys! Thanks to Boonehams for the upload.

Oh, Braveheart will never be the same!

While we’re at it, might as well post Booneham’s other videos also!


Not as good as Braveheart, but I chuckled! The best part is when Trinity flips against the wall, “I’m on the Top of the World ……….”


Hillarious! Short but sweet!…

Transformers 3: Set Video Teaser

Transformers 3: Set Video Teaser

michaelbay 500big Transformers 3: Set Video Teaser

Here’s a cool video showcasing the filming of Transformers 3 in Chicago. One can actually see Michael Bay walking around with his infamous bullhorn. Also, in the video are Decepticon race-car robots roaming around the streets, and Shia Lebeouf looking on.

The clean-up crew must really hate Michael Bay!

More of the Race-cars:

(props to beautifuldisaster726 the uploading)…

Set Photos: Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides

Set Photos: Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides

Radaronline has released a bunch of POTC 4 set photos. The cast and crew of the film are currently filming in the sandy beaches of Hawaii.

pirates4 2 Set Photos: Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides
Johnny Depp

pirates4 1 Set Photos: Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides
Penelope Cruz

pirates4 3 Set Photos: Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides
Geoffrey Rush

See more photos at Radaronline.…

Zack Snyder’s ‘Sucker Punch’ Trailer

Zack Snyder’s ‘Sucker Punch’ Trailer

sucker punch01 Zack Snyders Sucker Punch Trailer

Here’s the first trailer for Sucker Punch.

The characters and the visuals for this film looks insane! Pretty girls kicking-ass, what else could nerds ask for?…

Top 10 Memorable Mafia Moments in Film/TV

Top 10 Memorable Mafia Moments in Film/TV

brasco Top 10 Memorable Mafia Moments in Film/TV

Here are my Top-10 memorable Mafia moments in films/TV shows, some scenes are from the same film, or franchise.

10 – Road to Perdition – A scene where Michael (Tom Hanks) takes out John Rooney (Paul Newman) and his henchmen.

9 – Goodfellas – “Funny How?” This is memorable because I can imagine being Henry Hill (Ray Liotta), I’d be pissing my pants!

8 – Sopranos – “Pine Barrens” – I enjoyed the whole episode. Pauly and Christopher visits a Russian friend, Pauly becomes mouthy, and somehow ends up in the snowy Pine Barrens, …

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SDCC: AMC’s Walking Dead Trailer

SDCC: AMC’s Walking Dead Trailer

walkingdeadcasttop SDCC: AMCs Walking Dead Trailer

Frank Darabont’sWalking Dead‘ is up on Youtube now, see it before it’s removed. Thanks to whoever recorded this at the SDCC!

As expected, the trailer looks solid. I’m a big Frank Darabont fan, and I’ve read the first 7 issues of the book. The trailer feels just like the comics. The sets, the stunts, and the acting looks superb. I can’t wait!…

SDCC: Dexter Season 5 Trailer

SDCC: Dexter Season 5 Trailer

dexter SDCC: Dexter Season 5 Trailer

Here’s Dexter Season 5 Trailer as previewed at San Diego Comic-con.

I haven’t been following Dexter since Season 2, I liked the show but it started losing its creativity. Dexter feeling guilty? It’s time to rent Seasons 3 and 4 just so I can see Season 5.…

Namor In Captain America Movie & Shield at SDCC

Namor In Captain America Movie & Shield at SDCC

namor2 Namor In Captain America Movie & Shield at SDCC
Namor, the antihero who calls Atlantis home, will make an appearance in the upcoming Captain America movie. asked Captain America director Joe Johnston at Comic Con if Namor will have wings on his feet which he replied “Ah, no.”  For months, the fans have been speculating if Namor will make a cameo and today Joe Johnston confirmed it.  While Namor can breathe in the ocean, he also has super human strength.  He can also fly by using his little wings on his feet, oh how will they explain this in the movie??  Well Captain America doesn’t have wings on his …

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SDCC: Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides Teaser

SDCC: Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides Teaser

pirates of the caribbean1 SDCC: Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides Teaser

Disney released the first official teaser for POTC: On Stranger Tides, the teaser was shown in 3D (sigh) at the San Diego Comic-con. But, here’s the 2D version for everybody to enjoy.

Understandably, it’s a pretty pointless trailer because they barely started filming in Hawaii. But, I was surprised that Disney approved of Sparrow promoting drinking. Is it just me, or did Depp gain weight?

The Story – Johnny Depp returns as the infamous Captain Jack Sparrow, this time he is in search for the Fountain of Youth, along with fellow Pirate, Barbossa (Geoffrey Rush). New to the …

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