Blu-Ray Review: Invisible Target

Blu-Ray Review: Invisible Target

invisible target2 Blu Ray Review: Invisible Target

Invisible Target is a Hong Kong flick trying too hard to be serious for its own good.  Instead of focusing on the action, the filmmakers decided build depth behind the characters and it becomes 30 minutes too long.  The movie is about 3 cops who must team up to take down a band of mercenary robbers.  Director Benny Chan (New Police Story) tries to have a serious story but it doesn’t work because of the absurd but impressive action scenes.   Out of the 3 good guys, Nicholas Tse (The Promise) impressed me with the attitude he brought to his character.  He’s …

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DVD Review: Greetings From The Shore

DVD Review: Greetings From The Shore

Greetings Poster DVD Review: Greetings From The Shore

When I was a kid, I loved the jersey shore. I still do. As a child, I remember family trips to Wildwood fondly, and later as a teen Cape May. Ocean City is my new favorite area of the jersey shore but whether you do Wildwood or fist pump to house music in Seaside, the jersey shore is a fun, almost magical place. Anyone nostalgic for jersey shore thrills would do well to pick up Greetings From The Shore. The small independent film I saw a few years back in downtown Philadelphia is now available on DVD online and there are …

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Movie Review: Step Up 3D

Movie Review: Step Up 3D

Step Up 3D Movie Review: Step Up 3D

The Step Up series has always been a guilty pleasure. The dialogue is usually leaden with cliches of dance movies past (Fame) while the dance moves and battles were off the chain. Step Up 2 had better dancing than the first and Step Up 3-D is easily the best of the series. The slender plot never gets in the way of the awesome dancing and hot hip-hop/pop soundtrack. The movie has the usual lame dialogue but less of it this time, and it also has the most dancing of any Step Up flick to date. Directed by Jon Chu with serious …

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DVD Review: The Dungeon Masters (Documentary, Dungeons and Dragons)

DVD Review: The Dungeon Masters (Documentary, Dungeons and Dragons)

Dungeon Masters DVD Review: The Dungeon Masters (Documentary, Dungeons and Dragons)

The Dungeon Masters is a unique, often fascinating documentary about the lives of three hardcore Dungeons and Dragons fans. The doc walks the tightrope of becoming mockery, but never crosses that line. There is great empathy on display (if not outright compassion, its too unobtrusive for that) for the various lives of these people and the documentary is often funny and sad, and sometimes, just downright sad. The three people (Richard, Scott, and Elizabeth) live their lives to play Dungeons and Dragons and The Dungeon Masters follows them along to conventions and gives the viewers a glimpse of their daily lives …

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Star Wars: Lightsaber Action

Star Wars: Lightsaber Action

Sabers BOP a 1024x969 Star Wars: Lightsaber Action

Somebody decided to put together clips of all the Lightsaber ins-and-outs from Star Wars. To be honest, this video is a bit overwhelming!

Blu-ray Review: Tai Chi Master

Blu-ray Review: Tai Chi Master

tai chi master Blu ray Review: Tai Chi Master
(Image Source:

I remembered watching Tai Chi Master when it first came out on VCD, the quality sucked big time but I still enjoyed the film’s timeless action-scenes. Next to Fist of Legend, Tai Chi Master is one of my favorite Jet Li films.

Jet Li plays a happy-go-lucky monk that ends up being kicked out of the temple due to misbehavior. Along with his best friend, they both ventured into the city, where an evil emperor took advantage of the poor. To make the story short, his greedy friend decides to join the bad guys; and is forced …

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MI:4 – Cheaper Tom Cruise?

MI:4 – Cheaper Tom Cruise?

mission impossible 3 MI:4   Cheaper Tom Cruise?

Reports from Vulture is that Tom Cruise has agreed to take a pay-cut for the film upfront. The catch is he gets paid more later down the road if the film succeeds.

I immensely enjoyed MI:3, except when it turned into a love-story towards the end. J.J. Abrams did a great job directing the film, but Cruise’s weird antics helped keep the moviegoers away. Abrams will not direct the 4th installment, but will be a part of the writing team. The directorial-role will go to Brad Bird, who was involved with films like UP, Ratatouille, and Iron Giant. I …

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Trailer: Tony Scott’s Unstoppable

Trailer: Tony Scott’s Unstoppable

unstoppable Trailer: Tony Scott’s Unstoppable

Here’s the new film by Tony Scott (Man on Fire, Domino). It stars Denzel Washington, Chris Pine, and Rosario Dawson.

I’m a big Tony Scott fan, I love his cinematic style. This looks like a fun action movie, even though the bad guy is a TRAIN. I have a feeling that Rosario Dawson will be useless in this movie, but she’s still fun to watch. Somehow, I can’t help but think of SPEED with some of the crazy scenes. I remembered how SPEED was dubbed “Die Hard on a bus!” Well, Unstoppable should be “SPEED on a train!”…

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Jake Gyllenhaal’s Nerdy Yearbook Pic

Jake Gyllenhaal’s Nerdy Yearbook Pic

From Useyourallusion2, here’s a geeky pic of Jake Gyllenhaal.

Other geeky celebs:

More yearbook celeb photos here!…

Stephen Sommers Back To Direct GI Joe Sequel

Stephen Sommers Back To Direct GI Joe Sequel

I’m glad that he’s coming back, the first GI Joe was entertaining as hell. Sure, it was campy, but so was the cartoon. There was a rumor that Stephen Sommers got canned after the first one got bad feedback from the test screenings. If they really want to get rid of somebody, get rid of Channing Tatum. Even for an intentional whacky film, his acting still sucked. Find a different Duke Hauser, and nobody would complain!

Another bonus for Paramount is that Joseph Gordon-Levitt will be back with a bigger role, and after the buzz around his action-sequences in …

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