“Pussycat” is a sexy, but violent short video of adorable characters.
More videos here.…
“Pussycat” is a sexy, but violent short video of adorable characters.
More videos here.…
Gunfights can make or break movie. If the gun battle scenes don’t have an emotion to a movie, I’ll stop caring. Just like fight scenes, battles with pistols and automatic rifles needs a good choreography so it can be done right. When there’s no style to the gunplay you get movies like Shoot Em Up. All play and no feeling behind it. If the filmmakers get it right, they’ll have a movie that ‘s dramatic and bad ass at the same time where you root for the characters and hope they make it out alive.
Here’s my top 10 gunfights of …
Ever since Phantom Menace came out, midnight screenings has been a common practice at big multiplexes for high profile movies. Last one I went to was for The Dark Knight and there were at least 1000 people in line, yes I know, I’m lagging on my midnight screenings. Dark Knight was shown in 7 sold out theatres. I enjoy midnight screenings because of the energy from the fans and you have some people dressed up as their favorite characters.
Meet Jordan and Calvin. They love to attend midnight screenings and don’t mind dressing up for the occassions. They’ve been doing it …
I came across this Hoth Lego series when I was browsing my favorite toy board, Spawn.com. Not only is the set fun but Vesa, the photographer, set everything up before the shoot. This can be really time consuming but the final product speaks for itself. Below is my interview with Vesa aka Avanaut on Flickr, as we discuss his love for Star Wars and the process behind the project:
NERDSociety (NS) : How did you come up with the idea of shooting Lego’s?
Vesa (V) : The Lego is just something among my kid’s toys. I do not have a …
The summer blockbuster season is in full gear, but I thought I would take time to highlight 10 little-seen gems that you can get right now off Netflix. You’ll save money and find some terrific films if you use my list to fill your queue.
Mysterious Skin– My favorite director (Gregg Araki) and his best movie ever. Mysterious Skin is about two boys linked together by a horrible childhood trauma. At turns graphic, disturbing, yet filled with beauty and hope it’s one of the best films of the decade. Joseph Gordon Leavitt (no longer that kid from 3rd Rock from …
The Los Angeles Times has posted a terrifying article about Warner Brothers mulling a remake of The Wizard of Oz. The remake could be based on one of two existing story ideas, each one worse than the one before it. Warner is reportedly inspired by the massive success of Timmy in Underland. My only two questions are: Will the formerly talented Timmy Burton direct and destroy my childhood in one massive swoop and who will Johnny play ? My guess is Depp will be The Scarecrow…..he can prance and overact and be “weird” and be called a genius by Emos and …
I just re-watched this 10-year old classic a couple of days back, and this movie was entertaining. The film is about a team of vampire hunters led by Jack Crow (played by the legendary James Woods). Crow is funded and trained by the Catholic church to hunt and kill as many vampires as they can. The story is pretty plain and simple. The team goes hunting, but along the way, something “unexpected” happens.
This is a classic Carpenter movie. It’s sarcastic and cheesy but good because it doesn’t try to be serious. The methods that the team uses to catch the …
Back in the summer of 93, a dinosaur movie called Jurassic Park came out. The dinosaurs were believable: they had weight, moved very organic, looked seamless with the real world. Rightfully so, the filmmakers bragged that they used CGI along with miniature models to create the dinosaurs. They said that 10 years into the future, the sky’s the limit: Creating creatures that are so realistic that you can’t tell the difference between real actors and CG characters.
Fast forward 17 years later, to 2010 and what do we get? Crappy ass CGI. Take for example, the remake of Wolfman with a …
Everybody is talking about the upcoming film, The Green Hornet. My interest for this film is very low, I haven’t even seen the trailer yet. But before there was Jay Chou, there was Bruce Lee. Here’s a black and white footage of his audition for the role as Kato.
Is this guy cocky or what? I love his attitude, let’s hope that Tony Jaa can do him justice!…
Our good friends at Disney just sent us these new images from Tron: Legacy
Click on the pictures for high res pics
Olivia Wilde and Garett Hedlund get intimate
Jeff Bridges still wanting the Iron Man suit
With visuals like this, this movie needs to be watched in IMAX
With Brad Bird (Incredibles) rewriting the script, this movie will be one of the biggest hits for the Holidays!
Tron: Legacy comes out December 17, 2010.…