DVD Pick of the Week!  The Great Happiness Space:  Tale of an Osaka Love Thief (2006)

DVD Pick of the Week! The Great Happiness Space: Tale of an Osaka Love Thief (2006)

GHS 300x183 DVD Pick of the Week!  The Great Happiness Space:  Tale of an Osaka Love Thief (2006) Jake Clennell’s documentary about male hosting in Japan follows Issei, the top-selling host at a popular Osaka bar called Rakkyo Café as he socializes with nightclub patrons who are willing to pay thousands a piece just to be in his sphere.  His carefully coiffed dyed hair and impeccable attire masks an emptiness which can only be found in a place like that, where money can buy love, at least for that one night.  And by love, of course, we’re talking about emotional support.

Every night at Rakkyo Café is a party.  Issei drinks so much that he worries about the state …

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Rooney Mara slated to star in The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo

Rooney Mara slated to star in The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo

rooney thumb Rooney Mara slated to star in The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo

rooney mara Rooney Mara slated to star in The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo

According to the Hollywood Reporter, newcomer Rooney Mara has been cast to play the bad-assed emo heroine Lisbeth Sander in the much-anticipated American remake of Stieg Larsson’s The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo. The original was filmed in Sweden and it looks as though the American version will be filmed there as well. Production is scheduled to begin shooting next month. The projected release date is December 21, 2011.

Rooney Mara, 25, who most recently appeared in A Nightmare on Elm Street, beat out contenders like Natalie Portman, Ellen Page and Anne Hathaway for the role. Daughter of …

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Blu-ray Review: Batman: Under The Red Hood (Animated)

Blu-ray Review: Batman: Under The Red Hood (Animated)

Batman Under the Red Hood Blu ray Review: Batman: Under The Red Hood (Animated)

Batman: Under the Red Hood is a brutal, thrilling new animated tale from the Batman universe. The animated movie is based on a graphic novel by Judd Winick (who also wrote the screenplay for the animated movie). The movie runs a swift 75 minutes without one minute wasted. The movie takes the controversial death of Jason Todd story to a new dimension. Todd was beaten to death by the deranged Joker after comic book readers voted to have him killed off. The blu-ray disc is a 2 disc set crammed with excellent extras that really enhance the movie.

Batman: Under the …

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Godfather Pepsi Commercial

Godfather Pepsi Commercial

brando godfather Godfather Pepsi Commercial

A vintage Pepsi commercial, a cute little kid turns into Marlon Brando from The Godfather, check it out!

Notice that the restaurant looks like the place where Michael Corleone committed his first task for the Family?

godfather Godfather Pepsi Commercial

Movie Review: Scott Pilgrim Vs The World

Movie Review: Scott Pilgrim Vs The World

Scott Pilgrim1 Movie Review: Scott Pilgrim Vs The World

Scott Pilgrim Vs The World is the movie I’ve been waiting forever for. It’s like the best videogame flick ever made, but it’s based on a series of graphic novels and not a videogame. The movie is brilliantly brought to life by director Edgar Wright. Wright previously made the very funny parody movies Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz. Scott Pilgrim is his best film yet. A hyperactive flick that moves like a bullet and features sharp acting and dialogue and even sharper ADD editing and jump cuts. The effects are also fun and the fight scenes and hipster music …

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Underrated Movie: Big Stan

Underrated Movie: Big Stan

big stan1 Underrated Movie: Big Stan

Big Stan is a movie about a weak con artist about to go to jail for ripping off old women. In the process, he learns that he needs to learn martial arts in order to keep himself from being loved by the inmates.

A surprise comedy that entertained till the end. Yes, the storyline is nothing to write home about. But, this is a good Schneider movie. He hasn’t done anything good since Deuce Begalow. The fight scenes are good and creative. Also, the master and now deceased, David Carradine, is funny. The acting is lazy and sarcastic, which I like …

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Interview with Isaac Florentine (Director of Undisputed 3)

Interview with Isaac Florentine (Director of Undisputed 3)

Isaac Florentine 13 Interview with Isaac Florentine (Director of Undisputed 3)

NERDSociety recently interviewed action director Isaac Florentine about his career and his latest flick, Undisputed 3. Undisputed 3 is easily the best direct to DVD movie in years and features some brutal, stylish fights, and solid storytelling. Undisputed 3 is currently available on DVD and Blu-Ray everywhere (I got my copy at Target).

NERDSociety (NS): Isaac, please tell our readers about yourself. How did you get started in directing ? What about directing action movies in particular appeals to you.

Isaac Florentine (IF): I grew up in Israel in Tel Aviv, a vibrant city. From a young age I …

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DVD Review: Undisputed 3: Redemption

DVD Review: Undisputed 3: Redemption

Undisputed 3 DVD Review: Undisputed 3: Redemption

Undisputed 3 is an action treat for fans of hardcore, bloody fighting flicks. It blows away the big budget Hollywood fighting flicks and everything else in its path of awesomeness. The movie is easily the best Undisputed of the series (though the second one was also very good), and features some of the best fights I’ve seen in a long time. The story also serves the action and holds your interest throughout. This is one awesome flick. It’s so macho that you’ll have to shower off the smell of brutality and old spice after 96 minutes or so of Undisputed action. …

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Things I Learned From Sony Tour!

Things I Learned From Sony Tour!

3055926728 6aa9271bc4 Things I Learned From Sony Tour!

Last Friday, I was able to secure tickets for the Sony backlot tour in Culver City. I’ve only been to Culver City several times before but there are two things I love about it:

1) The rich movie history.
2) Great lighting. The light is very soft and creates a dramatic effect. Maybe that’s why studios settled in the city.

Finding a parking spot was tough because all of the spaces said “Reserved”. I had to exit out of the lot and come back in and asked a security guard how the parking garage worked. It turned out I had to …

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DVD Review:  – Suicide Girls: Italian Villa

DVD Review: – Suicide Girls: Italian Villa

sg DVD Review:    Suicide Girls: Italian Villa

This is a good DVD that lives up to the Suicide Girls (SG) level of artistic quality. If you are not familiar with what the SGs are about, it’s about a group of artistic women posing naked for the camera. But, that’s not all, I will explain later. Warning to the readers that are afraid of naked women; this DVD has lots of them, and they will haunt you in your dreams.

The DVD is about a group of SG models doing what they do best; mess around, take pictures, talk about geeky stuff, and get naked all day long. …

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