Entertaining Films Based On Kids Books

Entertaining Films Based On Kids Books

narnia lion Entertaining Films Based On Kids Books

The recent announcement of plans to re-make  The Wizard of  Oz led me to consider other film versions of great fantasy kid flicks. Yes, Wizard is a  classic and the template for many other flicks. However, if you are a fan of the Baum books, you have to admit that it`s not actually true to the original tale anyway. A few of the many changes: the friendly farmhands have no place in the book,  Dorothy is held captive by the Witch for weeks, not days, and there are scary creatures like the tiger-esque Kalidahs. But the  MGM Oz movie is a …

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Trailer: Red Hill

Trailer: Red Hill

Red Hill poster Trailer: Red Hill

An interesting flick set in a small rural town of Australia. It’s a modern day Western movie, and stars True Blood’s Ryan Kwanten (Jason Stackhouse).

Realease Date: Nov. 5, 2010…

Walking Dead Will Premiere On Halloween Night

Walking Dead Will Premiere On Halloween Night

walking dead cropped Walking Dead Will Premiere On Halloween Night

The much anticipated tv show from AMC, Walking Dead,  will have a 90 minute premiere on Halloween night at 10PM.  The show is based off a comic with the same title published by Image comics and written by Robert Kirkman. 

Check out the trailer below:

Walking Dead really has potential to an awesome show.  With Frank Darabont producing (The Mist), it’ll be an emotional show mixed with action.  Darabont is known for mixing tragedy and drama to his projects. 

 The shots on the trailer also looks memorable.   Seeing the cop, Rick Grimes on a horse running away from an infested zombie …

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Star Wars XXX Parody In 3-D And New Parodies

Star Wars XXX Parody In 3-D And New Parodies

starwars Star Wars XXX Parody In 3 D And New Parodies

Vivid just informed us that Batman XXX Parody was such a success that they’ll be releasing more XXX parodies based on tv and movie shows.  The next porn parody will be shot in 3-D and it’ll be based off Star Wars.  I like how they’re following the Hollywood trend of using 3-D as a selling point, don’t know if that’s a good idea with porn though.  Vivid hasn’t announced the full cast yet but director, Axel Braun confirmed that Chewbacca will be in it and Lexington Steele will play Darth Vader.   Braun also said that it’ll be the highest …

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Weekend Movie Review:  Vampires Suck

Weekend Movie Review: Vampires Suck

vampires suck Weekend Movie Review:  Vampires Suck

Vampires Suck, brought to you by the mad geniuses behind such cinematic wonders as Disaster Movie, is a spoof of Twilight and New Moon combined. The jokes are mediocre with lots of pop culture references to public figures like Lady Gaga and the cast of Jersey Shore which will delight many teens in the crowd. The film plays up a lot of the silliness inherent in Stephanie Meyer’s originals like the way Bella was rolling around screaming in New Moon and the fact that Jacob is, after all, a dog.

movie vampires suck stills 965299505 300x200 Weekend Movie Review:  Vampires Suck

Okay so I’m not going to lie and say that I …

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Exclusive Photos: Avatar’s Sam Worthington Sighting

Exclusive Photos: Avatar’s Sam Worthington Sighting

sam worthington signed for avatar trilogy 7040810300 Exclusive Photos: Avatars Sam Worthington Sighting

Grace Lee, a fellow NERD, took these pictures at LAX!

Sam Worthington is known for his role in that small movie called Avatar, as well as Terminator 4, and Clash of the Titans!

Again, thanks to Grace for these cool pics!…

Weekend Movie Reviews: Piranha Edition

Weekend Movie Reviews: Piranha Edition

The big release for this weekend is the low budget Piranha 3-D and surprisingly getting great reviews. It’s at 82% on Rotten Tomatoes and Darkhorizons.com said “Loved it! Cheesy disgusting nerve-wracking fun! Boobs in 3D.” Sounds like a guilty pleasure movie!

Other movies being released this week includes:

Vampires Suck which is at 6%. Boston Globe wrote: “With Vampires Suck, the film is just as guilty as the vampires.” I’d say this movie is even worse that the Twilight movies. The third Twilight had mixed reviews.

Nanny McPhee Returns has an above average score of 77%. Washington Post described …

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John Carpenter’s The Ward

John Carpenter’s The Ward

carpenter John Carpenters The Ward

John Carpenter finally returns to direct The Ward. His last directorial gig was The Ghost of Mars, in 2001. A campy, but fun sci-fi thriller that stars Ice Cube.

GhostOfMars John Carpenters The Ward

The Ward is about a troubled young woman in the 60s locked up in a mental institution. At nights, she hears things, and isn’t sure what’s going on. She starts to investigate, but in the end, are there really ghosts, or is she just crazy?

Hmm, sounds a little like Shutter Island. But, knowing Carpenter, there probably are ghosts in the institution.

Here’s are 2 screenshots of the …

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My $2.55 Epic Haul At The 99¢ Store

My $2.55 Epic Haul At The 99¢ Store

So today, I went to the 99¢ store to kill some time.  As I was browsing the store, I passed by the book section and found this masterpiece:

4909057805 aacd815f2d o My $2.55 Epic Haul At The 99¢ Store

I’ve read mixed reviews about this book, some say it’s too egotistical and comedy while some say it’s a good autobiography.  I say ,I’ll at least be reading 5 pages of this book.  Now I can only wish the store was also selling Tito Ortiz’s book.

Just when I thought my fun was over, I saw a living legend on calendar:

4909655434 23cebfbee8 o My $2.55 Epic Haul At The 99¢ Store

2010 might be over in several months but having James Braddock on …

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Superheroes Are Bad Role Models Says Professor

Superheroes Are Bad Role Models Says Professor

blade wesley snipes Superheroes Are Bad Role Models Says Professor

Professor Sharon Lamb from the University of Massachusetts did a research on boys 4-18 and found out that kids want to be superheroes when they grow up.  She then blasted superheroes, saying that “Today’s superhero is too much like an action hero who participates in non-stop violence; he’s aggressive, sarcastic and rarely speaks to the virtue of doing good for humanity.”  She continues to say “When not in superhero costume, these men exploit women, flaunt bling and convey their manhood with high-powered guns.”  It’s obvious she’s talking about Tony Stark in Iron Man 2 and she hasn’t done enough research …

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