My Top-5 Best Movie Trailers

My Top-5 Best Movie Trailers

matrix My Top 5 Best Movie Trailers

Below are my list of memorable trailers. I’m not a big fan of all the films listed below, but it doesn’t change the fact that their trailers are awesome!

5) Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story – This trailer has a mythical feel, just like Bruce Lee himself. The movie was a bit campy, but the trailer was effective in summarizing Bruce Lee’s legacy

4) Matrix – Pretty boring at first, but when the music started playing, and Trinity flips against the wall, it was awesome!

3) Blackhawk Down (Teaser) – An epic Ridley Scott film. This was made after Gladiator. I …

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Monster Brawl:  Let’s get ready to grumble!

Monster Brawl: Let’s get ready to grumble!

monsterbrawlteaserart crop crop1 Monster Brawl:  Lets get ready to grumble!  Set in a make-shift wrestling ring in a graveyard, Monster Brawl is a mock-documentary about a fight club for monsters which is currently in production.  Some of the contenders will include zombies, werewolves, Frankenstein, and Dracula and the action will culminate in a blow-out match for Pay-Per-View.  Almost sounds surreal, right?  Frankenstein fighting Dracula is kinda like an old-skool version of Jason Voorhees vs. Freddy Krueger.

Cast list includes one of my favorite comedians from Kids in the Hall Dave Foley, Lance Henriksen (who played the android Bishop in Aliens), Wrestling manager the “Mouth of the South” Jimmy Hart, former …

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Daredevil Reboot:  Still in Development

Daredevil Reboot: Still in Development

daredevil Daredevil Reboot:  Still in Development

Deadline Hollywood reported previously that another Daredevil movie is in development and slated for a 2012 release. Instead of a sequel it is supposed to be a reboot with David Scarpa (The Day the Earth Stood Still) writing the script.  Apparently, 20th Century Fox and New Regency need to hurry up and put out another DD movie or the rights will revert back to the big monster Disney, who gobbled up Marvel last year.

So who will star in this latest attempt to bring one of Marvel’s most popular and controversial comic book romances to life?  Will there even be …

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Brad Pitt Starring In Red Dead Redemption Movie?

Brad Pitt Starring In Red Dead Redemption Movie?

The mega hit video game Red Dead Redemption might be in the works to come to the silver screen. is reporting that Brad Pitt is in talks to play the lead character, John Marston.  As most of you know, Red Dead Redemption is published by Rockstar, the same guys behind the GTA franchise.  I’m about halfway through Red Dead Redemption and I think some of the subplot could be worked into the movie.  I just hope the filmmakers won’t put the “matrix style” slo mo in the game and they will find a way to make Marston’s shooting style badass.  …

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Weekend Movie Review Roundup:  Exorcism and 3-D Again Edition

Weekend Movie Review Roundup: Exorcism and 3-D Again Edition

 last Exorcism poster Weekend Movie Review Roundup:  Exorcism and 3 D Again Edition

Summer movies are slowing down and this weekend is the best example for that.  Major releases this weekend includes The Last Exorcism, Takers and Avatar with more footage. 

The Last Exorcism is getting the best reviews from Rotten Tomatoes, at 69%.  The Eli Roth produced movie deals with a troubled priest who takes on an exorcism as his last duty.  Globe and Mail describes it as “A creepy, smartly written and very entertaining low-budget chiller.”

Takers is another movie with wide release but this one is getting bad reviews at 28%.  Takers seems like a new take on the action drama …

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2nd Disney Movie Hits $1 Billion

2nd Disney Movie Hits $1 Billion

TS3 Group Payoff v91.0Online 2nd Disney Movie Hits $1 Billion

First there was Alice In Wonderland, then came Toy Story 3.  Disney just informed us that Pixar’s latest flick will reach $1 billion today.  While Disney has had great success with two movies, they’re usual profit producer, Jerry Bruckheimer  failed to deliver this summer.  Bruckheimer’s 2 flicks, Prince Of Persia and Sorcerer’s Apprentice, performed poorly at the  box office. 

Here’s Disney’s official statement:

“Two weeks after becoming the highest-grossing animated film of all time, Disney*Pixar’s Toy Story 3 will cross the $1 billion mark at the global box office today, joining Alice in Wonderland as the second $1 billion film this …

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Blu Ray Review: Smallville: The Complete Ninth Season

Blu Ray Review: Smallville: The Complete Ninth Season

Smallville Season 9 cover Blu Ray Review: Smallville: The Complete Ninth Season
Release Date: September 7, 2010
MSRP: $69.98

The popular television series Smallville enters its tenth and final season in a few weeks when it finally returns to The CW every Friday at 8pm. Season nine was one of the series best seasons in years and the series looks spectacular on blu ray. The episodes are sharp and clear and the audio is excellent. Season nine saw the series change course as Clark Kent (played by the underrated Tom Welling) began wearing a prototype costume, start to develop feelings for Lois Lane, and generally take major steps towards becoming the hero he …

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Tom Cruise’s New Partner in Mission Impossible 4

Tom Cruise’s New Partner in Mission Impossible 4

jeremy renner Tom Cruises New Partner in Mission Impossible 4

Jeremy Renner, star of Hurt Locker, has been picked by Paramount to be Tom Cruise’s new sidekick in MI:4. Renner became well known after doing Hurt Locker, but I will always remember him as the cocky bad guy in SWAT, “F*ck you and SWAT!”

Deadline mentioned that the main reason for picking Jeremy Renner as a sidekick, is to have somebody in line to replace Tom Cruise, in case if Cruise ever wants to focus on just producing the series. Renner seems like a good choice, but I am not too excited about the director, Brad Bird

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Cool Stormtrooper Helmets

Cool Stormtrooper Helmets

These cool helmets are from the 501st TK Project, the group auctioned off some of the helmets and made over $50,000 for the Make A Wish Foundation charity club. Good job guys!!!

Thanks to Buzzfeed for these images.

enhanced buzz 11781 1280958853 34 Cool Stormtrooper Helmets

enhanced buzz 11946 1280958359 38 Cool Stormtrooper Helmets

enhanced buzz 10188 1280958538 35 Cool Stormtrooper Helmets

enhanced buzz 10672 1280958585 20 Cool Stormtrooper Helmets

enhanced buzz 11852 1280958806 33 Cool Stormtrooper Helmets

enhanced buzz 11779 1280958814 36 Cool Stormtrooper Helmets

Want to see how much these bad boys made? Check it out here!…

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Scott Pilgrim Vs. The Matrix Funny And Cool Trailer

Scott Pilgrim Vs. The Matrix Funny And Cool Trailer

scott pilgrim Scott Pilgrim Vs. The Matrix Funny And Cool Trailer

AEmovieguy from youtube created this funny mashup trailer for Scott Pilgrim and Matrix.  The editing style is the same as Scott Pilgrim but the scenes are from Matrix.  It must have taken him a long time to edit this video but the final product is worth it!

Here’s AEmoviguy’s description of the video:

Once upon a time, while serving as battery fodder for machines who’ve imprisoned the human race to a cyber reality, Scott Neo Pilgrim met his dreamgirl, Ramona Trinity Flowers, at a Canadian collegian party for 30-year-old drug and prostitution ringers. Upon being freed from The Matrix, Pilgrim seeks …

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