Turning TV Cartoons Into Live Action Movies.

Turning TV Cartoons Into Live Action Movies.

I’m sure that I, like a lot of people have found a good amount of movies that have come from being TV shows. Some of the current favorites of the 80’s/90’s genre are Transformers and G.I. Joe. The two cartoon/comic book properties spent years as popular animations which had countless viewers sitting in front of the television waiting to see the adventures of their favorite heroes and villains.

With numerical figures, ticket sales and crowds being the way to gauge if any of these cartoons brought to life in live action movies were any good, they are not always accurate. Waiting …

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Shirt Review: Retro Outlaw

Shirt Review: Retro Outlaw

retro outlaw shirt1 Shirt Review: Retro Outlaw

There’s a lot of nerdy shirts out there but Retro Outlaw’s unique style caught my attention.  The vintage design, mininal colors and mashup of iconic images make the brand stand out from other companies.  I wasn’t sure what size to go with because it was my first time getting shirts from them.  I decided to go with one small and one medium.   Just to give you an idea, I’m 5’7′ and 135 lbs and the small shirt was too tight for me.  The medium was perfect.

For the small shirt, I got a mashup of Pulp Fiction and Planet Of The …

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Tarantino Accused of Favoritism

Tarantino Accused of Favoritism

01 Quentin Tarantino Tarantino Accused of Favoritism

The Italian press is grilling Venice jury president Quentin Tarantino over two recent prizes the jury awarded to friends of his.  In May of 2010, QT took the helm at the Venice Film Festival which reviews films and awards prizes like the “Golden Lion,” one of the most coveted awards in the industry.   According to Deadline London, the two recipients in question are Tarantino’s mentor Monte Hellman, who was given a special lifetime achievement award and Sofia Coppola (said to be QT’s ex-gf) for her movie Somewhere, which stars Michelle Monaghan, Benicio del Toro and Stephen Dorff.

London’s Guardian reviewed …

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Sexy Geek Girls Anthem Mocks Katy Perry

Sexy Geek Girls Anthem Mocks Katy Perry

cosplay 1 Sexy Geek Girls Anthem Mocks Katy Perry

From Team Unicorn:

Geek girls are like unicorns: technically they don’t exist – except in this awesome musical parody by Team Unicorn!

Starring Michele Boyd, Clare Grant, Milynn Sarley and Rileah Vanderbilt with extra geek cred for appearances by Seth Green, Battlestar Galactica’s Katee Sackhoff and Stan “The man” Lee, it’s a love letter to the things geek girls cherish the most. It was written by geek girls, produced by geek girls and performed by geek girls.

The video is entertaining but the best part was when Seth Green showed up.  He took over the set!,Go Robot Chicken!…

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Harry Potter And Deathly Hallows TV Spot

Harry Potter And Deathly Hallows TV Spot

HP7 DOM Tsr1Sht IMAXDA790722 Harry Potter And Deathly Hallows TV Spot

Warner Brothers just released the first tv spot for Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Part 1. 

Here’s the trailer in HD

The movie comes out November 19, 2010.  Let’s just hope this movie will be far more interesting than the uneventful Half-Blooded Prince.…

SAW 3D Trailer

SAW 3D Trailer

saw 3d poster slice SAW 3D Trailer

Besides the cool music, I’m not a big fan of the Saw Franchise.  There’s plot holes that ruins the “surprise endings” but year after year, Lionsgate keeps making it. For this year, saw will be in 3-D and this trailer looks like a damn amusement park ride.  

For a ride, this would be cool.  But to have a trailer that makes people think it’s that crazy is misleading.  I wonder how many teenagers wll complain to the theater that they didn’t experience what was in the trailer.…

Fan Made Star Wars Animation

Fan Made Star Wars Animation

starwars banner Fan Made Star Wars Animation

The facial expressions look a bit weird, but this is a great fan-made video.

This is more entertaining than Episodes I, II, and III combined. Good job to whoever made this!…

Weekend Movie Review Roundup: Zombie and Wrestling Edition

Weekend Movie Review Roundup: Zombie and Wrestling Edition

resident evil afterlife 3d banner1 thumb Weekend Movie Review Roundup: Zombie and Wrestling Edition

This weekend should be slow with students back in school and no high profile movies coming out.  The biggest movie release this weekend is the tired but profitable, Resident Evil: Afterlife.  There’s also a movie starring John Cena coming out this weekend but it’d be lucky if it made more than $5 million.

Let’s take a look at the reviews:

Resident Evil: Afterlife only has 4 reviews on Rotten Tomatoes and they’re all negative.  With the small amount of review, this means the movie is really bad and the studio doesn’t want negative publicity.  The movie is in 3-D but who …

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Skull Cake Anyone?

Skull Cake Anyone?

From notmartha, this is a pretty cool looking cake, it’s nothing pretty or colorful, but it’s definitely different.

skull cake Skull Cake Anyone?
Doesn’t this remind you of Terminator?

skull cake2 Skull Cake Anyone?

skull cake3 Skull Cake Anyone?

To make it look creepier, I would actually add Spaghetti strings coming out from the eye sockets. You can get the pan at Amazon.…

Movie Review: Centurion

Movie Review: Centurion

Centurion 1 Movie Review: Centurion

Neil Marshall is a B-movie expert who has quite the cult following after directing the horror hits Dog Soldiers and The Descent. His last movie was a fun, trashy ode to The Road Warrior called Doomsday and he follows it up with a hack and slash classic called Centurion. Centurion is a gritty, gorgeously mounted action picture about a group of Roman soldiers being hunted by a tribe of nasty Picts led by a vengeful, mute warrior woman. The grimy gore meshes seamlessly with the striking and bleak cinematography of a harsh and unforgiving landscape. The excellent and charismatic Michael Fassbender …

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