Human Torch’s Heartwarming Story

Human Torch’s Heartwarming Story

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Chris Evans aka Human Torch was the only good thing about the Fantastic Four movies and it seems like he’s also a nice guy.  A sick kid in UK is a big Human Torch fan and he made a drawing and wanted to give it to Chris Evans at the Captain America set.  Here’s the full story courtesy of

“My little boy David loves watching the Fantastic Four films, he especially loves Chris Evans and spends a lot of time playing at being Johnny Storm. I have to play the baddie and he defeats me. He’s got his walls …

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Despicable Me DVD Release Date – Worth Buying?

Despicable Me DVD Release Date – Worth Buying?

despicable me Despicable Me DVD Release Date   Worth Buying?

CGI film Despicable Me will be officially released on Dc. 14th. Yes, that`s something of a wait, but it sounds like it will be worth it. You can get it in several versions:  a DVD double-pack, 3-disc blu-ray/DVD combo/digital copy combo, or the 4-disc blu-ray in 3D/blu-ray/DVD/ digital copy pack.

All of the packages are loaded with special features, including director commentary, a section all about the voice talent {Steve Carell, Julie Andrews, Russell Brand, amomg others} and three “mini-movies” starring the unique potato-like Minion characters.  The packs with Blu-ray discs have even more goodies.  I`m intrigued by the Minion Dominion …

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Movie Review: The Social Network

Movie Review: The Social Network

The Social Network Movie Review: The Social Network

The saga of the creation of Facebook turns into a riveting thriller via director David Fincher. The Social Network contains a sharp screenplay by Aaron Sorkin with rapid-fire, smart dialogue, amazingly good acting, and stylish direction courtesy of David Fincher. Fincher tones down his MTV-style tricks of his Seven days while still adding gobs of style while Trent Reznor’s electronic score meshes perfectly to a post-modern film where revenge can be played out in cyberspace. I’m still not sold that facebook is such a great invention. I use facebook every day but sometimes wonder what our lives would be without it, …

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Weekend Movie Review Roundup: Social Sucker Edition

Weekend Movie Review Roundup: Social Sucker Edition

LetMeIn Poster1 Weekend Movie Review Roundup: Social Sucker Edition

It looks like a fun weekend for movie fans because there’s a movie for everybody: social commentary about Facebook, a remake vampire drama and a martial arts flick.  All three are getting positive reviews.  Let’s take a closer look at the movies opening this weekend.

Directed by David Fincher (Zodiac, Benjamin Button), The Social Network is about struggle and rise of Facebook creator Mark Zuckerberg.  The movie is getting overwhelmingly positive reviews at 98% on Rotten TomatoesEast Bay Express commented “The Social Network is a bland title for such a thrilling, ballsy, intelligent movie.”  I’ll definitely watch this movie …

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Halloween Movie Recommendation: Carrie

Halloween Movie Recommendation: Carrie

carrie Halloween Movie Recommendation: Carrie

Yes, I mean the original 1976 version directed by Brian DePalma. I’ve never seen Carrie until now, I’ve only seen the famous poster of a bloodsoaked teenager on prom night. Based on the poster, I thought that Carrie is just another straight horror film. I was wrong, Carrie is entertaining in more ways than one. Sure, it’s creepy, but it also has a point, it has a message, and it delivers.

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The premise is that a teenage girl raised by an overprotective mother came into realization that she wants to be normal. She is bullied in school, and eventually realizes that …

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Uber Guide To Halloween Horror Nights 2010

Uber Guide To Halloween Horror Nights 2010

Freak Scarezone Uber Guide To Halloween Horror Nights 2010

Halloween Horror Nights is back at Universal Studios and they’re going back to the classic horror icons for the mazes.  My favorite show, Bill & Ted’s Excellent Halloween Adventure, has a new twist and I actually enjoyed it more than last year’s.

Before we start with the review, here’s some advice so you can have a great experience at Universal Studios:

1)  Bring water and don’t forget to drink! I brought water to the park but I forgot to drink it because I was so focused on the mazes.  So after 2 hours, I was already dehydrated.  Make sure to drink …

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iRobot Meets Bollywood

iRobot Meets Bollywood

press bg1 iRobot Meets Bollywood

Check out the trailer for the most expensive Bollywood movie ever, Endhiran (which means Robot).  It looks like RoboCop mixed with iRobot and of course, some singing.  The movie involved several big Hollywood names including fight choreographer, Yuen Woo Ping, special effects company ILM and Stan Winston Studio (Jurassic Park, Predator).

Here are more facts for Endhiran:

• Costliest Indian film ever made, at Rs 150 crore = 32.88 Million

• 40 per cent of the budget said to be spent on special effects alone.

• First Indian film for Mary E. Vogt, the costume designer for the Men in Black …

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Superman/Batman Apocalypse LA Premiere

Superman/Batman Apocalypse LA Premiere

 superman apocalypse Superman/Batman Apocalypse LA Premiere

Last Tuesday, NERDSociety attended the LA screening for Superman/Batman: Apocalypse.  Before the screening, they gave us an opportunity to interview the cast and crew of the movie including Bruce Timm, Lauren Montgomery and Superman himself, Tim Daly

Below is our interview regarding their experience with the movie:

Thanks to Alfonso Marquez and Nicole Davis for the report

If you haven’t read the review for the movie yet, make sure to check it out here.

You can purchase the movie below:

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Halloween Movie Recommendation: Dead Snow

Halloween Movie Recommendation: Dead Snow

dead snow01 Halloween Movie Recommendation: Dead Snow

Do you like the idea of Nazi Zombies in the snow? Then, you must check out Dead Snow. The storyline? Same as other horror flicks, a group of friends decide to camp in  middle of nowhere, they stay in a cabin surrounded by white snow, and Zombies.

dead snow03 Halloween Movie Recommendation: Dead Snow

dead snow02 Halloween Movie Recommendation: Dead Snow

This is a Norwegian flick, and the acting is pretty bad. But, bad acting is compensated by some funny moments and Nazi Zombies getting bashed by hammers, and chopped by saws. I like how there’s  nerd in the group who constantly talks about movies. This is just another Zombie movie, but it works because …

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Amazing Tron: Legacy Concept Art

Amazing Tron: Legacy Concept Art

Here’s some kick ass concept art that Disney sent us for Tron: Legacy:

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Tron: Legacy comes out December 17th, 2010. 

You can see more of Tron’s artwork through this book:

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