Gosh! Animated Napoleon Dynamite Coming To Fox

Gosh! Animated Napoleon Dynamite Coming To Fox

napdynamite1 Gosh! Animated Napoleon Dynamite Coming To Fox

Fox has picked up the first 6 animated episodes of the Napoleon Dynamite.   The cast from the movie will voice the show as it follows the misadventures of an awkward high school teenager and his quirky friends as they struggle to navigate life in rural Idaho. No premiere date has been announced yet but based on the image above, this can be funny.  Uncle Rico can have his football adventures and hopefully we’ll see more of Rex Kwon Do’s awesome pants.…

Bumblebee Smashes Real Cop Car

Bumblebee Smashes Real Cop Car

8 Bumblebee Smashes Real Cop Car

Michael Bay and company are shooting in Washington D.C. for Transformers 3 when Bumblebee crashed into a real cop SUV.   They were shooting a chase scene when the real cop responded to an emergency.  The cop didn’t know there was a movie shoot and ran through the location.  Thankfully none of the drivers were hurt.

The funny thing about this accident is that the crew didn’t really care about the drivers.  You can see them frantically covering up Bumblebee before the crowd could take good pictures of it.…

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Blu-ray Review: Last of the Mohicans

Blu-ray Review: Last of the Mohicans

last of the mohicans 1024x1024 Blu ray Review: Last of the Mohicans

Last of the Mohicans, one of my favorite movies of all time finally came out in Blu-ray, and guess what? It’s disappointing. I’m talking about the video and audio quality of course. I remember watching this film in the theatres, and marveled the scenery, and the epic action scenes between the Indians and the red coats. I probably saw the film at least three times when it was released. Then came the VHS release, followed by the non-anamorphic DVD, and finally, the Blu-ray.

Video – This is a terrible transfer by 20th Century Fox. The picture is mostly too dark, …

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DVD Review: Two and a Half Men Season 7

DVD Review: Two and a Half Men Season 7

two half men DVD Review: Two and a Half Men Season 7

Two and a Half Men is one of TV’s biggest shows. But, one has to wonder how long the charade will last. Here we are in the 7th Season of the very funny and witty show. The formula doesn’t seem much, we have the womanizing drunk in Charlie, living with his goofy brother Alan, and Alan’s not so bright son. The three characters might seem one-dimensional, but when you mix them together, everybody gets a good laugh.

Season 7 is not much different than the previous seasons. This is good and bad at the same time. Good because the show is …

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Your Highness Movie News from NYCC

Your Highness Movie News from NYCC

2387 D036 00352RV2 550x366 Your Highness Movie News from NYCC

The latest project from Danny McBride, the pyrotechnics guy from Tropic Thunder, is a medieval period comedy called Your Highness (pun intended) starring James Franco, Justin Theroux, Zooey Deschanel and Natalie Portman.  Here is the synopsis according to IMDB.com:  “A fantasy movie about an arrogant, lazy prince and his more heroic brother who must complete a quest in order to save their father’s kingdom.”   Some of the dialogue I’ve read sounds pretty crass and makes the project seem like something Mel Brooks might do today if he were still making his signature spoofs.  Someone present at an early screening twittered …

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Green Lantern Trailer with Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Green Lantern Trailer with Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

normal green lantern Green Lantern Trailer with Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

At the New York Comic-Con yesterday, DC writer Geoff Johns confirmed that the Green Lantern trailer will appear with Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part I, which is set to open on November 19.  The recent announcement that this first installment of the final Harry Potter will not be shown in 3D probably sent some heads spinning over at Warner Brothers since Green Lantern is in 3D.  It looks like we will just have to suffer through a 2D version of the trailer unless  they also decide to show it along with their only 3D movie opening later this year …

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Killer Croc Might Be In Batman 3

Killer Croc Might Be In Batman 3

Comingsoon.net has reported that the third untitled Batman movie will begin shooting in New Orleans in April.  WB’s reason for the location shoot is the tax break they get  at the Big Easy.  The internet heard about the news and they’re speculating that the main reason is for Killer Croc.  In the comics, Killer Croc is a crocodile wrestler turned criminal.  Most readers know him as a character that really looks like a crocodile with dark green scaly skin and a tale.  But in the graphic novel, Joker, written by Brian Azzarello and artist Lee Bermejo, Croc is portrayed as a …

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Weekend Movie Review Roundup: Romantic Horse Edition

Weekend Movie Review Roundup: Romantic Horse Edition

secretariat1 Weekend Movie Review Roundup: Romantic Horse Edition
Last weekend was great at the movie theatres but this time around, it’s pretty dull.  There’s three major releases, one is about a horse that stars a cougar in Diane Lane.  The other is a love story from a Grey’s Anatomy star.  The last movie comes from Horror legend, Wes Craven.  Let’s see how these movies are doing.

Rottentomatoes.com has given Secretariat a 66% rating.  I’m surprised the rating is this high because it seems like a Sea Biscuit knockoff.  Indie Movies Online liked the movie even with the flaws stating “Even with the wooden acting and a horsepucky script that …

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Trailer – Blue Valentine (NC-17)

Trailer – Blue Valentine (NC-17)

blue valentine1 Trailer – Blue Valentine (NC 17)


This looks like a good film, I’m digging the cinematography and the acting. The trailer above doesn’t feel like an NC-17 movie, does it? Actually, it looks like a realistic portrayal of how relationships are. But, Deadline writes:

“The rating was given for a scene in which the characters played by Gosling and Williams try to save their crumbling marriage by spending a night away in a hotel. They get drunk and their problems intensify when he wants to have sex and she doesn’t, but will to get him off her back. That hurts his pride and the result is …

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No Justice League Movie

No Justice League Movie

justice league No Justice League Movie

From Comicbookmovie, Geoff Johns confirmed in a panel at the NY Comic-con that there will be no Justice League movie. Here’s what he had to say:

“I’m going to speak frankly: I think our characters are bigger than Marvel’s.” He said that he’d rather spend time building each character on his or her own rather than “smashing them together.”

This is good news for me, as I never thought that the Avengers movie will be any good. Iron-Man 2 was disappointing enough as is, and now they think they can throw in 100 characters together and actually come up …

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