Weekend Movie Review Roundup: Trains and UFO Edition

Weekend Movie Review Roundup: Trains and UFO Edition

unstoppable Weekend Movie Review Roundup: Trains and UFO Edition

We’re in the second week of November and I totally forgot that Denzel Washington’s new movie is released today.  Another UFO movie is released, while Harrison Ford is in a rom-com.  Let’s see if any of them are worth watching.

Denzel is working with director Tony Scott again for another train movie, Unstoppable.  It’s about a runaway train carrying hazadous materials that needs to be stopped before it crashes into a city.  The movie also stars Chris Pine (Star Trek), and I thought this was coming out in December.  I’m a big Tony Scott fan so I’ll be watching it …

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Summer Wars Anime Shoots for Oscar Nom

Summer Wars Anime Shoots for Oscar Nom

summer wars005 Summer Wars Anime Shoots for Oscar Nom

Starting on December 10, the AMC Covina in Southern California will begin a 7 day run of Madhouse’s Summer Wars, a highly rated anime which was first released in Japan in August of last year. Just recently, the Academy changed their rules on Oscar submissions. A foreign film released in another country starting in 2009 may be eligible for nomination if the film runs in a Los Angeles theater for one week. So starting December 10th, lucky Southern Californians will get the chance to see this film on the big screen. The English-dub version of the anime will premier in New …

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Favreau To Direct Disney Attraction Movie

Favreau To Direct Disney Attraction Movie

jon favreau iron man movie image thumb Favreau To Direct Disney Attraction Movie

First there was Night at the Museum, then there’s Kevin James’  The Zoo, now Disney wants The Magic Kingdom to come alive.  John Favreau (Iron Man) has been attached to the project.  The premise of the story will be the same as Night Of The Museum, only it will be based on a Disney theme park attraction.  Talk about smart marketing, it kills 2 birds with 1 stone!  If the movie becomes a hit, more people will visit their theme parks and it’s free advertisement for them.

The Smithsonian Museum, which was the setting for Night At The Museum 2  reported

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Blubberella Trailer For Uwe Boll’s New Movie

Blubberella Trailer For Uwe Boll’s New Movie

blubberella Blubberella Trailer For Uwe Bolls New Movie

Uwe Boll, the director who beat up movie critics in challenged boxing matches, is back with another movie, Blubberella.  The movie is about an overweight female superhero during World War 2 Germany.  Just like his other movies, this one will tank at the box office and have a cult following once it’s released on video.  No specific date has been announced for the release but it’s coming out sometime in 2011.…

Ian McKellen Stand-up Comedy

Ian McKellen Stand-up Comedy

lotr Gandalf Ian McKellen Stand up Comedy

Via Chud, Ian McKellen reenacts a popular scene in Lord of the Rings. Also, he hasn’t confirmed his involvement with the Hobbit, but hasn’t denied it either. Maybe, they’re still negotiating.…

Skatoosh! Kung Fu Panda 2 Trailer & Poster

Skatoosh! Kung Fu Panda 2 Trailer & Poster

Kung Fu Panda was entertaininga and a big success so it’s no surprise that Dreamworks approved a sequel.  Below is the trailer:

The story has Po and the Furious Five traveling across China to defeat a villain that is using a secret weapon to take over the land. Kung Fu Panda 2 comes out in May 2011.

LatinoReview has released the poster:

KFP2 teaser Skatoosh! Kung Fu Panda 2 Trailer & Poster

Rad Review: Rodimus Prime!

Rad Review: Rodimus Prime!

In 1986 the Transformers movie came out to an awesome story, great new characters and the tear-filled eyes of almost every child who watched.

With the death of Optimus Prime at the hands of Megatron a new leader for a new generation had to be born to not only lead the heroic Autobots against the evil Decepticons but also to sell the new line of toys to the masses.

Rodimus Prime was this bot and he was “stepped on” from the time he installed the Autobot Matrix of Leadership into his crankcase.

Originally Hot Rod–Autobot Cavalier and young upstart in …

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Trailer: Zookeeper With Kevin James

Trailer: Zookeeper With Kevin James

Zookeeper Movie Poster Trailer: Zookeeper With Kevin James


I really enjoyed Kevin James in his TV show, King of Queens, and he was a crack-up in Hitch. But, is it just me or does Zookeeper feel exactly like The Night at the Museum? My first impression, a Big Knockoff!…

Tron Store To Open In Culver City

Tron Store To Open In Culver City

tron store culver city Tron Store To Open In Culver City

Attention Tron fans ( I”m talking to you Asriel) , Disney is opening a Tron: Legacy store in the hip city of Culver City.  It will be opened for 6 weeks, from November 19th – December 23rd.  This will be heaven for fans of Sam Flynn as it will have exclusive items including shirts, boots, high heels (for the girls, or you’re into that stuff) , iPod docks and much more.

Store info:
8910 Washington Blvd
Culver City, CA
10 am – 6 pm, everyday

Check out slashfilm for more product pics from the store.…

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Weekend Movie Review Roundup: Blue CG and Bloody Roat Trip Edition

Weekend Movie Review Roundup: Blue CG and Bloody Roat Trip Edition

127hours Weekend Movie Review Roundup: Blue CG and Bloody Roat Trip Edition

This weekend’s release  includes  a CG movie  along with a flick from the director of Slumdog Millionaire.  Robert Downey Jr. is also  in a comedy movie. from the director of Hangover.  Let’s take a look at the reviews.

Will Ferrell voices the blue likeable villain in Megamind.  It’s a 3D CG movie by Dreamworks and it will probably be #1 this weekend.  It’s getting a 67% rating at Rottentomatoes.  Huffington Post describes it as”….a blast. Take your kids. Stay with them. There are plenty of laughs for everyone. Bring your asprin for the 3D headache.”  It seems like the …

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