NSFW Trailer: Your Highness

NSFW Trailer: Your Highness

From the director of Pineapple Express, comes a sarcastic story of two brothers, one brave (James Franco) and the other one….lazy (Danny McBride).


World’s Biggest Harry Potter Fan Is A Bit Creepy

World’s Biggest Harry Potter Fan Is A Bit Creepy

Here’s a vid of a Harry Potter fan that he submitted for Moviefone’s contest.  It starts out innocent enough, just a hardcore fan showing off his collection.  But as the video progresses, I started to realize that Harry Potter is this guy’s life and nothing else….…

Blu-Ray Review:  Ichi (2008)

Blu-Ray Review: Ichi (2008)


ichi 2008 jap cielo img 218510 Blu Ray Review:  Ichi (2008)

Following the tradition of the Zatoichi: Blind Swordsman series, Ichi flips the story by centering around a blind swordswoman.  Haruka Ayase plays Ichi, a very unobtrusive, wandering goze.  The goze were blind musicians who played a stringed instrument called the samisen and offered live performances in exchange for room and board.  Her sword is hidden in her walking stick and most of the brutal jerkwads she meets up with have no idea who they’re messing with. Ichi is also a very talented and unusual swordfighter.  Her biggest rival is the cartoonish yakuza Banki-to (probably the worst part of the …

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Vampire Trailer: My Sucky Teen Romance

Vampire Trailer: My Sucky Teen Romance

sucky Vampire Trailer: My Sucky Teen Romance

Yes, it’s another Vampire flick. But this one seems a little different. What if Vampires actually lived in our culture right now where Vampire films are very popular. The real Vampires can join the Nerd cons out there and fit in with the cosplayers.


Director, Emily Hagins, is only 18-years old, but this is apparently her 4th featured film. She directed her first film when she was 12.…

$5 Blu-Ray and $29 Video Games at Wal-Mart on Black Friday

$5 Blu-Ray and $29 Video Games at Wal-Mart on Black Friday

Just when I was bummed that Target and Best Buy had mediocre deals for Black Friday, Wal-Mart’s ad was leaked earlier today and I’m excited about it.  They have the best deals so far, with more than 60 Blu-Ray titles for $5 and 30 more at $10.  The $5 Blu-Ray prices are insane because their DVD counterparts is also the same price. Click on the pics for high res version. 

walmart page 10 lo $5 Blu Ray and $29 Video Games at Wal Mart on Black Friday 

With prices like these, it becomes more about greed.  I’ll probably buy Batman Begins for $5 but how many times am I going to watch it?  Probably once every 2 years …

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Pirates Of The Caribbean: Stranger Tides Poster

Pirates Of The Caribbean: Stranger Tides Poster

Here’s the first poster for Johnny Depp’s 4th POTC movie, Stranger Tides.  Looks similar to the previous teaser posters, only this time, it’s a metallic skull.  The movie comes out May 20th, 2011.

pirates caribbean stranger tides teaser movie poster 404x600 Pirates Of The Caribbean: Stranger Tides Poster

Movie Review: Unstoppable

Movie Review: Unstoppable

Unstoppable Poster 2 Movie Review: Unstoppable

Unstoppable has a silly but sturdy action movie premise that reminded me a bit of Speed. A runaway train (carrying toxic chemicals, no less) is racing towards small towns in Pennsylvania and it’s up to two railroad workers to stop it. One is a hardened veteran (played with his usual charismatic cool by Denzel Washington), the other is an entitled, brash rookie (well-played by Chris Pine from the new Star Trek reboot). The two men must battle against their own differences, an evil right-wing corporation that could care less about human life (there’s no other kind these days, it seems), and …

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Batman XXX Director Sues Downloaders

Batman XXX Director Sues Downloaders

Batmanparody Batman XXX Director Sues Downloaders

Axel Braun, the writer/director of Batman XXX, A Porn Parody, has filed a copyright lawsuit in U.S. District Court of West Virginia, alleging that 7,098 online infringers either downloaded, uploaded or shared his pornographic homage to the comic series illegally. With actors’ names like James Deen and Dale DaBone, it’s kinda hard to take a film like this seriously. What director Axel Braun is taking seriously is the amount of money he’s losing out on by people accessing his movie for free after the DVD was released in May of this year.

How do they know who all these …

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First Green Lantern Footage Is Crap

First Green Lantern Footage Is Crap

Here’s the first footage from Green Lantern, starring Ryan Reynolds as Hal Jordan.

I’m really disappointed with the footage. First of all there’s too much crappy CG.  I also don’t like the comedic tone of the movie, I always envisioned Green Lantern as a serious super hero, not campy.…

Battle: Los Angeles Trailers Looks Black Hawk Down-ish

Battle: Los Angeles Trailers Looks Black Hawk Down-ish

Black Hawk Down is my favorite movie of all time so I was really excited when I saw the teaser for Battle: Los Angeles.  The shots and action scenes look similar to Black Hawk Down.  Some parts has some fake looking CG but overall it looks great.


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