New Trailer: Green Hornet

New Trailer: Green Hornet


This really looks bad all around. Bad casting, and corny lines. And, what is Cameron Diaz doing in this film? Seth Rogen looks awkward as the Green Hornet, and Jay Chou is trying too hard to be the cool sidekick. He’s no Bruce Lee that’s for sure! I see failure written all over this film.…

Batman: The Dark Knight Rises To Shoot 2011

Batman: The Dark Knight Rises To Shoot 2011

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Empire confirmed through Michael Caine (Alfred) that the next Batman film will start production next year. They will start filming in May, and finish by the end of the year. So, release date could be December 2011 or will probably be Summer of 2012.

Also, the cinematographer said that they will not be filming in New Orleans. If true, this will more likely put all the Killer Croc rumors to rest.…

Weekend Movie Review Roundup:  Running Wand Edition

Weekend Movie Review Roundup: Running Wand Edition

HP7A TR2 051 Weekend Movie Review Roundup:  Running Wand Edition

This week will be huge at the box office with a major franchise closing in on its final movie while  Russell Crowe stars in another political thriller.  Let’s take a look at the reviews.

Harry Potter is about to end  and Warner Brothers is breaking the final book into two movies.  The first part of Deathly Hallows is being released today and it’s getting outstanding reviews.  Rottentomatoes has it at 77%.  Deathly Hallows focuses more on the characters and less on the magical world.  What’s On TV explains the tone of the movie, “Strip away the fantasy elements and you could …

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Blu-ray Review: Avatar Extended Collector’s Edition

Blu-ray Review: Avatar Extended Collector’s Edition

Avatar Extended Collectors Edition artwork2 Blu ray Review: Avatar Extended Collectors Edition 

With Avatar’s theatrical cut, you got a movie with great CG and a predictable story.  It reminded me too much of Last Samurai, including the love story and side characters.   While it was entertaining, I was disappointed with it because director James Cameron can do so much better.  This is the man that made you root for a robot in Terminator 2 for crying out loud. A ROBOT!   Cameron admitted that some scenes were cut from the theatrical release for pacing reasons and it would be available on Blu-Ray.  Well that time has come and 20th Century Fox released the extended …

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Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Selling Out

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Selling Out

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows best movies ever daniel radcliffe Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Selling Out

It’s happening already and the movie hasn’t even opened yet.  Harry Potter is selling out across the country.  Deadline Hollywood reports that Fandango has sold out over 2000 show times, a good chunk of which went out over mobile apps.  Movie reports similar activity, with over 1,900 show times sold out and climbing. Potter sales have been accounting for over 90% of overall ticket sales on both websites for over a week. 

Warner Bros. lined up a record 239 IMAX theaters to screen Potter, and they have almost all sold out as well so they’re adding a 3AM show after …

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Cowboys And Aliens Trailer And Photos

Cowboys And Aliens Trailer And Photos

Yeeehaw! Here’s the trailer for Jon Favreau’s (Iron-Man) next big blockbuster, Cowboys and Aliens. The film stars Daniel Craig, Sam Rockwell, Olivia Wilde, and Harrison Ford.


Here are some official photos:

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Official Green Lantern Trailer Is Slightly Better

Official Green Lantern Trailer Is Slightly Better

The official trailer for Green Lantern is better than the ET footage because it doesn’t look as campy. But the movie still has the same vibe as Fantastic Four where the bad guys won’t be taken seriously and Hal Jordan won’t be in real danger.  The movie comes out June 17, 2011.…

Tron Legacy Video Clip: Sirens Dress Sam

Tron Legacy Video Clip: Sirens Dress Sam

The title says it all.

The CG looks very cool, but I’m still not too excited about the film, are you?…

Trailer: Red Riding Hood

Trailer: Red Riding Hood

It looks visually appealing, but the acting and the lines seems corny. It also reminds me of Tim Burton’s Sleepy Hallow, but campier.


Blu-ray Ultimate Collector’s Edition Review: Elf

Blu-ray Ultimate Collector’s Edition Review: Elf

elf collectors Blu ray Ultimate Collectors Edition Review: Elf

Elf (directed by Jon Favreau) is a story about a human named Buddy (Will Farrell) raised by Elves. He decides to look for his father (James Caan), but is disappointed when his father turns out to be a total workaholic. Along the way, Buddy meets some interesting people including the fake Santa played by Artie Lange, and an “elf” at his father’s office meeting. This is a Christmas movie, and has something for both adults and kids, but more-so for the adults.

Video – The video quality is good, actually it’s better than I expected since it’s a comedy. For …

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