The Best Movies of 2010 (So Far)

The Best Movies of 2010 (So Far)

Scott Pilgrim The Best Movies of 2010 (So Far)

Here’s my list of the best movies of 2010 (so far):

Scott Pilgrim Vs The World– Here’s a movie that flew a bit under the radar. It was well-promoted but it lost money at the box office. Now people can discover it for themselves on blu ray and DVD. Hardcore fans of anime and videogames may like it most, but there’s heart and invention at work here. Call it Eternal Sunshine of The Videogame Mind.

Inception– Chris Nolan’s brainy smash won over both critics and audiences and that ending is still being debated to this day. Well-cast and directed, …

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Reboot News:  Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Reboot News: Buffy the Vampire Slayer

404233 Reboot News:  Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Fashionably late to the fanged mania which has gripped the country, Warner Bros. has announced that they are going ahead with a Buffy the Vampire Slayer reboot.  But the kicker is that Joss Whedon (Buffy writer and brain behind the 1992 film and subsequent hit TV series) will not be involved.  Here is an excerpt from Whedon’s reaction according to E! Online:

This is a sad, sad reflection on our times, when people must feed off the carcasses of beloved stories from their youths—just because they can’t think of an original idea of their own, like I did with

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Alien Anthology 50% Off Blu-ray

Alien Anthology 50% Off Blu-ray

anthology blu ray Alien Anthology 50% Off Blu ray

Amazon has the set on sale. It comes in SIX discs, it includes:

Disc 1 – Alien
Disc 2 – Aliens
Disc 3 – Alien 3
Disc 4 – Alien Resurrection
Disc 5 – Making the Anthology
Disc 6 – The Anthology Archives

Reina Alien Alien Anthology 50% Off Blu ray

This is a great deal if you’re a fan of the franchise. My favorite is James Cameron’s Aliens, which included some of Cameron’s trademark characters and action sequences.…

Green Lantern: Hector Hammond Photo

Green Lantern: Hector Hammond Photo

(Via Bleedingcool) Hector Hammond (Peter Sarsgaard) is a mutated scientist, and is the Green Lantern’s nemesis.

green lantern movie Green Lantern: Hector Hammond Photo

This guy must have anger issues, look at those veins!…

Trailer: Mean Girls 2

Trailer: Mean Girls 2

Yeah, seriously. But, this film lacks the gem from the first movie. Our beloved alcoholic, Lindsay Lohan.


Mean Girls 2 comes out February 2011.

The original Mean Girls was decent, and out on Blu-ray now.…

Amazon Black Friday Sale…Starts NOW!

Amazon Black Friday Sale…Starts NOW!

fellowship Amazon Black Friday Sale...Starts NOW!

Amazon is starting Black Friday early by having great deals today.  The biggest e-tailer in the world is price-matching Wal-mart and Target ads with their cheap Blu-rays.  Here’s some of the awesome movies at really affordable prices.  Buy them quickly before they run out!

LOTR – Fellowship Of The Ring – $7.99
LOTR – The Two Towers – $7.99
LOTR – Return Of The King – $7.99
Taken – $7.99
Showgirls – $7.99
Watchmen – $7.99
Get Him To The Greek – $10

Hangover – $10
Avatar: Extended Collector’s Edition -$24.99

Netflix Offers Streaming Service and Price Hike

Netflix Offers Streaming Service and Price Hike

 netflix2 Netflix Offers Streaming Service and Price Hike

The popular rental company, Netflix, announced today that they will be offerring a streaming ONLY service for $7.99.  The service will let you watch streaming movies on your pc, tv (with a Netflix Box) and console (PS3, WII, Xbox 360).  You can watch hi def movies with the service but that depends how fast your internet connection is.  I used to have DSL at 1.5 mbps and that gave me “standard” quality.  I swithched to cable and the speed is 10mbps, I get “X-high” to high def titles, which is the best. 

Netflix is really pushing for streaming movies and tv …

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New Trailer:  Jack Black in Gulliver’s Travels

New Trailer: Jack Black in Gulliver’s Travels

gullivers travels movie photo 10 e1289890211587 New Trailer:  Jack Black in Gullivers Travels

In the latest film adaptation of the classic satire by Jonathan Swift, Jack Black is back as a mail room guy who travels to a land of little people then literally (and figuratively) rocks their world, and they, his. Gulliver’s Travels is directed by Rob Letterman (Monsters vs. Aliens). 

The first trailer I saw for this movie earlier this year left me only mildly interested, if at all.  I have to say that they definitely did better this time around.  Like many of Black’s films, this one is aimed at kids (both big and small) and like many kid’s …

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Open Casting Call for Underworld Sequel

Open Casting Call for Underworld Sequel

Underworld underworld 262111 1600 1200 Open Casting Call for Underworld Sequel

Wanna be in movies? Well here’s your chance! Sony Pictures has just launched a casting website which will allow anyone to submit themselves for casting calls for projects developed under the Sony umbrella. The site is called Face of the Fan and you can access it at: The first movie they’re casting is the latest installment of the Underworld series. Here is what Face of the Fan has to say about the role: ” Looking for someone to play a pivotal role as a female teenager in the upcoming sequel for the Underworld franchise. Must be 18 years or

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Deathly Hallows Theme Played On BYU Tower

Deathly Hallows Theme Played On BYU Tower

HP7A TR2 051 thumb Deathly Hallows Theme Played On BYU Tower

Harry Potter Theme:

(via Reddit)

Sounds cool, not totally accurate, but it works!  This is at the Brigham Young University Tower in Utah.…

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