Nerds meet the Beatles

Nerds meet the Beatles

With the 30th anniversary of John Lennon`s death arriving on  Dec. 8th, we`ve been hit with a barrage of Beatles/Lennon-related events, including the American Masters documentary and the re-release of Lennon`s entire solo catalog.  As I`ve  long been obsessed with the Beatles as well as comics and science fiction,  I consider these noteworthy. On a lighter note, however,  I will always love a film which depicts the Beatles phenomenon from a fan`s perspective: Robert Zemeckis` I Wanna Hold Your Hand{1978}.

i wanna hold your hand movie poster 1020248631 Nerds meet the Beatles

It has aged remarkably well, probably in large part because it re-creates the whole look of the early sixties in amazing …

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Street Legal Tron Light Cycle

Street Legal Tron Light Cycle

3918343555 3b699a220a Street Legal Tron Light Cycle

The Tron cycle looks really cool in the movies but in real life, not so much.  Parker Chopper Brothers  made a real life light cycle and here’s what you get: 

It looks really uncomfortable riding it and bulky.  It’d be good for yoga though, the biker looks stretched out!…

A Tribute For The King Of Kong Douchebag

A Tribute For The King Of Kong Douchebag

Okay, maybe Billy Mitchell isn’t as bad as the documentary portrayed him to be. But, he was such an arrogant ass in The King of Kong. If you haven’t seen this documentary, you need to check it out. It follows the story of two Donkey Kong players as one tries to break the other one’s record. Billy Mitchell was the record holder, and Steve Wiebe is the typical family man trying push Mitchell out. It’s very entertaining, and serious at the same time.

Nintendo decides to honor Billy Mitchell by adding him in the Wii game called Donkey Kong Country Returns

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bsgalactica complete rpkg blu 287x300 NERD Deal

Battlestar Galactica: The Complete series is on Blu-ray for $120, retail price is $300, that’s a 60% savings. I believe that the deal only works today (Nov. 30th, 2010). If you’re a big fan of the show, then this will be a great collection to own.

Wonder Woman XXX Trailer

Wonder Woman XXX Trailer

1094067 tori black   wonder woman2 super Wonder Woman XXX Trailer

From Hardcore and Mile High comes a Wonder Woman XXX Parody.  Tori Black will play the lead (Catwoman in Batman: XXX Parody).  This movie isn’t made by Vivid, the company that produced the other XXX parodies like Avatar.  The movie looks to have lower production value compared to Batman: XXX.…

Leslie Chow Music Video With Dwight Howard

Leslie Chow Music Video With Dwight Howard

Dr. Ken Jeong (40 Year Old Virgin, Hangover)  stars in a music video with NBA’s Dwight Howard and Derrick Rose.  While it’s not officially Leslie Chow from the Hangover, Jeong’s attitude and attire matches his flamboyant role. 

Jeong will be back in Hangover 2, coming out May 26th, 2011.…

Guillermo Del Toro Signing

Guillermo Del Toro Signing

del toro Guillermo Del Toro Signing

Guillermo Del Toro, the director of Blade 2 and the Hellboy sagas will be signing in Hollywood’s Amoeba Records, Dec. 7th 1010. He will appear to celebrate the release of his first feature film in DVD, Cronos (Criterion Edition).

(Via Slashfilm)
“in order to get a signature and a screening ticket, you’ll have to pre-order the disc on Wednesday December 1. The store opens at 10:30 a.m. so be sure to get there early. You’ll pre-order the Criterion DVD or Blu-ray at that time and get a ticket to come back on December 7, pick up your disc, and …

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All Star Superman Blu-ray Cover

All Star Superman Blu-ray Cover

We just got the box art for All Star Superman.  The movie comes out on DVD and Blu-Ray on February 22, 2011.  It’s based on Grant Morrison’s, Eisner Award-winning vision of Superman’s heroic final days on Earth.  The comic focused more on drama than action.

allstarsuperman1 All Star Superman Blu ray Cover 

DVD Review: Circle

DVD Review: Circle

circle DVD Review: Circle

Circle is a low budget movie that combines the psychological thriller of Silence Of The Lambs and the scare of the original Halloween movie.  While the combination doesn’t work for the whole movie, it’s still a fun ride.  Circle is about a serial killer, James Bennett.  He bases his killings in hope that a Greek mythology will come to fruition.  On his tracks is the cop that already put Bennett to jail at the start of the movie, Chief.  He’s partnered up with Kathy as they try to predict Bennett’s next move.  There’s also subplot to the movie consisting of college …

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Trailer Review:  The Warrior’s Way

Trailer Review: The Warrior’s Way

qmxter Trailer Review:  The Warriors Way

From the producer of The Lord of the Rings (and the producer of the film Hackers), comes a curious production starring Dong-Gun Jang (Tae Guk Gi: The Brotherhood of War), Geoffrey Rush and Kate Bosworth.  A little bit ninja and a little bit western, The Warrior’s Way synthesizes two popular cultural genres into one action-packed, yet seemingly nonsensical English language, feature-length film.  The Warrior’s Way opens December 3rd. 

Don’t get me wrong.  I’m all for martial arts movies that don’t call for subtitles and I give Asian actors a lot of credit for doing an entire movie in a …

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