Movie Trailer:  I am Number Four

Movie Trailer: I am Number Four

I Am Number Four poster by taylahbob Movie Trailer:  I am Number Four

Here is the trailer for the latest teen dramatic book to film adaption called I am Number Four, set for a February 2011 release.  It’s your regular aliens running away to earth to hide from other evil aliens who are trying to kill them story.  The director, DJ Caruso (not to be confused with David Caruso, the low speaking investigator from CSI: Miami), also directed films like Disturbia, Eagle Eye and The Salton Sea.  Alfred Gough is one of the scriptwriters and he penned Spiderman 2, several Smallvilles, and Shanghai Knights, plus Timothy Olyphant (Hitman

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Trailer: The Rite

Trailer: The Rite

First off all, the cinematography looks good. And, Anthony Hopkins being in his Silence of the Lambs mode can’t be bad. I know it’s another exorcism flick, but I’m actually looking forward to this.…

Trailer: The Beaver

Trailer: The Beaver

Mel Gibson stars as a sad and depressed family-man, only to find out that his path to happiness is a Beaver.

It looks interesting, I like the cinematography. And, crazy or not, Mel Gibson is a great actor.…

POTC: On Stranger Tides Debut Pics

POTC: On Stranger Tides Debut Pics

Disney just gave us the first pics from Pirates Of The Caribbean (POTC): On Stranger Tides to share with our fellow nerds.  On Stranger Tides is the fourth film in the franchise and the story focuses on the fountain of youth.  Johnny Depp is back as the sneaky but good hearted pirate, Jack Sparrow.  Rob Marshall (Chicago) is directing the film.  You can tell by the pics that the  movie will have a great production value.  I just hope the story and editing will be tighter.  The third one dragged.

On Stranger Tides comes out May 20, 2011.

potc4 6 POTC: On Stranger Tides Debut Pics
Captain Jack (JOHNNY …

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Transformers: Dark Of The Moon Trailer

Transformers: Dark Of The Moon Trailer

 It looks like a sequel to Armageddon, but then again it’s a teaser so they’re not showing the action scenes yet.  The tone looks darker compared to the first two movies.  This is supposedly the final Transformers movie with Bay and Paramount will probably reboot the franchise afterwards. 

I’ll put up the vid once it’s up on youtube.  For now it can’t be embedded.

Transformers: Dark Of The Moon Trailer

Avatar Exhibition Opening In Seattle

Avatar Exhibition Opening In Seattle

avatar museum Avatar Exhibition Opening In Seattle

We all know that James Cameron and 20th Century Fox is milking Avatar with re-releases and double dips on home video (Director’s cut was awesome, I must admit) but I have to give them props for having an exhibition at Seattle’s Science Fiction Musuem. The attendees will be able to see props including the AMP (mech suits) and character models.  It will also have an interactive feature on how the movie was created including green screens and the revolutionaryand innovative cameras used for the movie.

The exhibtion opens June 4, 2011.…

Generic “Star Wars” Space Ship Bed

Generic “Star Wars” Space Ship Bed is selling a “space ship” bed for $18,000.  In their description, they never mention Star Wars as the source of their design.  They just describe it as a star ship that includes wallpaper designs that has “army of elite soldiers marching into battle.”  For you non Star Wars fans, that would be the Storm Troopers that always get their asses kicked.  I don’t appreciate that this bed sells for almos $20 grand and the company is too cheap to get the Star Wars license.  For that price, it should also include a Star Trek license, then they can build a …

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Trailer: Vanishing On 7th Street

Trailer: Vanishing On 7th Street

Stay away from the shadows!!! Meh, it reminds me too much of isolation movies like I Am Legend, and Pitch Black. What do you guys think?…

TV Spot – Jack Black in Gulliver’s Travels

TV Spot – Jack Black in Gulliver’s Travels

I like Jack Black, except when he does serious roles. This one seems to suit him well.

Release Date: Christmas 2010

Trailer: Beastly

Trailer: Beastly

Just another rendition of Beauty and the Beast with Vanessa Hudgens. It seems a little corny, but can still be entertaining. I hope they change the ending, and he stays a Beast. Otherwise, the message of the story is mute when the Beast returns to become a handsome prince anyways.…

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