Trailer: Johnny Depp in Rango

Trailer: Johnny Depp in Rango

I’m sold on this film. The textures and the details on the animation looks amazing, and the characters are dubiously interesting.…

Trailer: Fast Five

Trailer: Fast Five


The first part of the trailer reminds me of the Favela level in Call of Duty 2. This won’t be anything like City of God, a great Favela-based film. But overall, the trailer looks good with some insane action scenes!…

Trailer: Kill The Irishman

Trailer: Kill The Irishman

Looks like it has a good solid cast, but the trailer makes me doubt this film. The editing and the music choice is pretty terrible for a “based on a true story” film. I want this film to be serious.…

Thor Official Trailer

Thor Official Trailer

Much better quality than the one bootlegged from the Comic-Con.

I’m not completely sold on this yet, but I’ll still check it out and probably waste my hard earned money. But, at least I’ll get to see Natalie Portman in 3D!…

Fast Five – Vin Diesel and The Rock

Fast Five – Vin Diesel and The Rock

Okay Fast and the Furious fans, here’s the first pic released by the studio of the upcoming film.

fast five large first look Fast Five   Vin Diesel and The Rock
I told you not to call me The Rock, I am Dwayne Johnson!!! (photo courtesy USA Today)

I enjoyed Tokyo Drift the best, and since Fast Five will still be directed by Justin Lin, there’s potential for some good action sequences.…

POTC: On Stranger Tides Trailer Has Zombies And Mermaids

POTC: On Stranger Tides Trailer Has Zombies And Mermaids

potc4 3 POTC: On Stranger Tides Trailer Has Zombies And Mermaids

The first 45 seconds looks like the first preview footage shown earlier this year.  But don’t be fooled, it’s followed by the official trailer for POTC: On Stranger Tides featuring sexy mermaids, peg legs and zombie pirates.  I love how they’re adding more mythical characters.

POTC:  On Stranger Tides comes out May 20, 2011.  Can’t wait!…

Movie Review: The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

Movie Review: The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

Narnia1 Movie Review: The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

The third in the series of novels from CS Lewis’s epic fantasy classics finally comes to the big screen after hitting troubled waters because of the performance of Prince Caspian. Caspian made a ton of money but ultimately just wasn’t as popular as the original Narnia movie. People grumbled that it was too dark and violent, and lacked the magic of the original, not to mention the fact that it lacked Tilda Swinton’s memorable and menacing White Witch. Her cameo was the highlight of the second movie. Being a fan of Prince Caspian, but understanding the reasons for going back to …

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And You Thought C-3PO Was Gay…

And You Thought C-3PO Was Gay…

Everyone thinks C-3PO is gay because he has a male robotic voice but moves like a girl.  But could it be that a hot chick is under all that costume?  If you remove the mask and she wanted to go swimming, this is what you get.

c3pobabe3 And You Thought C 3PO Was Gay... 

c3pobabe And You Thought C 3PO Was Gay... 

c3pobab2 And You Thought C 3PO Was Gay... 
Only if Luke knew his android was so hot, he wouldn’t  have been hitting on his twin sister. 

c3pobaber2 And You Thought C 3PO Was Gay... 
Here’s C-3PO with R2-D2.  Don’t they make a cute couple?

The swimsuit can be had for $85 at

Which one do you like better, C-3PO or R2?…

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Awesome Thor Poster And Trailer

Awesome Thor Poster And Trailer

Below is the first poster for Thor, courtesy of Yahoo. 

thor Awesome Thor Poster And Trailer
Love the classy look.

Here’s the trailer.  Just like the Trasformers 3 trailer, no option to embed yet.

I actually like the trailer, it looks serious and kick ass!  Plus having Natalie Portman doesn’t hurt either!…

Weekend Movie Review Roundup: Boxing Aslan Edition

Weekend Movie Review Roundup: Boxing Aslan Edition

dawn treader Weekend Movie Review Roundup: Boxing Aslan Edition

It’s the second weekend of December and there are several movies coming out.  Narnia is being explored for the third time, this time by a different company.  Two big stars are in a boxing drama while Johnny Depp plays a tourist.

The big movie for this weekend is Chronicles Of Narnia: Voyage Of The Dawn Treader.  20th Century Fox bought out the right from Disney after Prince Caspian was seen as a disappointment.  This time around, the story revolves their adventure on a ship as they travel to different places of Narnia.  The movie focuses the theme back to religion.  …

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