J.J. Abrams Bad Robot Becomes A Statue

J.J. Abrams Bad Robot Becomes A Statue

Everytime J.J. Abrams (Lost, Cloverfield, Star Trek) is involved in a project, you always see a red tin robot as his logo for Bad Robot.  You don’t really see his fully body in the logo but Entertainment Earth just announced they’ll be selling the statue for $90.  It’s limited to 1000 pieces and comes with a slusho drink that can fit in his hand.

bad robot statue J.J. Abrams Bad Robot Becomes A Statue

I like the retro and weathered look!…

Movie Review: Faster

Movie Review: Faster

Faster Poster1 Movie Review: Faster

The Rock (sorry Dwayne Johnson, you’ll always be The Rock to rasslin fans) stars in this ultra-violent, stylish revenge thriller as a man looking for revenge after a long stay in prision. He (and his brother) were set up after a bank robbery and his brother was murdered. The Rock is out for revenge in this homage to the B-movie revenge movies of the 70s. Filled to the brim with film-noir cliches and characters with no names (The Rock is billed only as Driver), Faster is a lot of fun. It is grim and often pretentious but that just makes it …

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The Sexy Girls of Tron: Legacy

The Sexy Girls of Tron: Legacy

We all know that Kevin Flynn will be played by Jeff Bridges in Tron: Legacy aka Tron 2.0.  But let’s get to the most important question: Who are those babes in latex that we see on the trailers?

Let’s start with Olivia Wilde.  She plays Quorra and an ally to Kevin Flynn in the computer world.  Wilde’s previous work include Alpha Dog and the hit tv show “House M.D.”  She can also be seen in the epic, The Ballad Of G.I. Joe as Baroness.

wilde2 The Sexy Girls of Tron: Legacy

wilde The Sexy Girls of Tron: Legacy

wilde3 The Sexy Girls of Tron: Legacy

28 year old Beau Garrett plays the lead blonde siren, Gem.  She starred with co-star Olivia …

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Superman Flashy Costume & Doomsday Concept From Tim Burton

Superman Flashy Costume & Doomsday Concept From Tim Burton

Before Bryan singer directed Superman Returns, Tim Burton was involved in a project called Superman Lives.  He wanted Nicolas Cage to play Clark Kent.  Kevin Smith was hired as the writer for one revised script.  He was eventually let go after he didn’t agree with the producer’s demand for a giant spider as the main villain.  Warner Brothers spend $50-$60 million just with the concept alone.  Burton was guaranteed to get paid whether the movie was made or not. 

Designer Steve Johnson, who was involved with the project, released some concept images and video from Superman Lives:
superman concept1 Superman Flashy Costume & Doomsday Concept From Tim Burton
Here’s Doomsday looking like …

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Beautiful Trailer: The Tree Of Life

Beautiful Trailer: The Tree Of Life

Tree of Life Movie Poster Beautiful Trailer: The Tree Of Life

Terrence Malick (The New World) is known for his beautiful visuals, and this trailer does not disappoint.…

Green Hornet’s Jay Chou, Who Is He?

Green Hornet’s Jay Chou, Who Is He?

greenhornet 2 Green Hornets Jay Chou, Who Is He?
Jay Chou alongside Seth Rogen

Jay Chou is a popular Taiwanese singer. He is also known for writing his own songs, as well as writing songs for other pop stars. He also appeared in the Anime inspired film called Initial D.

Music Videos:

Initial-D Trailer:…

Rob Marshall Talks POTC: On Stranger Tides

Rob Marshall Talks POTC: On Stranger Tides

pirates Caribbean On Stranger Rob Marshall Talks POTC: On Stranger Tides

Via Comingsoon, Director Rob Marshall talks a little bit about the premise of Pirates of The Caribbean: On Stranger Tides.

“The story takes us to some different places,” Marshall explained,”which makes it nice that it’s not the same old thing. The whole opening and the first third of the film takes place in London. So we start on dry land and there is an impostor that Jack is looking for. He then escapes from the palace, gets captured by King George and there is a huge carriage chase…[W]e set sail and that is sort of the second act. It’s a …

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Carl’s Jr. Green Hornet Commercial

Carl’s Jr. Green Hornet Commercial

Regular version:

Extended version:

Maybe it’s just me, but the the chemistry between Seth Rogen and Jay Chou is non-existent. I might go out and buy the Chicken Tenders, but I wont’ pay full price for the movie!…

Trailer: Take Me Home Tonight

Trailer: Take Me Home Tonight


First that comes to mind is bad casting. With films like these, I prefer new faces, not the kid from The 70s Show. Also, the storyline is nothing original, and it seems like they’re depending too much on the 80s theme for the success of the film.

Release Date: March 4, 2011…

Pirates Fans First Disneyland Event

Pirates Fans First Disneyland Event

On Monday, 12/13/2010, 600 lucky fans were invited to Disneyland to watch the POTC: On Stranger Tides 3D trailer.  The screening was at 6 in the morning, the fans were the first ones to watch the trailer.  The trailer was then released Monday afternoon to media outlets.  The trailer presentation was introduced by director Rob Marshall.  The trailer was screened twice. 

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strangertides1 Pirates Fans First Disneyland Event
Director Rob Marshall presenting the trailer

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The after party!

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Jack Sparrow always flirting

After the screening, the fans were invited to an after party where Disney provided food and prizes.  Movie props were also on hand for photo ops. 

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The …

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