Trailer: Eric Bana In Hanna

Trailer: Eric Bana In Hanna

hanna Trailer: Eric Bana In Hanna

The storyline feels somewhat like The Professional, but with a more serious tone.…

‘The Room’ in 3D?

‘The Room’ in 3D?

the room The Room in 3D?

(Insidemovies) If you’re not familiar with The Room, it is a horrible film with a cult following. Why? Fans will say that it’s so terrible that it’s so funny. Now, the director, Tommy Wiseau, is planning on releasing the film on 3D.


I don’t get what the big deal is with this film. Okay, it’s horrible, so let’s shove it aside and forget that it ever existed. But, Wiseau does not want people to forget. He is planning on releasing clothing lines such underwear, sportswear, etc. I guess if the demand is there, then why not!

I …

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Weekend Movie Review Roundup: Light Boo Boo Edition

Weekend Movie Review Roundup: Light Boo Boo Edition

swan Weekend Movie Review Roundup: Light Boo Boo Edition

It’s one week before Christmas and the biggest movie of December comes out today, Tron: Legacy.  It’s being countered by another kids movie, Yogi Bear, in 3D of course and a romantic flick Owen Wilson.

In the nerd universe, Tron: Legacy is getting plenty of buzz but everywhere else, no one seems to really care about it.   Analysts are expecting about $35 million for the weekend.  I thought it would have a higher take for sure since the budget is around $150 – $170 million.  Over at Rottentomaotes, it’s getting mixed reviews with a 47% score.  Majority are saying that the …

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‘Tron Guy’ Reviews Tron Legacy

‘Tron Guy’ Reviews Tron Legacy

tron guy Tron Guy Reviews Tron Legacy

A brief summary from Wired of what Tron Guy had to say about the film.

“Perhaps the emotional ending influenced my final reaction. As the credits rolled, I had to fight off tears. I would have been deeply honored and pleased to have my name associated with Tron: Legacy in some way, even if the sequel had stunk up the theater. With the film as outstanding as it actually turned out, that would have been an experience like no other. Instead, I walked out of the theater to my cold truck, determined to not let my feelings show. Nobody there would …

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Vote NO For Toy Story 3

Vote NO For Toy Story 3

toy story banner Vote NO For Toy Story 3

That’s what Disney employees are screaming. Variety reports the Disney hotel employees are part of a Union called Unite Here, and is running a campaign to keep Toy Story from winning any Oscars.

Anti-Toy Story Ad.

The ad is too long, and comes off as whiney. They should have kept it short, and get the point across faster.

This is why often times I feel that the Oscar is a joke, it doesn’t necessarily represent the best films of the year. There are other factors involved in the process of picking the winners. If the members feel that Toy Story 3

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Thoughts on girls and Star Wars

Thoughts on girls and Star Wars

Since the story of young Katy Goldman has surfaced in the media, many people have rallied to  support her. Katy, of course, is the 7-year-old girl who was picked on for bringing her Star Wars bottle to school.  Unsympathetic boys told her that Star Wars wasn`t for girls.  One has to wonder what rock these kids {and possibly their parents} have been living under. Havn`t they noticed that many folks in their young lives-doctors, police, business owners-are “girls?”  And why  do people tend to assume that young girls aren`t interested in  science fiction and comics?  I know I`ve been hooked  since …

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Trailer: Water For Elephants

Trailer: Water For Elephants

Pattinson Water For Elephants 7 Trailer: Water For Elephants

An amazing looking trailer about circus life. Stars Robert Pattinson, Reese Witherspoon, and Christoph Waltz.

Who would’ve thought that circus life can be so enchanting and magical?…

Video: 2010 Cinescape by Matthew Shapiro

Video: 2010 Cinescape by Matthew Shapiro

inception Video: 2010 Cinescape by Matthew Shapiro

An awesome fan-made recap video of many of this year’s biggest films. Enjoy!

Amazing editing! It makes me want to see all those films.…

Trailer: Bradley Cooper in Limitless

Trailer: Bradley Cooper in Limitless

bradley cooper 19388 Trailer: Bradley Cooper in Limitless


It reminds me of The Social Network and Hangover combined. It may not be original, but it does have a lot of charisma. Maybe we’d have to use only 10% of our brains to enjoy this film, which is fine by me.

Release Date: March 18th, 2011…

Green Hornet Director: “Nerds Are Fascistic”

Green Hornet Director: “Nerds Are Fascistic”

 greenhornet 2 Green Hornet Director: Nerds Are Fascistic

Green Hornet director, Michael Gondry (Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind), is pissed that nerds aren’t opening up to his new movie.  The movie stars comedian, Seth Rogen as the title character and Taiwanese pop star, Jay Star, plays his sidekick, Kato.  He was interviewed by the UK newspaper, The Guardian, when he said the following:

“I usually identify with the nerds but these ones just reinforce the social rules. Their values are fascistic. All those people marching around in capes and masks and boots. The superhero imagery is totally fascist!  When you step into this genre, they feel it belongs

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