DVD Review:  Onibaba (Demon Woman)

DVD Review: Onibaba (Demon Woman)

onibaba 2 DVD Review:  Onibaba (Demon Woman)

Onibaba (1964) is a highly symbolic and progressive Japanese horror film which was way ahead of its time.  Although it is in black and white, it is easy to forget about that as the story unfolds and the viewer is drawn in.  Set in 14th century Japan, Onibaba delves into the struggle between the peasant and the samurai classes.  The peasants dominate here as two women resort to murdering wayward and injured samurai and trading their armor and swords for bags of millet in order to survive.  Based on a Buddhist story which is said to encourage women to be …

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Blu-Ray Review: Kill Zone

Blu-Ray Review: Kill Zone

killzone Blu Ray Review: Kill Zone 

Kill Zone is a 2005 Hong Kong martial arts flick starring Donnie Yen and Sammo Hung (both are also in Ip Man 2).   The movie  is  pretty dark for an action.  Detective Chan (Simon Yam) plays a cop trying to take down mob boss, Wong Po (Sammo Hung.)    Chan is close to retiring and hot headed Ma (Yen) is groomed to be the head detective.   The filmmakers try to imitate Infernal Affairs’ mood by having a glossy cinematography and depressed characters and it works on some levels.  There’s some scenes that makes the cops look worse than the bad guys they’re …

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Documentary Review: Exit Through The Gift Shop

Documentary Review: Exit Through The Gift Shop

Exit Through the Gift Shop Documentary Review: Exit Through The Gift Shop

Funny, fascinating, and nearly impossible to categorize, Exit Through The Gift Shop is one of the best documentaries in years. The documentary focuses on a jovial French filmmaker named Theirry Guetta and his transformation into street artist “Mr Brainwash”. The documentary was made by a hipster street artist named Banksy. Banksy came to my attention after doing an extremely dark opening for The Simpsons involving sweatshops used to produce the very Simpsons products that have made the producers very rich. Banksy appears in the documentary, voice distorted, his face hidden in shadow, and wearing a hoodie. Many critics and audience members …

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Video: NBC’s ‘The Cape’ Featurette

Video: NBC’s ‘The Cape’ Featurette

cape Video: NBCs The Cape Featurette


I would give this show a chance. Sure, the story is nothing original. The hero gets framed for a crime he didn’t commit. Kick-Ass anyone? But, I like the back-story of our hero being trained by carnies, it makes sense. Almost like how Batman was trained by Ninjas.

On a second thought, the Carnie thing isn’t original either, Robin came from a family of Carnies. So, this show offers nothing original but still looks entertaining, so I’ll watch it.…

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Movie Review!  Tron: Legacy #3 at the Box Office

Movie Review! Tron: Legacy #3 at the Box Office

Tron+Legacy+Quad+Poster Movie Review!  Tron: Legacy #3 at the Box Office

Even though Tron: Legacy was number three at the box office for its second weekend, it is said to have only grossed an estimated $ 20+ million over Christmas domestically for a total of $88 million, according to Deadline Hollywood, solidifying fears that Disney will have a hard time recouping the $150 million production budget and the $120 million marketing budget without an overseas boom.  This they say is due in part to the mixed reviews the movie is getting by critics who obviously refuse to see the movie for what it is: a highly visual thrill-ride.

tron legacy dark city01 Movie Review!  Tron: Legacy #3 at the Box Office

Because this film …

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Trailer: The Other Woman

Trailer: The Other Woman

other woman1 Trailer: The Other Woman

I posted the beautiful poster of The Other Woman here. Check out the trailer below:

I can’t believe that Natalie Portman plays a motherly role in this film. I still see her as the kid from The Professional.

professional Trailer: The Other Woman

Music Video: How To Train Your Dragon

Music Video: How To Train Your Dragon

how to train your dragon 2 movie Music Video: How To Train Your Dragon

Here’s a song from Jonsi’s Stick and Stones featured in How To Train Your Dragon.

It’s quite nice and relaxing. Dreamworks cut the music video together, perhaps to gain attention for the Oscars’.…

Pixar Stamps 2011

Pixar Stamps 2011

For release in 2011, the stamps will include screen grabs from Cars, Toy Story, Up, Wall-E, and my least favorite, Ratatouille.

pixar post Pixar Stamps 2011

These are great for collectors of Disney or Pixar merchandising. All the movies picked were either nominated or have won Oscars. I’m surprised  that they didn’t include Woody for Toy Story though.…

Unstoppable Parody Trailer, Go Denzel!

Unstoppable Parody Trailer, Go Denzel!

Unstoppable is one of my favorite movies this year.  I was researching the real life events that the movie is based on when I came upon trailer from SNL.

That guy playing Denzel is spot on. From his hunch, to his smile and the way he talks. Good times.

In case you were wondering how close the movie was compared to the real life story, let’s just say it was just the unmanned train part but only going 35 instead of 70 mph. Everything else in the movie was “fabricated” but it was still a fun thrill ride!…

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Netflix Not Connecting To PS3 Easy Fix

Netflix Not Connecting To PS3 Easy Fix

netflix ps3 search Netflix Not Connecting To PS3 Easy Fix

On Sunday night, I was looking forward on watching  “Office” episodes on Netflix through the PS3 when I got an error.  When I clicked on the Netflix icon, the logo showed up but it kept on loading.  After several minutes, it gave me an error stating “it can’t connect to Netflix.”  Then the screen froze and I had to press “Start” so I can quit the software.  I tried it several more times and got the same result.  I thought Netflix had a server problem so I just watched some Blu-Ray’s instead.  Yesterday night, I tried it again and it was …

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