Tron & Street Fighter Art Mashup

Tron & Street Fighter Art Mashup

I thought I’d be sick with mashups by now but the artists behind these are pretty damn creative.  Earlier this week, Kuno reported about the adorable Hello Kitty/Superhero mashup.  Today, we’re presenting you another combo that nerds love: Street Fighter and Tron.  Tron Legacy has really brought out the creativity with fellow nerds.  According to geekologie, the artist behind this latest mashup is Boss Logic.  I love how the costume creates the light source for each artwork.

Let’s check them out:

C. Viper
vipertron by bosslogic d362skr Tron & Street Fighter Art Mashup

Evil Ryu
evil ryutron by bosslogic d362shz Tron & Street Fighter Art Mashup

Ken ready to disco
kentron by bosslogic d362sfh Tron & Street Fighter Art Mashup

Ryu always ready to take on all challengers
ryutron by bosslogic d362s76 Tron & Street Fighter Art Mashup

Chun Li’s

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Kevin James To Star In MMA Film

Kevin James To Star In MMA Film

kevin james Kevin James To Star In MMA Film

This is no surprise as James has been an MMA fan for a long time. He has trained with the likes of Bas Rutten, and has worked with Rampage Jackson. In the film, James will play a teacher trying to revive his school’s music program, so he gets a second job as an MMA fighter. Surprisingly, he makes it to the UFC, just like Kimbo Slice did.

The UFC will be all over this idea as this is a great promotion for their product. As far as the story goes, it isn’t too far-fetched as one of the UFC’s superstars, Rich …

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Captain America New Image

Captain America New Image

Here’s a photo of Chris Evans in his full outfit from EW.

cap Captain America New Image

It looks like crap. It has too much padding, and looks over-sized. But, it would probably look different on film, hopefully.…

Win Superman/Batman: Apocalypse Blu-Ray

Win Superman/Batman: Apocalypse Blu-Ray

Superman Batman Apocalypse Blu ray cover art Win Superman/Batman: Apocalypse Blu Ray

We’re giving out a FREE brand new Superman/Batman: Apocalypse on Blu-Ray.  This is a cool animated movie with some epic battles as Superman, Batman, Supergirl, Wonder Woman go head to head against an army of Doomsday’s and Darkseid!

Here are the easy steps for joining the contest:

1) Add us on Facebook:

2) Subscribe to our newsletter by filling out the form below and answering the question below:

3) Winner with the best answer wins the blu-ray!

4) I will share the answers as I receive them in the comments section so you guys will have a chance to …

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Lone Ranger Logo Is Here

Lone Ranger Logo Is Here

long ranger logo Lone Ranger Logo Is Here

Uber movie producer, Jerry Bruckheimer, has just released the logo for his next project, “Lone Ranger.”  The logo is revealed on his website.  This sounds like another PG 13 flick from Bruckheimer, I want him  to go back to the good ol days where he produced rated “R” flicks such as Beverly Hills Cop,  The Rock and Con Air. 

George Clooney is rumored to play the title role.…

Andrew Garfield In Spider-Man Costume Compared To Tobey

Andrew Garfield In Spider-Man Costume Compared To Tobey

Sony just released the first picture of Andrew Garfield in the Spider-Man costume.  The picture is getting mixed reactions from messageboards.  Personally, I like the design.  While Tobey Maguire’s costume looked good in the Spider-Man trilogy, if there was one thing to complain about, it would be his physique.  He was too stocky to be Spider-Man.  In the comics, Peter Parker is really skinny but fit.  Andrew Garfield captures the skinny look really well.  The Spider-Man reboot also stars Gwen Stacy and scheduled for released on July 3, 2012. 

spiderman costume andrew garfield Andrew Garfield In Spider Man Costume Compared To Tobey
Andrew Garfield as Spider-Man in the reboot movie.

spider man comic book ultimate cover 01 Andrew Garfield In Spider Man Costume Compared To Tobey 
Spidey depicted in the …

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DVD Review: Picture Me: A Model’s Diary (Documentary)

DVD Review: Picture Me: A Model’s Diary (Documentary)

Picture Me Poster DVD Review: Picture Me: A Models Diary (Documentary)

It is possible to make an engaging and entertaining documentary about the modeling industry. Unzipped is a good example. It may have been lightweight and superficial, but it made for a zippy 90 minutes and was quite fun. Picture Me: A Model’s Diary is a cheesy look at the modeling industry through the eyes of model Sara Ziff. Filmed by Sara’s boyfriend Ole, Picture Me has nothing interesting or illuminating to say about the world of modeling. There is nothing but a kind of rant against the dark side of the modeling world while Sara cashes huge checks for preening and …

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Trailer 3: Battle Los Angeles

Trailer 3: Battle Los Angeles

los angeles po Trailer 3: Battle Los Angeles


It looks good, much better than the second one. And, more explained than the first one. This time around, we are introduced to some of the characters.…

Video: ‘The Trashmaster’ Made From GTA IV Scenes

Video: ‘The Trashmaster’ Made From GTA IV Scenes

Grab a seat, and a bucket of popcorn because this video is 1 1/2 hrs. long.

The trashmaster
Uploaded by murakawa. – Discover more gaming videos.

Please be patient as it loads.

It’s got some pretty cool angles, and the music choice is definitely a plus. Not to mention, some scenes remind me of Scorsese films like Goodfellas and such. This video took a lot of work, good job Murakawa!…

Cars 2 Profile Pics Includes Lightning McQueen

Cars 2 Profile Pics Includes Lightning McQueen

Disney just sent us the newest pics for Cars 2. This movie should be better than the first because of the racing locales, Europe!

Synopsis per IMDB: “Racing star Lightning McQueen teams up with his best friend Mater for an international adventure as they go up against the world’s fastest cars.”

Sarge Cars 2 Profile Pics Includes Lightning McQueen

Mack The Truck:
Mack Cars 2 Profile Pics Includes Lightning McQueen

The Italian, Luigi
Luigi Cars 2 Profile Pics Includes Lightning McQueen

The Guido, he probably knows the situation
Guido Cars 2 Profile Pics Includes Lightning McQueen

The two guidos about to fist pump.  YEAH!
Luigi Guido Cars 2 Profile Pics Includes Lightning McQueen

Everyone’s favorite, Lightning McQueen
Lightning McQueen Cars 2 Profile Pics Includes Lightning McQueen

The hippy Fillmore
Fillmore Cars 2 Profile Pics Includes Lightning McQueen 

Group shot of the pit crew:
pit crew1 Cars 2 Profile Pics Includes Lightning McQueen

Movie comes out June 24th, 2010.…

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