Meet Shu Todoroki and New Cars 2 Characters

Meet Shu Todoroki and New Cars 2 Characters

Disney just sent us the latest pics of the new characters from Cars 2.  Francesco Bernoulli is my favorite, he’s an Italian racing car. 

Synopsis per IMDB: “Racing star Lightning McQueen teams up with his best friend Mater for an international adventure as they go up against the world’s fastest cars.”

Uncle Topolino

cars 2 mamatopolino Meet Shu Todoroki and New Cars 2 Characters

Mama Topolino

cars2 uncletopolino Meet Shu Todoroki and New Cars 2 Characters  

Shu Todoroki – Japanese racing car

cars2 shutodoroki Meet Shu Todoroki and New Cars 2 Characters  


cars2 grem Meet Shu Todoroki and New Cars 2 Characters  

Francesco Bernouli – now that’s sexy!
cars2 francesco Bernouilli Meet Shu Todoroki and New Cars 2 Characters  

Acer – looks to be miserable
cars2 acer Meet Shu Todoroki and New Cars 2 Characters

 Cars 2 comes out June 24th, 2011

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Darren Aronofsky’s Noah Project

Darren Aronofsky’s Noah Project

noah graphic novel image 01 Darren Aronofskys Noah Project

Darren Aronofsky’s (Black Swan) next movie will be Wolverine starrring Hugh Jackman but the director is working on a graphic novel about Noah.  Yes, that Noah, the man who built a huge wooden boat when the world was flooding.  The artist for the project is Nico Henrichon (Pride Of Baghdad) so you know the artwork will be great. 

According to slashfilm, Aronofsky wants to do a movie out of it:

“It’s a great script and it’s huge. And we’re starting to feel out talent. And then we’ll probably try and set it up… It’s the end of the world and …

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Jeri Ryan Will Be Sonya Blade in Mortal Kombat Show

Jeri Ryan Will Be Sonya Blade in Mortal Kombat Show

large Jeri+Ryan003 jpg 1253758087 Jeri Ryan Will Be Sonya Blade in Mortal Kombat Show

Jeri Ryan has confirmed through Twitter that she’ll be back to play Sonya Blade in the new show, Mortal Kombat.  She was first seen as Sonya in the trailer for the “realistic” version of Mortal Kombat several months ago.  Today she twitted with:

“Heading to the farmer’s market with the hubs & my girl. Then this evening I head to Vancouver to shoot Mortal Kombat! (NOW it’s official) ”


“BTW, just finished reading the whole script for Mortal Kombat. Holy crap… I think u might just love it. Get ready…”

WB has announced they will release the show through internet …

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Sexy And Awesome Quorra Cosplayer From Tron Legacy

Sexy And Awesome Quorra Cosplayer From Tron Legacy

5063920308 eda87fe8ba z Sexy And Awesome Quorra Cosplayer From Tron Legacy 
Meet Annissë.  She’s been cosplaying for more than a decade and she’s also a professional self trained fashion and costume designer for 20 years.  She likes making her costumes out of latex.  So when she saw a pic of Quorra from Tron Legacy, she knew she had to that costume.  I first saw a pic of  Annissë through Ejen Chuang’s Cosplay In America.  After I saw the awesome pic, I knew I had to track her down and ask her about the costume.  Not only does she look like good as Quorra but the freaking lights in her costume …

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Gang Fight Gone Wrong

Gang Fight Gone Wrong

I thought this was a fake vid when I first saw the first 15 seconds but I was wrong.  The last half of the vid is pretty crazy.  There technique could’ve been better but not bad for street brawlers:…

Winner: Superman/Batman: Apocalypse Blu-Ray

Winner: Superman/Batman: Apocalypse Blu-Ray

 Superman Batman Apocalypse Blu ray cover art Winner: Superman/Batman: Apocalypse Blu Ray

The question: “Who’s your favorite DC character and why?”

The prize: Superman/Batman: Apocalypse Blu-Ray

Many joined and chose Batman as their favorite DC character.  Some picked Superman while a few went with Green Lantern.  One suprised us by going with Martian Manhunter.  Overall, it was exciting reading all of the entries.  Some were funny like this one from Chris J:

“Also he (Superman) reminds me of my grandfather because he wears his underwear outside his pants.”

We laughed for a good minute.

Most people chose Batman because he doesn’t have super powers, which makes him a true hero.  But the winner …

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Volkswagen Star Wars Darth Vader Ad

Volkswagen Star Wars Darth Vader Ad

darthvader 300x300 Volkswagen Star Wars Darth Vader Ad

Here’s one of the coolest ads I’ve seen in years.  Heck, it’s better than the Star Wars prequels:…

List of Superbowl Movie Trailers and Showtimes

List of Superbowl Movie Trailers and Showtimes

superbowl 2011 List of Superbowl Movie Trailers and Showtimes

For some, this coming Sunday will be all about the Packers and the Steelers.  But many know that the Superbowl is also a good time to check out movie trailers.  At $3 million a pop, these spots aren’t exactly cheap so you probably shouldn’t be expecting to see anything that’ll end up on IFC or the Sundance Channel.  But it looks like we’ll get a glimpse of Captain America so that should be interesting.  Here’s the schedule with release dates according to ScreenRant:


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Super Bowl Ad: Kung Fu Panda 2

Super Bowl Ad: Kung Fu Panda 2

Kung Fu Panda Po Poster Po the Panda Super Bowl Ad: Kung Fu Panda 2


Building A Badass Blu-ray Collection: My Starter Picks

Building A Badass Blu-ray Collection: My Starter Picks

Wizard of Oz1 300x300 Building A Badass Blu ray Collection: My Starter Picks

So you just got a blu-ray player recently. Maybe it was a gift or you bought it with your tax return, congratulations, lets get started on my picks for building a badass collection of blu-rays. Many of the newer releases come as a “combo pack”. You get both the blu-ray disc and a standard DVD, a great idea, in case you want to watch your favorite movies in a bedroom or kitchen that may not be equipped with a blu-ray player, and only has a standard DVD player. Lets check out the list:

Inception– Inception has both a blu ray …

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