Movie Review: I Am Number Four

Movie Review: I Am Number Four

I am number four poster Movie Review: I Am Number Four

I am Number Four is a hodgepodge of a bunch of alien teenager movies and television series. It has strong shades of Smallville, Kyle XY, and John Carpenter’s Starman, although without Starman’s complexity and sensitivity. I Am Number Four has some decent casting and after a slow start, some roaring action and special effects. The screenplay was written by the creators of the hit CW series Smallville and I Am Number Four feels like an origin story very similiar to early seasons of the series as the young alien learns to harness his powers to fight a group of evil aliens …

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New Transformers Dark Of The Moon TV Spot

New Transformers Dark Of The Moon TV Spot

Transformers 3 Dark of the Moon Teaser Poster Clear 1291759448 New Transformers Dark Of The Moon TV Spot

I must admit, the more I see footage from this flick, the less I’m interested in it.  Which freaking sucks, because I loved the first one.  But the shots for the third flick just reminds me too much of the first two movies so the “Wow” factor isn’t there anymore.  Either way, I’ll still watch this in theatres.  Director Michael Bay said it’ll be like “Black Hawk Down,” but with robots.  Now there’s two movies coming out that’s been influenced by Black Hawk Down, this one and Battle: Los Angeles.  Woo hoo!

The new tv spot has the racing cars and …

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Kobe Bryant In Black Mamba

Kobe Bryant In Black Mamba

Here’s the short, Black Mamba, directed by Robert Rodriguez.  It stars Kobe Bryant and his acting is actually decent.  Based on the trailer I saw several weeks back, it looked lame.  But the final product is actually pretty good.  I like the narration style of editing and the basketball shots.…

Narnia Executive Producer Moore Dies, 39

Narnia Executive Producer Moore Dies, 39

people mag Narnia Executive Producer Moore Dies, 39

It seems to be happening so much these days with celebs… Michael Jackson, Anna Nicole Smith, Heath Ledger, all left this world after consuming prescription meds.  On Thursday morning, Perry Moore, age 39, who was the executive producer for all three Narnia flicks, was found unconscious in the bathroom of his NYC apartment by his partner but paramedics could not revive him.  The Hollywood Reporter says the police are denying reports until the autopsy comes back but the New York Daily News and the New York Post are reporting that their sources say it was an overdose of OxyContins that did …

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Blu-ray Review: The Last Exorcism

Blu-ray Review: The Last Exorcism

 Blu ray Review: The Last Exorcism

The horror movie The Last Exorcism didn’t look great from trailers. It reminded me of the overrated slop The Blair Witch Project, but The Last Exorcism turns out to be something of a surprise after all. A well-made, creepy chiller and look at exorcism in the rural heartland of America. The movie is also fairly well-acted (another thing Blair Witch was not) and has a few creepy moments along the way. The movie is set up as a documentary following a smug fraud preacher named Reverend Cotton (well-played by actor Patrick Fabian) who visits a family where the father believes his …

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2nd Trailer For Thor Is Still Lame

2nd Trailer For Thor Is Still Lame

thor 2nd Trailer For Thor Is Still Lame

I wish Thor would be as serious and bad ass as the poster above but this new trailer still screams…CRAP!  Besides X-Men: First Class, what’s with the big budget comic book movies coming out this year and bright cinematography.  It seems like the studios want to cater to kids and sell merchandise.  Action scenes look good for Thor but overall, not excited about it. …

Eastwood, Nicholson & Beatty as Retired Superheroes?

Eastwood, Nicholson & Beatty as Retired Superheroes?

eastwood beat Eastwood, Nicholson & Beatty as Retired Superheroes?

That’s what’s going to happen if Matthew Vaughn (who according to Deadline London is currently in LA editing X-Men First Class) gets his way.  Vaughn is said to already have a major studio interested in this project called The Golden Age which is an adaptation of an as of yet unpublished comic book about – get this – a retirement home for superheroes.  As the story goes, mom and dad screw up the world for little Johnny and Grandpa’s the only one who can save him.

I admit that I have at one time or another giggled at the prospect …

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Sexy Baroness Cosplayer: Alodia Gosiengfiao

Sexy Baroness Cosplayer: Alodia Gosiengfiao

The Baroness 4 Sexy Baroness Cosplayer: Alodia Gosiengfiao

Alodia Gosiengfiao is a 22 cosplayer from the Phillipines.  In an interview with Razor TV, she said she started cosplaying when it wasn’t socially approved.  But this hot nerd kept on truckin until she won several cosplay events and became well known in the community.  While she enjoys cosplaying, she admits that some of the comments from the Anime community can be a bit much:

“I got called fat, so I lost weight afterwards.”

Today Gosiengfiao is the most famous cosplayer in Phillipines.  She even has a TV show called Laugh Out Loud.

Asked if she gives out her number …

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Robocop Statue in Detroit

Robocop Statue in Detroit

robocop Robocop Statue in Detroit

Detroit will build a Robocop statue after a fundraising run that started last week reached its goal of $50,000. But, the fundraisers will not stop there, they plan on pushing for more fundraising events to help create a more positive image for Detroit.

Now, kids can go out and buy Robocop I and II on DVD …….. Nevermind, they should stick to Robocop III.

256px RoboCop 3 SMS Robocop Statue in Detroit

Justin Lin Might Direct The Next Terminator

Justin Lin Might Direct The Next Terminator

terminator Justin Lin Might Direct The Next Terminator

Reports from Deadline is that Universal is pleased with Fast Five, and is thinking of giving the next Terminator flick to Justin Lin.

justinlin Justin Lin Might Direct The Next Terminator

I think that this might work. Of course, given that the story is all there and makes sense. But, nomatter what, I don’t think that the Terminator franchise will ever be taken seriously again.…

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