MMA: GSP Documentary Trailer

MMA: GSP Documentary Trailer

The film is a documentary about UFC champion, GSP; his training partner David Louisseau, and is directed by GSP’s friend Steven Wong.

Striking Truth Trailer:

The trailer seemed a little cheesy because these guys are fighters, not actors. When you give them lines, they will more likely ruin it (Dwyane Wade anyone?). They should have kept it natural and just showed scenes from the film, rather than have the athletes narrate from a script. With that said, I’m very interested in watching this film.…

DVD Review: Faster

DVD Review: Faster

Faster DVD Cover1 DVD Review: Faster

Dwayne Johnson aka WWE superstar The Rock stars in this ultra-violent, stylish revenge thriller as a man looking for revenge after a long stay in prision. He (and his brother) were set up after a bank robbery and his brother was murdered. The Rock is out for revenge in this homage to the B-movie revenge movies of the 70s. Filled to the brim with film-noir cliches and characters with no names (The Rock is billed only as Driver), Faster is a lot of fun. It is grim and often pretentious but that just makes it even more amusing. Some of the …

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Blu-Ray Review: Ong Bak 3 – The Final Battle

Blu-Ray Review: Ong Bak 3 – The Final Battle

ongbak3 Blu Ray Review: Ong Bak 3   The Final Battle

Tony Jaa was suppose to be the next big asian action movie star.  He had the lethal moves like Bruce Lee but did his own stunts Jackie Chan.  His first movie, Ong Bak, was an international success.  Martial art fans loved the movie for its brutal fight and innovative fight scenes.  But then Jaa started doing movies that were too similar to Ong Bak.  He didn’t branch out with the stories and he winded up doing Ong Bak 2.  Then came part 3.  Supposedly, Jaa, was overwhelmed with his instant celebrity status and wanted to stop making movies.  He was forced …

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X-Men First Class Posters

X-Men First Class Posters

magneto1 X Men First Class Posters

professorx X Men First Class Posters

The posters look somewhat amateurish. I don’t think that it fits with the feel and look of the trailer. However, I like the concept of the reflective images of who they’re going to be.


Must Watch Netflix Stream: Superman/Shazam!: The Return of Black Adam

Must Watch Netflix Stream: Superman/Shazam!: The Return of Black Adam

Superman shazam Must Watch Netflix Stream: Superman/Shazam!: The Return of Black Adam

WB’s DC animation movie is a hit or miss.  You have crappy ones like Superman:  Doomsday and Superman/Batman: Public Enemies.  But then there are the good ones like Batman: Under The Red Hood and Wonder Woman.  Superman/Shazam!: The Return Of Black Adam falls in the latter.  The cartoon has 4 short episodes with each one running about 15 minutes.  They are: The Return Of Black Adam, Spectre, Green Arrow and Jonah Hex.  Some of the stories aren’t really meant for kids because of the dark themes.  My favorite had to be Spectre because it reminded of revenge flicks like Man On …

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Hangover 2 Trailer Doesn’t Have Leslie Chow

Hangover 2 Trailer Doesn’t Have Leslie Chow

hangover2set2 banner Hangover 2 Trailer Doesnt Have Leslie Chow

But it doesn’t mean he won’t be in the movie.  Ken Jeong aka Mr. Chow has already been confirmed for the sequel.  I like this teaser for the sequel.  It actually has the same vibe as the first movie.

I guess it’ll still focus on the 3 main characters and not have much of Doug, just like the first movie.

Movie will come out May 26, 2011.…

Sci-Fi News: Space Battleship Yamato

Sci-Fi News: Space Battleship Yamato

Star%2BBlazers%2BMovie Sci Fi News: Space Battleship Yamato

Son of loaded Oracle founder, David Ellison and his film company Skydance Productions is trying to get the rights to a 70’s animated TV series called Star Blazers which was based on the anime Space Battleship Yamato.  He’s hoping to turn it into a live action feature film.  Ellison and his Skydance funded half of True Grit for Paramount which has brought in $165 million domestically so that puts him in a nice position to negotiate.

Other projects Ellison’s got going include funding the next Mission Impossible, another Jack Ryan installment starring Chris Pine, and a collaboration with Dark Horse Comic …

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TRANSFORMERS At The Daytona 500

TRANSFORMERS At The Daytona 500

Cool photos of the racing cars from the new Transformers movie.

Transformers01jpg TRANSFORMERS At The Daytona 500

Transformers02 TRANSFORMERS At The Daytona 500

Transformers03 TRANSFORMERS At The Daytona 500

Transformers04 TRANSFORMERS At The Daytona 500

Criterion Picks Hulu Over Netflix For Streaming

Criterion Picks Hulu Over Netflix For Streaming

crithulu Criterion Picks Hulu Over Netflix For Streaming

In a disappointing move for this Netflix user, Criterion has given Hulu the rights to stream their collection and has committed to adding 150 films to Hulu and Hulu Plus with another 800 to be added in the upcoming months.  The Director of the Criterion Collection, Peter Becker, raved about Hulu saying:  “… they get it. As their regular viewers know, the Hulu user experience is exactly what it should be: simple, elegant, and focused on the content. Hulu has built their brand on letting the shows and movies take center stage. Nobody does it better, and we’re honored that they

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Trailer: Blacktino

Trailer: Blacktino

A “love-story” about an interracial relationship between 2 nerds.

Looks interesting, and I’m happy to see Machete in this film.…

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