Conan Teaser Trailer

Conan Teaser Trailer

It’s a pretty boring trailer. But, I’m still interested in watching the film since I enjoyed the comics. Can Jason Momoa live up to Arnold? I hope so.…

DVD Review: The Next Three Days

DVD Review: The Next Three Days

The Next Three Days Cover DVD Review: The Next Three Days

The Next Three Days is an overlong but entertaining thriller starring Russell Crowe and written and directed by Paul Haggis. Haggis’s movie Crash won best picture but that picture was divisive and overrated. The Next Three Days drops the preaching of Crash in favor of solid, straight-ahead thrills. The movie is far from perfect though. It’s at least 15-20 minutes too long and a few of the scenes strain credibility to the breaking point.

The Next Three Days is about a teacher whose wife is arrested for a murder he is sure she hasn’t committed and his plan to break her …

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Megamind review

Megamind review

DreamWorks` animated film Megamind has been released (Feb. 25) on DVD and Blu-Ray. It`s an intriguing take on the dynamics of superhero/villain relations, told from the point of view of titular character Megamind ( voiced amusingly by Will Ferrell).  He and his superhero rival Meto Man (Brad Pitt)  are sent to Earth as infants (one of the movie`s many satiric nods to the Superman legend), but it works out differently for them: Metro Man is taken in by a well-to-do family, Megamind by a group of affectionate cons in a prison.  They attend the same school for”gifted kids” and become fast …

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New Super 8 Poster

New Super 8 Poster

super8 poster New Super 8 Poster

Nice design, but is there anything we can pick apart here?

On a side note, Steven Spielberg’s name doesn’t mean anything to me anymore after Transformers 2.…

Super 8 Full Trailer Looks Fun

Super 8 Full Trailer Looks Fun

At first, I thought Super 8 was going to be like Cloverfield since J.J. Abrams is involved but it’s more in the lines of  E.T. and Sandlot.  That’s right, I said Sandlot.  The movie is similar to Sandlot in that it seems to focus on a bunch of kids dealing with the unknown, in Sandlot it was a big dog.  Steven Spielberg is producing the movie.…

POTC: On Stranger Tides Zombie Concept Art

POTC: On Stranger Tides Zombie Concept Art

I guess we can safely say that Disney is starting there marketing blitz for Pirates Of The Carribbean: On Stranger Tides this week.  First, they sent us the Jack Sparrow banner.  Today, they gave us some concept art for the zombie pirates to share with you guys.  I was kind of confused at first why there’d be zombies since majority of the pirates in the first movie didn’t really die.  But I guess these guys are brainless and probably started living again after dying.  While in the first movie, they never died to begin with. 

I always love concept art so …

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Steven Seagals Raids Cockfighting Ring

Steven Seagals Raids Cockfighting Ring

macheteseagal Steven Seagals Raids Cockfighting Ring

Steven Seagal has been on a tear lately.  First, he claimed to teach UFC middleweight champ, Anderson Silva a front kick that knocked out challenger Vitor Belfort.  Then yesterday, Seagal got attention again by busting a cockfighting ring.

“Animal cruelty is one of my pet peeves” – says Seagal in his mystical voice.

ABC News reported that it was more of a publicity stunt for Seagal’s tv show because the camera crew was already ready before the bust.  Seagal was looking outside the house and didn’t go in.  He was making sure no one could escape.  Based on how he looks …

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Jack Sparrow Ready For Battle – New Banner

Jack Sparrow Ready For Battle – New Banner

Here’s the latest banner for Pirates Of The Caribbean: On Stranger Tides.  I like this one because it shows that Disney is going for an epic feel. 

JackArmsOut1 Jack Sparrow Ready For Battle   New Banner

Sucker Punch New Promo

Sucker Punch New Promo

Sucker punch promo 1024x410 Sucker Punch New Promo

Crappy, this poster looks unfinished! I was excited about this film when it was first announced. Now, I’m not too sure. I did enjoy 300 and Legend of the Guardians, so I’m crossing my fingers.…

Magic Tree House To Become Anime

Magic Tree House To Become Anime

0613001990.01.LZZZZZZZ Magic Tree House To Become Anime

It seems like lately there’s been so much talk of American adaptations of Japanese manga, anime and film.  Well this time, it’s an American book series that will be adapted  into a full-length feature anime.  Mary Pope Osbourne, the author of the series, has been putting out these books since the early nineties.  They’ve been sold in 33 countries; 29 volumes in Japan alone. The Magic Tree House is so popular in Japan, that it has become a staple in elementary schools there.

The film will be based on the Japanese version of the books which are animated by Ayana Amako.  …

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