Video: 25 Years of Pixar

Video: 25 Years of Pixar

A fan-made video about the films of Pixar.

Very well done, except for the switching of the aspect ratios, and the use of the Kick-Ass / 28 Weeks Later soundtrack. I love the music, but too overwhelming for the montage.…

DVD Review – Batman: The Brave And The Bold Season One Part Two

DVD Review – Batman: The Brave And The Bold Season One Part Two

batmanbb DVD Review   Batman: The Brave And The Bold Season One Part Two

Batman: Brave and the Bold is the new cartoon from WB and the art design is totally opposite from Batman: The Animated Series which aired in the 90’s.  While the 90’s cartoon was dark and made Batman a loner, Brave and the Bold has a more colorful palette and the Caped Crusader teams up with a superhero/partner in every episode.  While not all of the episodes in ‘Bold’ are fun, the majority are entertaining.  Batman teams up with unorthodox characters like Jonah Hex and  Bat Mite and it makes for an unpredictable show.  I like how the creators focused more on …

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Movie Review: The Lincoln Lawyer

Movie Review: The Lincoln Lawyer

The Lincoln Laywer Movie Review: The Lincoln Lawyer

The Lincoln Lawyer is a slick and entertaining old-school legal thriller. It’s an old-school John Grisham style flick that should appeal to fans of his books and the movies based upon them. Matthew McConaughey gives his best performance in years as a slick, arrogant lawyer who cuts corners, represents scumbags, and struts to hip hop music in cool aviator Ray Ban sunglasses. It’s a tribute to McConaughey that he somehow still earns audience sympathy considering the character’s initial callow worldview and attitude. Smirking and preening, McConaughey and a game and solid supporting cast, make The Lincoln Lawyer an entertaining escapist entertainment.…

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DVD Review:  Princess Ka’iulani

DVD Review: Princess Ka’iulani

princess kaiulani dvd DVD Review:  Princess Kaiulani

Princess Ka’iulani was Hawaiian royalty of Scottish/Hawaiian descent.  She was the niece of Queen Liliuokalani and was next in line to the throne.  She died at 23, shortly after the military takeover and subsequent annexation of the islands of Hawai’i.

This biopic was given a limited release across the US. It met with a lot of criticism over the way Sanford Dole (the pineapple grower) was depicted as a sort of benevolent character who was reluctant about the takeover and tried to help the Hawaiians.  Historically, Dole was actually one of the major forces behind the takeover because the Hawaiians did …

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Newer Captain America Trailer

Newer Captain America Trailer

So, there you go kids, if you’re a tiny little dweeb, you won’t amount to anything! Decent trailer though, it reminds me of G.I. Joe.…

David Slade to Direct Daredevil Reboot

David Slade to Direct Daredevil Reboot

david slade daredevil David Slade to Direct Daredevil Reboot

As previously reported on Nerdosciety, a Daredevil reboot has been in-development.  Well the wheels are turning faster as David Slade, the guy who directed Twilight Saga: Eclipse and 30 Days of Night has been added to direct the project.  He has also directed music videos for Stone Temple Pilots, Muse and System of a Down.

There has been some terrifying rumor that Robert Pattinson is supposed to play Matt Murdock.  When asked about it, he denied it saying “I don’t know where that one came from at all.”  No sign of Ben Affleck, either.  It was reported way back when …

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Tron Interior Designs at Milan Design Week

Tron Interior Designs at Milan Design Week

tron corian 575x103 Tron Interior Designs at Milan Design Week

In April, an exhibit will go on display at Milan Design Week of interior design decor inspired by Tron: Legacy.  Designers and architects hired by Disney and DuPont collaborated on this project called “Tron Designs Corian.”    The showcase will utilize a material called Corian (which you may have seen in kitchen countertops) and lots of electroluminescence that will give the furniture and decor that sleek Tron style.  Here’s some of the designs from the exhibit:

corian tron designs 2 Tron Interior Designs at Milan Design Week

tron designs corian6 Tron Interior Designs at Milan Design Week

troncorian04 Tron Interior Designs at Milan Design Week

TRON Exibition 500x352 Tron Interior Designs at Milan Design Week

troncorian05 Tron Interior Designs at Milan Design Week

[Source:  THR]

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Friends With Benefits Trailer

Friends With Benefits Trailer

Timberlake is always annoying to me in movies. But, this one looks watchable. I guess Mila Kunis is the next big thing. I wonder what happens in the end? I really hope that they split and goes their separate ways. C’mon Hollywood, try something different!…

The Sexy Girls Of Sucker Punch

The Sexy Girls Of Sucker Punch

Visionary director, Zack Snyder, (300, Dawn Of The Dead Remake) is back and this time, it’s for an all female cast in the action pack fantasy flick, Sucker Punch.  The babes looked sexy in the posters but let’s take a closer look at the sultry girls of Sucker Punch and see how they look in real life…..

Playing the lead role of Baby Doll is 22 year old Australian actor Emily Browning.  She’s best known as Violet in Lemony Snicket’s A Series Of Unfortunate Events.  She’s a blonde in majority of the movie but she’s a brunette in …

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Documentary Spotlight: Waiting For Superman

Documentary Spotlight: Waiting For Superman

Waiting for Superman Documentary Spotlight: Waiting For Superman

Waiting For Superman, the critically acclaimed documentary on America’s failing public school system is now available on DVD, blu-ray, and on-demand and is easily one of the best movies of the year. If this doc doesn’t piss you off, it’s time to start checking for a pulse. Filmmaker Davis Guggenheim is one angry liberal who uses facts and hipster animation and charts (very similiar to Michael Moore’s influential style) to illustrate his points about how our public school system is broken and ways it might be fixed. Guggenheim wisely keeps the focus on the kids he profiles and a few educators …

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