Tyson Tattoo Artist Suing Hangover 2

Tyson Tattoo Artist Suing Hangover 2

Did you know you could copyright a tattoo design?  Neither did I. But apparently, Tyson’s tattoo artist is suing to block the release of Hangover 2 until the producers pony up for rights to use his tattoo design.  As seen here, the now iconic tattoo made infamous by Mr. Tyson was copied for the Hangover sequel.  But since tribal tattoos were first invented by Polynesians and his design is a clear ripoff of theirs, maybe they’re the ones who should own the rights.

alg helms mike tyson face tattoo Tyson Tattoo Artist Suing Hangover 2

[Source: HP…]
New Conan Trailer

New Conan Trailer

Looks better than I thought.  It follows the comic book more instead the Arnold flicks.  He’s actually fighting crazy looking creatures.  The special effects doesn’t look too bad either.

DVD Review:  The Sicilian Girl

DVD Review: The Sicilian Girl

The Sicilian Girl Movie Poster DVD Review:  The Sicilian Girl

The Sicilian Girl (2008) is an Italian film based on the true story of Rita Atria who, at seventeen, turned state’s evidence against the Mafiosi in her hometown after her father and brother were both murdered by them.  Rita has been hailed as a hero and also villainized for contributing to the convictions of dozens of Mafioso from her hometown.

The Sicilian Girl follows “Rita Mancuso” from the time she is a young daddy’s girl who witnesses her father’s brutal assassination.

2580059 DVD Review:  The Sicilian Girl

The film strays from the original story in a couple of minor ways.  First, it was actually Rita’s sister-in-law Piera …

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Fast Five Blowing Up the Weekend

Fast Five Blowing Up the Weekend

fastfive trailer2front Fast Five Blowing Up the Weekend

Thursday’s midnight showing of Fast Five set a new record for Universal’s midnight opening box office receipts with over $3 mil.   Friday saw that number jump to $33 mil and the entire weekend gross is being estimated at $80 mil.  This will probably be the biggest opening weekend for any film so far this year.  It is being said to top the two previous big opening weekend blockbusters Rio and Rango combined. 

Rotten Tomatoes is showing 79% in the Fresh category which is pretty high. The review says “Sleek, loud, and over the top, Fast Five proudly embraces its brainless action …

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Transformers 3 Trailer Gets Dramatic

Transformers 3 Trailer Gets Dramatic

Here’s the theatrical trailer for the third installment of Transformers.  I know it’s the last installment but the inevitable reboot but Michael Bay wants us to believe that this last movie will be tragic and epic at the same time.  Still  a cool trailer but doesn’t have the impact when you first saw the robots in the first Transformers trailer:…

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 – Trailer

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 – Trailer


Warner Bros. has released the trailer for the last (?) Harry Pottah movie.  It’s the final showdown.  Check it out…


Wizard World Comic Con Tour In Anaheim, CA

Wizard World Comic Con Tour In Anaheim, CA

anaheimLO 300x197 Wizard World Comic Con Tour In Anaheim, CA 

Wizard World Comic Con will make its way to Anaheim this weekend, April 29 – May 1 at the Anaheim Convention Center.  The lineup looks pretty impressive and includes actors, artists and WWE/WWF stars.

Here’s a few I’m looking forward too; you can go to Wizards World’s website for the complete listing: 
Phil Ortiz (The Simpsons; He-Man; Masters of the Universe)
Phil Jimenez (Amazing Spider-Man; Astonishing X-Men)
Tony Washington and Michael C. Hayes (World of Warcraft)
Carlos Alazraqui (Phineas and Ferb; the Fairly Oddparents)
Stephen Stanton (Star Wars: The Clone Wars; Robot Chicken)
Arthur Suydam (Marvel Zombies; Army of Darkness)
Tricia …

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Cool Trailer: Life In A Day

Cool Trailer: Life In A Day

A documentary produced by Ridley and Tony Scott, one thing is for sure, this film is going to be visually stunning.

The floating lanterns in the end reminds me of Disney’s Tangled. I didn’t know they really existed.…

X-Men: First Class New Trailer

X-Men: First Class New Trailer

mystique 200x300 X Men: First Class New Trailer

Here’s a new international trailer for X-Men: First Class.  I like the dark tone but from reading message boards, the majority of the fans aren’t looking forward to this movie.  Please prove them wrong Matthew Vaughn….

Movie comes out June 3rd, 2011…

Mortal Kombat: Legacy Part 2

Mortal Kombat: Legacy Part 2

Here’s the second part of MK: Legacy.  I guess it’s Mortal Kombat day with the new game, blu-ray and this webisode released today.

I like the money shot but the ending reminded me of Ahnullld in Terminator 2.…

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