Transformers 3: 3D Trailer

Transformers 3: 3D Trailer

Here’s the 3D trailer for Transformers: Dark Of The Moon.  It will be attached to Pirates Of The Caribbean:  On Stranger Tides 3-D showings, which came out today.   Supposedly the 3D effects turned out really good that Paramount is releasing the movie 2 days earlier than planned to June 29, instead of July 1.…

1st Pic Of Tom Hardy As Bane

1st Pic Of Tom Hardy As Bane

Here’s the first pic of Bane, the main villain for Dark Knight Rises:

banehires 1st Pic Of Tom Hardy As Bane

My first impression was “bad ass!” but thinking more about it, I hope he won’t look too goofy wearing the  mask.  I must have more  faith in Christopher Nolan, he made the Tumbler and Bat Pod look cool. Bane looks menacing just like in the comics, unlike this crappy ass version from Batman & Robin:

bane batmanandrobin 1st Pic Of Tom Hardy As Bane


DVD Review: Human Planet

DVD Review: Human Planet

humanplanet DVD Review: Human Planet

Human Planet is a great mini-series that focuses on …… us. BBC has done something similar before called Planet Earth. While Planet Earth focuses more on the nature end of things such as Forests, Landscapes, and Animals, Planet Earth emphasizes on humans and our relationships with our environment. For instance, the first episode shows Whale Hunting. While some people might disagree on Whale Hunting altogether, the show focuses on why certain tribes or people have to hunt whales. They depend on it for food, more than profiteering. One can easily sit back and judge when there’s a supermarket down the road …

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Expendables Downloaders Getting Sued

Expendables Downloaders Getting Sued

watch the expendables online Expendables Downloaders Getting Sued

File-sharers beware!  Film companies now pay people to go on bit-torrent sites and collect IP address of people sharing and downloading files. In what is being called “the single largest illegal bit-torrent downloading case in US history,” a federal judge has given the go-ahead to subpoena ISP’s to find out the identity of everybody who downloaded Sly Stallone’s Expendables off the internet. Over 23,000 unsuspecting file-sharers are being targeted for downloading the film.  This number will most likely increase as more are discovered.

As in most of these cases, the lawyers will most likely offer the “defendants” a settlement amount which …

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Exclusive Trailer: Super 8

Exclusive Trailer: Super 8

From /film, here’s a  new 30-second trailer for Super 8.

It’s definitely better than the first trailer I saw, but a bit of a knock off from the old Transformers trailers. I still don’t really know what’s going on, but I guess that’s the point.


Movie Review: Thor

Movie Review: Thor

Thor1 Movie Review: Thor

Thor is the epic, expensive first blockbuster of the summer from Marvel Studios based on the popular comic book series. Thor is an engaging mix of campy laughs and cool, gaudy action sequences. The movie is well-paced, directed and acted with the real surprise being that the lead is quite good. Thor is played by the charismatic and juiced Chris Hemsworth with a goofy grin and a wide-eyed thirst for war and the movie is directed by none other than Kenneth Branagh, who knows better than to take all of this seriously.

Thor switches between scenes in Thor’s realm of Asgard …

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Lazarus Pit In Dark Knight Rises

Lazarus Pit In Dark Knight Rises

Here’s a pic of the Lazarus Pit from the Dark Knight Risess shoot in India:

lazaruspit Lazarus Pit In Dark Knight Rises

I don’t know what to think about this.  Nolan’s take on Batman is suppose to be realistic but by adding the pit, it makes it supernatural.  Nolan did this too in Prestige and I thought it was a cop out.  I just hope there’s a good explanation for the chemicals that can resurrect the dead.

Source:  Comic Book Movie

Rumor:  Keanu Reeves as Akira’s Kaneda??

Rumor: Keanu Reeves as Akira’s Kaneda??

keanu reeves akira Rumor:  Keanu Reeves as Akiras Kaneda??

That’s the word on the web over the weekend as the Hollywood Reporter  stated that Warner Bros. is zeroing in on Reeves to star in the film adaptation of the legendary anime.  This is still, of course, just a rumor and Variety even posted an article warning the public not to jump to any conclusions just yet.

Last month, George Takei (the original Sulu from Star Trek) posted a link to a petition on his Twitter  which speaks out against casting caucasian actors as characters originally written to be Japanese.  Here is the Facebook petition aptly titled “Don’t Whitewash

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Thor #1 for Mother’s Day – Fast Five Takes Second

Thor #1 for Mother’s Day – Fast Five Takes Second


new thor trailer 2 Thor #1 for Mothers Day   Fast Five Takes Second

If they were racing for pinks Thor would be owning a Fast & Furious 10 second car right now.  Well okay, this is Thor‘s opening weekend and total receipts are being estimated at $66 mil which is well under what Fast Five did last week.  Thor actually opened around the world over a week ago (don’t ask me why the US got to see it last) and has so far taken in $176 mil. worldwide.  For a comic book movie, that’s pretty good.  And there’s definitely a reason for this:  Thor‘s a good movie.  There, I said it.  …

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The Ultimate Summer Movie Preview (Hold the 1,000 calorie popcorn!)

The Ultimate Summer Movie Preview (Hold the 1,000 calorie popcorn!)

Thor The Ultimate Summer Movie Preview (Hold the 1,000 calorie popcorn!)

Well, it’s that time once again. Time to beat the heat and escape to the multiplex for homoerotic superhero movies about Nordic Gods, overpriced popcorn, and crowded theatres with too many trailers and too little parking. Here’s my calendar of movie picks. Lets hope for a decent summer movie season, I’ll see you all at the movies:

May 6th:

Thor- Summer starts really early (this weekend in fact) with the release of the sure to be homoerotic movie of the Marvel Comics God Thor.

May 13th:

Bridesmaids- Hopes to prove that all chick flicks don’t have to suck. This could be …

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