My $43 Memorial Day Haul

My $43 Memorial Day Haul

Blockbuster had a crazy sale last week with the 5 for $20 deal.

That wasn’t good enough for Blockbuster and today sold a whole bunch of used movies for $.99.  Below is my haul, yeah I got carried away and bought movies I probably will only watch once.

IMG 2517 My $43 Memorial Day Haul

Happy Memorial Day everybody!…

Casting News: Legolas Will be in ‘The Hobbit’

Casting News: Legolas Will be in ‘The Hobbit’

Legolas The Hobbit Casting News: Legolas Will be in The Hobbit

Peter Jackson announced yesterday on his Facebook Page that Orlando Bloom has officially joined the cast of The Hobbit (the prequel to JRR Tolkein’s Lord of the Rings).  That means the ladies will get to see more of Legolas and his willowy, long blond hair.  Hey, who cares that Legolas wasn’t in the original book?  His elfish presence brightened up the cast of brooding marauders with his light-hearted zeal for killing orc and his loyal, male-bonding ways.  I thought Legolas provided a nice refuge from all the seriousness of the first three films.

The cast list so far, according …

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Sexy Emma Frost In 60’s Lingerie

Sexy Emma Frost In 60’s Lingerie

emma3 Sexy Emma Frost In 60s Lingerie

X-Men: First Class has one more week to go before its release but the reviews have been great so far.  To add more to the excitement (mostly for guys), Hollywood Reporter has released these photos of Emma Frost (January Jones) in her sexy costumes.

emma2 Sexy Emma Frost In 60s Lingerie

emma Sexy Emma Frost In 60s Lingerie

Samantha Sheldon designed the costumes. 

Source: Hollywood Reporter

Update!  Keanu Reeves talks 47 Ronin

Update! Keanu Reeves talks 47 Ronin

 Update!  Keanu Reeves talks 47 Ronin

As previously reported on Nerdsociety, Keanu Reeves is starring in 47 Ronin, an epic fantasy film about the historic Japanese samurai troupe of the same name.  The cast list has grown since then and we now know (and I am very excited to report) that the great Tadanobu Asano (Thor) was cast, along with Rinko Kikuchi (Babel), Hiroyuki Sanada ( Lost, Last Samurai), and Kou Shibasaki (Battle Royal).  Japan pop star Jin Akanishi will also be making his Hollywood debut in the film, possibly as a friend of Keanu’s named “Scream.”  The …

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Movie Review: Priest

Movie Review: Priest

Priest Movie Review: Priest

Priest is an entertaining, futuristic action/horror flick based on a popular manga. Not being familiar with the manga, I still enjoyed the movie and was able to follow it the whole way through. The movie runs a brisk 87 minutes and the production design, while far from original, is stylish and impressive. Priest features some decent acting and cool effects and the action scenes are very engaging. This may be a case where style over substance isn’t such a bad thing. Priest is derivative of other movies (everything from Star Wars, Mad Max, The Matrix, and Blade Runner), but it’s worth …

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Movie Review: Bridesmaids

Movie Review: Bridesmaids

Bridesmaids Movie Review: Bridesmaids

The latest from the Judd Apatow factory turns out to be a very funny, raunchy good time. Box office is soaring thanks to good word of mouth and strong performances all around. Bridesmaids fell a mere 22 percent in its second weekend of release while most of its competition plummeted down to earth. The movie is skewing mostly female, but guys will enjoy it too. Unlike the vicious and unfunny Hangover, there’s nothing mean-spirited in Bridesmaids. If you’re looking for a raunchy Rated R fest this is the comedy to see, leave The Hangover 2 to UFC fioght fans and homophobic …

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DVD Review:  Chuck Norris – Karate Kommandos

DVD Review: Chuck Norris – Karate Kommandos

chuck norris DVD Review:  Chuck Norris   Karate Kommandos

Chuck Norris had a cartoon show in 1986 that was short lived.  The series only lasted 5 episodes but it has been released on DVD.  The show had Chuck Norris team up with several martial arts characters as they fight an evil organization, led by Klaw.  It’s not really explained why Klaw is the bad guy, he just is.  They always try to get a super weapon and Chuck Norris and his crew try to stop them. 

To enjoy this show, you can’t take it seriously.  Watch it when you’re with friends so you guys can laugh at the bad guys …

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Trailer: Immortals

Trailer: Immortals

I was a big fan of Tarsem when he did The Cell, but his last movie was extremely annoying. Now, he returns with a 300 rip-off. Even the script style is a rip-off. See for yourself!

The only good thing going for this film is Mickey Rourke.…

Cool Concept Art: Planet of The Apes

Cool Concept Art: Planet of The Apes

Synopsis: Set in San Francisco, a young scientist desperately searches for a way to cure his ailing father’s Alzheimer’s. He begins immediate working by testing the cure on chimpanzees. When one of his test subjects, Caesar, begins to show rapid mental evolution, the scientist takes him home to save him from cruel lab owners. As Caesar’s intelligence grows, so do his ambitions for freedom and power.

Here are some concept art for the upcoming film.

pota6 Cool Concept Art: Planet of The Apes

pota5 Cool Concept Art: Planet of The Apes

pota4 Cool Concept Art: Planet of The Apes

pota3 Cool Concept Art: Planet of The Apes

pota2 Cool Concept Art: Planet of The Apes

pota1 Cool Concept Art: Planet of The Apes

Very cool conceptual arts that shows intelligence from the Apes. Seems like they planned it all out, or at least Caesar did.…

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Tom Cruise to Star in Sci-Fi ‘Oblivion’ Adaptation

Tom Cruise to Star in Sci-Fi ‘Oblivion’ Adaptation

oblivion 1 Tom Cruise to Star in Sci Fi Oblivion Adaptation

Joseph Kosinski of Tron: Legacy will be directing a feature-length film adaptation of Oblivion, a graphic novel he helped to create along with Arvid Nelson for Radical Publishing. Oblivion first made its debut in November of 2010.  Universal Pictures has acquired this $100 million flick from Disney, who won a bidding war for the rights last year then passed on the project. Oblivion is set for a 2012 release.

As the story goes, the main character (I’m thinking Tom Cruise) is a soldier who lives a solitary life on an uninhabitable, post-apocalyptic earth while human clones live high above the …

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