Blu-ray Review: Unknown

Blu-ray Review: Unknown

unknown bluray cover 811x1024 Blu ray Review: Unknown

Unknown is a story of a man, who gets into a car accident, wakes up from a coma only to discover that he may not be the person that he thought he was. Nobody knows who he is, including his wife of 5 years. The adventure begins.

The Movie Itself
Unknown is a good thriller, set in winterly Germany. The story is immersive that kept me wanting to know more. The acting is good, it’s almost like Liam Neeson just plays himself and everything still turns out great. Although, there are scenes that will make you chuckle or shake your head. …

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Movie Review: X-Men: First Class

Movie Review: X-Men: First Class

X Men Poster Movie Review: X Men: First Class

X-Men: First Class lives up to its title and is first rate in every way. A massive improvement over X3 and the Wolverine solo movie, First Class is a big step back in the right direction. Helmed by smart British director Matthew Vaughn, First Class earns all passing grades. Vaughn directed Layer Cake (a low-budget British crime flick) but really impressed me with Stardust, the underrated fantasy classic. Stardust is the best film of its kind in eons and X-Men: First Class is the best comic book movie since The Dark Knight. The movie may be entitled “first class”, but its …

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King Kong To Be A Cartoon on FOX

King Kong To Be A Cartoon on FOX

Seriously? That’s what I said when I first heard of the news. The King Kong story is meant to be a sad tragedy rather than a colorful giant gorilla with happy endings. It’s not like Peter Jackson didn’t ruin the mystique already, but why make it worse? If you really think about it, Jackson’s Kong was already somewhat animated, which is why I preferred the Jeff Bridges’ version. I ruined that VHS tape!

king kong1 King Kong To Be A Cartoon on FOX

Awesome PSA Owning Rude Theater Customer

Awesome PSA Owning Rude Theater Customer

One of the reasons I don’t like going to theaters on weekends are the annoying moviegoers that’s constantly checking their phones every 5 seconds. It’s distracting and I can’t focus on the movie anymore. That’s why I usually watch a movie on a weekday now, it’s less crowded and the audience seems to know that they’re not in their living room. Alamo Drafthouse, a movie theater in Texas, has a strict rule when it comes to the annoying customers. You get warned twice and if you still keep talking/texting, you get booted out without a refund. The female customer in …

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Hit Girl Wins 2 MTV Awards

Hit Girl Wins 2 MTV Awards

hit girl costume Hit Girl Wins 2 MTV Awards

14 year old Chloe Moretz, the girl behind Hit Girl in Kick-Ass, won 2 MTV awards last night. She won Biggest Badass Star and Best Breakout Star. I’m glad she’s being recognized by mainstream fans. Kick-Ass should’ve made more money at the box office and it’s one of my favorite movies of all time. Her chemistry with Big Daddy and Kick-Ass really made the movie. She was also in the remake of the drama vampire, Let Me In.

Here next movie will be Dark Shadows, directed by Tim Burton.…

Shia LaBeouf Rebuffs Mega Fox

Shia LaBeouf Rebuffs Mega Fox


La Fox Kiss 3 megan fox and shia labeouf 7198160 364 194 Shia LaBeouf Rebuffs Mega Fox

So we’ve heard all the trash-talking that’s gone down between Megan Fox and certain crew members from the Transformers movies.  At one point, they were writing letters calling her lovely names like classless, dumb, trashy, and ungracious while Fox likened director Michael Bay to dictators like Napoleon and Hitler calling him “a nightmare to work for.”

Well the star of the films, Shia LaBeouf, has finally come forward to set the record straight.  In a recent interview with the LA Times, LaBeouf said:  “Megan developed this Spice Girl strength, this woman-empowerment [stuff] that made her feel awkward about her

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Dark Knight Rises Viral Vids?

Dark Knight Rises Viral Vids?

Here are two videos that might be for Dark Knight Rises.  The second vid is pretty creepy with the chant.  Maybe Bayne is in some kind of cult that’s more extreme than Rha’s Al Ghul.…

Movie Review: X-Men: First Class

Movie Review: X-Men: First Class

I’m excited for First Class and most of the reviews have been positive.  Sherdog member, Dragonlord has reviewed the movie.  Too bad the ending didn’t live up to the movie.  Regardless I’m seeing this tomorrow!

Dragonlord’s review:

Bottom Line: The second best X-Men film so far, X-Men: First Class is a smart entertaining film with a wonderful cast but suffers from an unsatisfactory ending.

X MenBeast 2 1 Movie Review: X Men: First Class

Just came back from watching X-Men: First Class and I am a bit underwhelmed to be honest. Don’t get me wrong, I like the film. It is exceptionally well-made and the build-up is terrific, but there’s no …

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Free X-Men: First Class Ticket When You Buy Cheap X-Men Movies

Free X-Men: First Class Ticket When You Buy Cheap X-Men Movies

x2 Free X Men: First Class Ticket When You Buy Cheap X Men Movies

Best Buy is having a good deal right now:

Buy any X-Men movie (X1, X2, X3, Wolverine) on DVD ($3.99) or Blu-Ray ($7.99) and get a free ticket for X-Men: First Class coming out this Friday.  The ticket is worth $12 and can be used in the majority of the theatres.

I ordered mine for pickup (you can choose which location) at a local Best Buy since it was backordered online.  I got X1 and X2.

Best Buy deal

You know me, I’m a big supporter of First Class, so jump on this deal and contribute to the movie’s hopefully massive …

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Trailer:  Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

Trailer: Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

lisbeth salander rooney mara the girl with the dragon tattoo 12 1 11 kc Trailer:  Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

There is a lot of speculation about this “red band” trailer going on, that it was leaked by Sony, that it was camcorded in a European movie theater… Either way, it’s out now, and we finally get to see the first glimpses of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.

My initial response was that it seems to be following the original movie pretty closely which is probably a good idea.  It looks pretty good from what I can tell.  Here’s the tailer:

The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo (Red Band Trailer)

[Source:  THR]

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