Unboxing LOTR: EE Blu-Ray & Green Tint Issue

Unboxing LOTR: EE Blu-Ray & Green Tint Issue

Lord of the Rings Extended Edition Blu ray Unboxing LOTR: EE Blu Ray & Green Tint Issue

Last Friday, I was surprised to receive my copy of Lord Of The Rings: Extended Edition Blu-Ray set.  The 15 disc set contains a new transfer for Fellowship Of The Ring (FOTR) and added at least 30 minutes of new scenes for each movie.  I thought the package looked pretty cool and one of the best I’ve seen.  I made a quick video so I can share it with fellow fans:

Early reports and screenshots for FOTR showed a green tint with the new transfer.  I watched the movie on Friday night and the green tint is there.  Think of it …

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Fun LOTR Events Planned For Blu-Ray Extended Edition Release

Fun LOTR Events Planned For Blu-Ray Extended Edition Release

Lord of the Rings Extended Edition Blu ray Fun LOTR Events Planned For Blu Ray Extended Edition Release

Warner Brothers is releasing Lord Of The Rings (LOTR): Extended Edition on June 28th, 2011 and they have several big events for it, including:

– Midnight sale at Best Buy in West Los Angeles. 

– Giving out a trip to New Zealand (where the movie was filmed) to the best LOTR cosplayer

– Interacting with crews from the movie

– Theater screenings of the Extended Edition

– Much more!

I didn’t think WB would have a promotional campaign this big for LOTR.  Much props to them for appreciating their fans.

Below is the press release from WB:

Burbank, Calif.

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A Kimbo Slice Movie?

A Kimbo Slice Movie?

kevin connolly A Kimbo Slice Movie?

Maybe. As Entourage is nearing the end of its long career, Kevin Connolly is branching out to different roles. He wants to direct a Kimbo Slice film.

Kimbo Slice is a Youtube sensation. He started his career as a backyard brawler, who ended fighting in the biggest MMA organization, the UFC. His career didn’t last very long in the Octagon because he was obviously out-skilled (the guy can’t grapple), but he pulled high ratings, so the UFC gave him a chance.

Video: (might need to sign in to youtube)

Kimbo might be considered a disgrace to most MMA fans, but the …

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NSFW – Star Wars XXX: A Porn Parody Set Visit With Allie Haze

NSFW – Star Wars XXX: A Porn Parody Set Visit With Allie Haze

starwars parody 1 NSFW   Star Wars XXX: A Porn Parody Set Visit With Allie Haze

The newest porn parody from Vivid and Axel Braun wrapped its filming over the weekend, Star Wars XXX.  Braun said he’s had fun shooting the movie but wanted to pay an homage to one of the most beloved sci fi franchise in the world.  I caught up with the cast and crew recently and went behind the scenes for the most expensive adult film ever produced.  As I got there, they were filming on the third floor of the building.  Lot of green screens and a bunch of imperial officers pointing at it.  Next were Stormtroopers with busty armors and showing …

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Director of “3:10 To Yuma” Offered To Direct “The Wolverine”

Director of “3:10 To Yuma” Offered To Direct “The Wolverine”

x men origin wolverine Director of 3:10 To Yuma Offered To Direct The Wolverine

Yes folks, Fox has offered the job to James Mangold, whom has directed serious films before like 3:10 To Yuma. Yes, he also directed Knight and Day, which was awful beyond belief. But, since this won’t be a romantic-action comedy flick (i hope not), Mangold should do well.

The original pick, Darren Aronofsky (Black Swan), would have been very interesting to say the least. But, James Mangold should be able to pull off a serious tone also, if FOX leaves him be. Although, reports have already circulated that the original script has been changed heavily, so  who knows …

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Blu-ray Review:The Man from Nowhere (2010)

Blu-ray Review:The Man from Nowhere (2010)

the man from nowhere blu ra Blu ray Review:The Man from Nowhere (2010)

The Man from Nowhere (Ajeossi) is a revenge flick out of South Korea that at first glance, eerily resembles The Professional but differs in many respects.  Actor Won Bin, who previously played a mentally challenged young man in the awesome movie Mother (I highly recommend seeing that as well), is a mysterious loner named Tae Sik who runs a pawn shop.  His neighbor, a little girl named So Mi, often comes by and visits him when her flaky  mom is busy doing drugs or whatever.  Tae Sik obviously has some sort of dark past that causes him to behave without a …

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Blu-ray Review: Just Go With It (Adam Sandler)

Blu-ray Review: Just Go With It (Adam Sandler)

Just Go With It Cover Blu ray Review: Just Go With It (Adam Sandler)

Just Go With It (what a terrible title) is the latest from the Adam Sandler hit factory, assembled by committee and lacking a heart or pulse. Just Go With It wastes a decent cast (including Jennifer Aniston) and an OK premise as it drowns in too-few laughs and mean-spirited gags at the expense of the movie’s heavy or non-White characters. There’s a meanness to the movie and the fact that Sandler’s character is such an annoying sexist that the comedy elements are hard to enjoy, such as they are.

Just Go With It is about a doctor named Danny (played by …

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Blu-ray Review: Highwater (surfing documentary)

Blu-ray Review: Highwater (surfing documentary)

Highwater Blu ray cover1 Blu ray Review: Highwater (surfing documentary)

Surf’s really up in the latest documentary from current surf documentary icon Dana Brown. The Brown family has had a long history making some of the best surfing docs ever made. Dana’s father directed The Endless Summer, the famous surfing doc that helped propel surfing in the national spotlight. Dana continues this tradition with the visually stunning, propulsive doc Highwater. A thrilling and intriguing look at the current state of the sport. It appears business is good (really good) for surfing and the doc captures thrilling footage at the mecca of surfing, the North Shore of Oahu, where the top ranked …

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NSFW! Girl with the Dragon Tattoo Movie Poster

NSFW! Girl with the Dragon Tattoo Movie Poster

Okay, here it is:  Craig and Mara in the movie poster for The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.   In my honest opinion, I think they’re trying too hard to make her edgy. I mean yeah, Lisbeth Salander did show nudity in the movies.  She never did in the posters, from what I remember.  But if Mara is going to pull of playing Salander, it’s going to take a lot more than just being able to flash her boobs.  Salander wasn’t just edgy she was also really tough and she came across on-screen as being very strong, even for being as …

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Planet of the Apes Actress Breaks out of Jail

Planet of the Apes Actress Breaks out of Jail

delightful estella warren Planet of the Apes Actress Breaks out of Jail

Who knew the sexy seductress was capable of such shenanigans?  Estella Warren, who starred as Daena opposite Marky Mark in Tim Burton’s 2001 version of Planet of the Apes, is facing serious jailtime for an outrageous string of events that started back in May when she crashed into three parked cars in West Hollywood.  Initially she tried to leave without providing any ID so the po po was called out to the scene.  When they arrived, they were going to arrest her on suspicion of DUI but wound up also arresting her for assaulting a police officer!  If that wasn’t …

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