John Carter Trailer

John Carter Trailer

The title sounds boring but this might be a good adventure flick.  Based on Edgar Rice Burroughs (Tarzan) novel and directed by Andrew Stanton (Finding Nemo), the story is about a civil war vet who wakes up in Mars.  In this version of Mars, the planet isn’t red but there’s plenty of adventures to be had. 

It will be released March 9,2012…

Guyver Looking Predator Mask

Guyver Looking Predator Mask

Our friend Steve Wang, has created his latest masterpiece, a ceremonial Predator Mask courtey of Sideshow.  It’ll only cost your $325 to get this bad boy!  Wang directed the live action Guyver movies and you can see the influence on the mask.  This one looks organic and doesn’t look metal.

steve wang Guyver Looking Predator Mask

Netflix Price Going Up – Redbox Anyone?

Netflix Price Going Up – Redbox Anyone?

I’ve been a Netflix fan but I just can’t support their latest price increase.  Starting today (September for current members), they have a new price structure.  Pretty much what it comes down to is that it’ll be a $3- $5 increase if you get both streaming and movies delivered to your home.  They’ll also be charged separately with unlimited streaming at $7.99 and also $7.99 for 1 movie at a time.  The total would be $15.98.  Before this it was only $9.99 for both services. 

Right now I have the 2 movies unlimited + blu-ray (extra $3 per month) and I …

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Dark Knight Rises Poster & Trailer Description

Dark Knight Rises Poster & Trailer Description

Below is the poster for the 3rd installment of Christopher Nolan’s Batman.  Poster would’ve been good if Inception didn’t have one similar to it.  The coolest part is Batman’s logo. 

dkr Dark Knight Rises Poster & Trailer Description

The teaser trailer will be attached to Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows: Part 2, which comes out this Friday, 7/15/2011.  Below is the description:

“Trailer opens with studio logos set on top of the blue flame from Dark Knight. Start panning up some buildings, but to screen card. EVERY HERO HAS A JOURNEY.  Cuts to a shot from Begins with Bruce walking up to that Village when he’s looking for …

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Trailer: Kokuriko-Zaka Kara from Studio Ghibli

Trailer: Kokuriko-Zaka Kara from Studio Ghibli

kokurikozaka Trailer: Kokuriko Zaka Kara from Studio Ghibli

Here is the trailer for Kokuriko Zaka Kara, the latest effort from Studio Ghibli,  Hayao Miyazaki’s animation studio.  This one was actually directed by Goro Miyazaki, Hayao’s son. The elder Miyazaki co-wrote the film and designed the movie poster above.  The film is based on a manga from 1980 of the same name.

Here is a synopsis compliments of IMDB:  “A group of Yokohama teens look to save their school’s clubhouse from the wrecking ball in preparations for the 1964 Tokyo Olympics.”   The manga itself centers around a teenaged girl whose father goes missing.  From the looks of the trailer, it …

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Movie Review: Horrible Bosses

Movie Review: Horrible Bosses

Horrible Bosses Movie Review: Horrible Bosses

Horrible Bosses had a great opening weekend at the box office for an R-rated comedy and its easy to see why. It’s a raunchy, crude, but very funny ride. The premise seems to also appeal to a large number of the viewing public who are fed up with their job, their boss, or both. Horrible Bosses has a good cast and an easy to follow plot. The cast is uniformly good but the two standouts are Charlie Day and Colin Farrell. Farrell in particular brings a nasty zeal to his crude role as a paranoid cokehead boss. Almost impossible to recognize …

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Funny Video: Saruman Is a Troll

Funny Video: Saruman Is a Troll

I’ve always felt that the scene below in the Extended Edition was a little uselss, until now….


Movie Review: Transformers: Dark of the Moon

Movie Review: Transformers: Dark of the Moon

Transformers Poster Movie Review: Transformers: Dark of the Moon

After Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen made a ton of money but was poorly received, Michael Bay and the crew promised to make this Transformers less jokey and more serious and darker in tone. He’s mostly succeeded. Transformers: Dark of the Moon is not as idiotic in places and the action scenes and effects are amazing. Sure, the movie is punishingly overlong at 157 minutes, but its mostly a fun ride.

The plot of Transformers has to do with a spacecraft hidden on the Moon with secrets that the Autobots must discover before the Decepticons. The moon prologue is very cool, …

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Zoe Saldana is Still a Proud Nerd

Zoe Saldana is Still a Proud Nerd

zoe saldana calvin klein  Zoe Saldana is Still a Proud Nerd
Zoe Saldana revealed more of her nerd roots on the Rachel Ray show yesterday (replayed from March) admitting to pretending she was Ripley from Aliens as a young girl and also Lady Jessica from Dune.  Saldana says she is currently “rereading” the novel Dune, obviously a favorite of hers.  The self-proclaimed “girl in her panties with two guns” was quoted on Nerdsociety as saying that she was always into things that the popular people in school weren’t into, things that weren’t considered “cool” back in the day.  Well things have certainly changed since then.

When Ray asked Saldana about …

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Transformers 3 Used Old Footage From Island

Transformers 3 Used Old Footage From Island

No, I’m not hating on Transformers 3 with the GIF below.  I was just amazed they can add special effects to old clips and make it look seamless.

I thought TF 3 was enjoyable and way better than the second one.  Michael Bay makes awesome car chase scenes.  For me, the movie actually picked up when the Autobots were escorting Sentinel Prime in the freeway.  Some of the shots used for the scene were actually from Bay’s only flop, “The Island.”  I’ve seen the Island several times and I thought the shots looked the same but I couldn’t tell it was …

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