$10 Million Scene Deleted From Superman Returns

$10 Million Scene Deleted From Superman Returns

I’m not sure what’s going on here. Superman arrived at the farm as an adult?

10 million dollars? These are the kinds of decisions that will make studio executives cringe. The footage came out with the Anthology set on Blu-ray, and is available now.…

Avengers Character Posters

Avengers Character Posters

Marvel has released the posters for Avengers.  After enjoying Thor and Captain America this summer, I can’t wait for the Avengers.  Below are the posters to form one big  bad ass print! 

9276a Avengers Character Posters

9276b Avengers Character Posters

9276c Avengers Character Posters

9276d Avengers Character Posters

9276e Avengers Character Posters

9276f Avengers Character Posters

9276g Avengers Character Posters 

AvengersAssemblePoster Avengers Character Posters

Movie Review: Captain America: The First Avenger

Movie Review: Captain America: The First Avenger

Captain America Poster Movie Review: Captain America: The First Avenger

Captain America is a swift and engaging summer blockbuster. The patriotic superhero gets a serious upgrade in this old-fashioned matinee style flick. Well-cast, acted, and directed, Captain America should please both die-hard fanboys and newcomers. Chris Evans dials the smarm way back and makes for an engaging Steve Rogers and Captain America. The CGI trickery is well used to create a Steve Rogers who is a small and very thin, but brave young man growing up on the mean streets of Brooklyn. The movie was directed by Joe Johnston, who made the underrated gem The Rocketeer back in 1991. That movie …

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Another pic of Karl Urban as Judge Dredd

Another pic of Karl Urban as Judge Dredd

Karl Urban Judge Dredd1 Another pic of Karl Urban as Judge Dredd

The latest reports on the release dates for this film are curious, to say the least.  According to several news outlets, the UK will get to see this film in December of this year while we won’t get to see it until September of next year.  It doesn’t make sense why they keep holding out on US but here’s a couple more shots from the film:

Judge Dredd movie Karl Urban Another pic of Karl Urban as Judge Dredd

 Another pic of Karl Urban as Judge Dredd

So this reboot of the Stallone flick, which will be shot in 3D, has a script written by Alex Garland who also penned 28 Days Later and Sunshine.  John Wagner, who is one of …

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Cool Trailer: Drive (Red Band)

Cool Trailer: Drive (Red Band)

Ryan Gosling stars as a driver for hire, almost like Clive Owen in BMW’s The Hire.

Drive got a lot of buzz after winning an award at the Cannes Film Festival. It looks like a good mixture of action and an arthouse-type film. I can’t wait!…
Op Ed:  “The Death of the Superhero” my A$$

Op Ed: “The Death of the Superhero” my A$$

elektra1 Op Ed:  The Death of the Superhero my A$$

A financial report whose timing couldn’t be more… um, interesting, has just hit the web pronouncing the death of the superhero film franchise.  On the eve of the biggest comic convention this side of Tijuana, Susquehanna Financial Group’s Vasily Karasyov released a report citing that superhero films are failing at the box office and that investors should heed their warning: “The chances of finding a breakout property are diminishing fast.”

Since the more recent breakthroughs in CGI technology over the past decade, there has been a fervent crop of comic to film productions.  But only four franchises have really taken off: …

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Terminator Toy Story

Terminator Toy Story

Artist and toy customizer, Peter Clute likes to do mash ups.  He did one of Wall-E with gattling guns.  His latest project has Buzz and Woody combined with Terminator characters.  I like Buzz better with the T-800 skull.  It’s something Sid (Toy Story) would make.

buzz terminator Terminator Toy Story

Teaser Trailer:  Amazing Spider-Man (2012)!

Teaser Trailer: Amazing Spider-Man (2012)!


andrew garfield spiderman Teaser Trailer:  Amazing Spider Man (2012)!

While Sony is busy trying to delete this thing all over the web, at least one site seems to still have it up.  It’s dark and moody and puts a different spin on Spidey than we’ve seen from Raimi’s versions, which I actually like.  It’s kinda like the difference between Tim Burton’s Batman and the more recent Dark Knight films.  At first I wasn’t thrilled about Andrew Garfield as Peter Parker but I think his acting style fits in with the mood of the film.

Update:  Here is a better quality version from Youtube.

The leaked Avengers trailer got …

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Movie Review: Larry Crowne

Movie Review: Larry Crowne

Larry Crowne Poster Movie Review: Larry Crowne

Larry Crowne is a pleasant summer surprise, and one of the most underrated movies of the year so far. Here’s a movie that feels authentic, starring two very popular actors, and lacking the smarmy sarcasm of hipster indies and the explosions of big budget summer blockbusters. In short, it would have probably been better received if it was released during a different part of the year. In a summer movie season full of 3-D, wizards, and homoerotic giant robot action, it’s a tough fit. Larry Crowne is exceedingly well-acted and written and even better, it speaks to the times we currently …

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Trailer: Hugo By Martin Scorsese

Trailer: Hugo By Martin Scorsese

It truly makes me wonder how this will turn out. I’m just so used to associating Scorcese with madness and crazy editing. This seems like the opposite.…

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