Caped Crusader Vs SWAT – Batman: Year One Clip

Caped Crusader Vs SWAT – Batman: Year One Clip

Here’s the latest clip from Batman: Year One animated movie.

The animation looks sweet but these SWAT team can’t aim at all.

The all-new, PG-13 rated film arrives October 18, 2011 from Warner Home Video as a Blu-ray™ Combo Pack and DVD, On Demand and for Download.…

Arrested Development Movie in the Works…?

Arrested Development Movie in the Works…?

Arrested Development arrested development 44764 800 600 Arrested Development Movie in the Works...?

I know, I know, they’ve been saying this pretty much since Arrested Development first went off the air.  But if you’re a fan of one of the most hilarioius TV shows ever created (like me), you’re holding on to these little bits of crumbs in the hopes that maybe someday all their promises of a show reprisal will come true.  At an appearance in New York recently, creator/director Mitchell Hurwitz mentioned that they are in fact working on bringing this movie to light, as well as 9-10 episodes that will hopefully air before the movie is released. 

Each episode, he went …

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Disney & Pixar 3D Bonanza Starting Next Year

Disney & Pixar 3D Bonanza Starting Next Year

finding nemo Disney & Pixar 3D Bonanza Starting Next Year

With the success of Lion King 3D, Disney has scheduled to release old animated and Pixar movies for 2012 & 2013.  Here are the dates for the limited theatrical  release:

– Beauty and the Beast – January 13, 2012
– Disney•Pixar’s Finding Nemo – September 14, 2012
– Disney•Pixar’s Monsters, Inc. – January 18, 2013 (Monsters University, a prequel to the original film, arrives in theaters in Disney Digital 3D on June 21, 2013)
– The Little Mermaid
 – September 13, 2013

Finding Nemo will look great in 3D but I wish they’d release The Incredibles instead of Monsters, Inc.…

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DVD Review:  Hesher – Joseph Gordon-Levitt & Natalie Portman

DVD Review: Hesher – Joseph Gordon-Levitt & Natalie Portman

87532418426511101174 DVD Review:  Hesher   Joseph Gordon Levitt & Natalie Portman

Ever heard of Pollyanna?  Pollyanna was a story about a young girl who shows up in town and changes everyone’s lives with her refreshing outlook.  Well, Hesher is a Pollyanna story but with a twist. 

 hesher w1280 DVD Review:  Hesher   Joseph Gordon Levitt & Natalie Portman

Joseph Gordon-Levitt portrays “Hesher” who is a caricature of a brash, heavy metal guy.  His name sort of plays into this idea that he is not really a person but more of a force of nature who plows through the lives of this just barely teenage boy, his dad, and a girl the boy crushes on (Natalie Portman) and changes them forever.

 hesher 04a DVD Review:  Hesher   Joseph Gordon Levitt & Natalie Portman

Someday soon, I don’t …

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Catch Star Trek, Fast Five and Inception on IMAX

Catch Star Trek, Fast Five and Inception on IMAX

MKT 1382 IMAXBigMovieWeek Landingpage header Catch Star Trek, Fast Five and Inception on IMAX

Starting today and running through October 6, AMC theaters will be showing the three films on their IMAX screens.  The event is called “IMAX Big Movie Week” and tickets are going for $7.  Not bad considering matinee tix to see The Lion King in 3D are selling for over $14. 

None of the films were reportedly filmed in IMAX (although parts of Inception were filmed in 65mm), but they are big screen type movies so this is a great opportunity for those who missed them when they were in the theaters.  I actually missed Fast Five the first time around but …

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Lionsgate to Make ‘Dead Island’ Movie

Lionsgate to Make ‘Dead Island’ Movie

dead island censored Lionsgate to Make Dead Island Movie

In video game movie news, Lionsgate has just announced that it obtained the rights to make a Dead Island movie based on the game and particularly that gut-wrenching teaser which was released in February of this year.  While it might seem odd to base an entire movie off a trailer, the clip did get 1 million hits in less than 24 hours and the game, which was just released this month, has sold over 2 million units so far, thanks much in part to that trailer. 

Sean Daniel, who produced The Mummy, Tombstone and Dazed and Confused, will be helming …

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Transformers The 3D Ride Trailer

Transformers The 3D Ride Trailer

I didn’t know this ride was coming out at Universal Studios Hollywood but I guess they made the announcement last year.  It’s suppose to come out in Spring of 2012.  Here’s a vid I took of the trailer:…

Halloween Horror Nights 2011 Survival Guide & Maze Reviews Universal Hollywood

Halloween Horror Nights 2011 Survival Guide & Maze Reviews Universal Hollywood

hhn 2011 3 Halloween Horror Nights 2011 Survival Guide & Maze Reviews Universal Hollywood

Universal Studios Hollywood went in a different direction this year with Halloween Horror Nights and that’s definitely a plus!  Universal focused more on horror movie icons in previous events including Chucky (Child’s Play), Freddy Krueger (Nightmare On Elm Street) and Jason (Friday The 13th).  That sounds good in theory for mazes but when you see the characters every 10 seconds, it becomes predictable and not scary at all.

For this year, Halloween Horror Nights still focused on scary movies but instead of having a horror movie icon be the centerpiece, they focused on memorable movie scenes that left you guessing what’s …

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Fincher’s ‘The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo’ 4-Minute Trailer

Fincher’s ‘The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo’ 4-Minute Trailer

It’s more like a short Featurette.

The trailer didn’t interest me, maybe it’s too long. Everything seemed so monotoned, including the environment. But, I suppose this is intentional. Based on what I just saw, I would not see this film until it comes out on Blu-ray.…

Batman: Year One Clip

Batman: Year One Clip

Here’s an official clip from WB for the animated movie, Batman: Year One.

The all-new, PG-13 rated film arrives October 18, 2011 from Warner Home Video as a Blu-ray™ Combo Pack and DVD ($19.98 SRP), On Demand and for Download.…

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