DVD Review: Neverwhere 15th Anniversary Edition

DVD Review: Neverwhere 15th Anniversary Edition

neverwhere DVD Review: Neverwhere 15th Anniversary Edition

London Below. Never heard of it?

Neither have I but in Neil Gaiman’s 1996 BBC TV show, Neverwhere, it’s a place fellow nerds would enjoy.  London Below has monsters, angels and old school figures dating back from the Roman Empire.  The story is about Richard Mayhew, who lives in what we know today as London.  He helps out a girl named Door and finds out she lives in the streets below London.  Door introduces Mayhew to the new world and it just gets weirder for him.  His fiance and friends can’t recognize him anymore.  Those aren’t his only problems.  He also …

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New Trailer For The Raid

New Trailer For The Raid

This Indonesian flick looks fun.  Lots of shooting and mano y mano.  The movie has no U.S. release date yet but will come out sometime in 2012.

Warning: Contains spoilers…

New Images from Ridley Scott’s Sci-Fi Prometheus

New Images from Ridley Scott’s Sci-Fi Prometheus

prometheus movie poster New Images from Ridley Scotts Sci Fi Prometheus

Entertainment Weekly has published a spread of images from Scott’s first foray back into sci-fi in over 20 years, Prometheus. The film’s star-studded cast includes Michael Fassbender, Noomi Rapace, Guy Pearce, Charlize Theron, Logan Marshall Green and Idris Elba. It is set for a June 2012 release.

In light of the recent announcement that Scott will be making another Blade Runner film, Prometheus might give viewers a sort of gauge on whether he’s going to be able to pull it off or be relegated to the same fate that George Lucas succumbed to when he attempted to follow-up his first …

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Dr. Who Season 6 Blu-Ray & DVD Extravaganza Giveaway

Dr. Who Season 6 Blu-Ray & DVD Extravaganza Giveaway

NERD Society and Warner Brothers are offering 4 NERD Society fans a chance to win a copy of Dr. Who on Blu-Ray and DVD.  We’re giving the following box sets away:

seasonsixbluray Dr. Who Season 6 Blu Ray & DVD Extravaganza Giveaway
Blu-Ray Dr. Who complete 6th season – 1 copy

seasonsixdvd Dr. Who Season 6 Blu Ray & DVD Extravaganza Giveaway
DVD Dr. Who complete 6th series – 1 copy

parttwoblu Dr. Who Season 6 Blu Ray & DVD Extravaganza Giveaway
Blu-Ray Dr. Who season 6 part 2- 1 copy

parttwodvd Dr. Who Season 6 Blu Ray & DVD Extravaganza Giveaway
DVD Dr. Who season 6 part 2 – 1 copy

To enter the contest

1) “Like” us on Facebook.

2) Comment below with your top 3 favorite sci-fi tv shows. 

3)  4 winners will be randomly chosen.

4)  Contest ends on Saturday, …

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Dark Knight Rises Wants You – Yes, Everyone Can Join

Dark Knight Rises Wants You – Yes, Everyone Can Join

Hans Zimmer Dark Knight Rises Wants You   Yes, Everyone Can Join

Hans Zimmer wants your voice for the third and final installment of Batman, “Dark Knight Rises.”  He wants you to yell, chant and whatever you like and submit it.  He’ll then mix all the recordings and make it into a track for the movie.  Hans Zimmer is a well known movie composer and his work includes Lion King, The Rock, Inception and worked with James Newton Howard for Batman Begins and Dark Knight.

You can submit your voice here, on ujam’s website.

This is what Hans Zimmer had to say about the invite

“We need to hear your voices! Now …

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Titanic 3D Trailer

Titanic 3D Trailer

F*ck Yeah!!! This is an awesome trailer. I enjoyed seeing all the memorable characters from the film, and hearing Celine Dion’s beautiful song. This movie is going to do very well, again.

Who’s crying with me on April 2012?…

New Tangled Short Attached With Beauty & The Beast 3D

New Tangled Short Attached With Beauty & The Beast 3D

Tangled Film New Tangled Short Attached With Beauty & The Beast 3D

Disney has just announced a new Tangled short movie focusing on Rapunzel’s wedding with Flynn Rider.  It will be attached Beauty And The Beast 3D theatrical release coming out on January 13, 2012.  The new Tangled movie will be directed by the directors who worked on the original.

Below is the press release:

” BURBANK, Calif. – November 8, 2011—The Walt Disney Studios proudly announced today that directors Nathan Greno and Byron Howard, the talented team behind Disney Animation Studio’s global blockbuster Tangled, will premiere a delightful new animated short film spotlighting the royal wedding of Rapunzel (Mandy Moore) and …

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Snow White And The Huntsman Trailer

Snow White And The Huntsman Trailer

Snow White and the Huntsman Poster Snow White And The Huntsman Trailer

We all the know Snow White will be emo because it’s played by Kristen Stewart.  What we also know from the trailer is that it has nice cinematography with epic shots.  I’ve never heard of the director before.  His name is  Rupert Sanders and it’ll be his first movie.  Universal must really trust Sanders because this is a high budget movie scheduled for 2012 summer release.

Looking forward to this movie!…

DVD Review: Young Justice Season 1 Vol 2

DVD Review: Young Justice Season 1 Vol 2

YOUNG JUSTICE S1 V2 BOXART DVD Review: Young Justice Season 1 Vol 2
Young Justice is a 30 minute show on the cartoon network focusing on DC’s teenage superheroes.  The show is developed by Greg Weisman (Gargoyles) and Brandon Vietti (Batman: Under The Red Hood), so it’s no surprise that it’s exciting and unique.  The young superheroes (Aqualad, Robin, Superboy, Artemis, Kid Flash & Miss Martian) are usually assigned a task to help  their older counterpart (ie Batman, Superman) battle the bad guys.  The show is great because it mixes teenage drama (parents, having a crush) with enough action to balance out an emotion filled episode. 

Below are the episodes:

5) Schooled – Superboy …

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Michael Myers Attacks Theater

Michael Myers Attacks Theater

Hilarious prank played on movie goers.  Love the reaction!  Haha…

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