Blu-ray Review: The Help

Blu-ray Review: The Help

the help bluray Blu ray Review: The Help

“Remember the good ol’ days?” Don’t you just love that expression? Well, not if you were black in the sixties, or anytime before that. ‘The Help’ is a story about the struggling black maids in the sixties, the Civil Rights Movement is just around the corner, and even though on the surface, everyone acts like everything is happy and good, deep inside, there is a sense that things are about to change.


Amongst others, the film focuses on Skeeter (Emma Stone), she is a spunky young girl with a lot of taste for common sense. She was raised by …

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Unboxing Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes Blu-Ray Combo

Unboxing Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes Blu-Ray Combo

My latest unboxing is for my favorite movie of 2011, Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes!  The package has a cool design and it has a lot of cool extras.  Expect a review of the blu-ray early next week!

The Blu-ray/DVD will be released this Tuesday, Dec 13th.…

Giving Out 3 Copies Of Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes DVD

Giving Out 3 Copies Of Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes DVD

pota1 Giving Out 3 Copies Of Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes DVD

NERD Society and 20th Century Fox are going bananas (pun intended) and giving out 3 DVD’s for one of the best movies of the year, Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes.
To enter the contest

1) ”Like” us on Facebook.

2) Comment below with your top 3 animal movies (There is no wrong answer). 

3)  3 winners will be randomly chosen.

4)  Contest ends on Saturday, December 17th at 11:59 pm.

pota2 Giving Out 3 Copies Of Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes DVD

Planet Of The Apes will be available on DVD & Blu-ray on Tuesday, Dec. 13th.

pota3 Giving Out 3 Copies Of Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes DVD

Blu-Ray Review: Conan The Barbarian (2011, 3D)

Blu-Ray Review: Conan The Barbarian (2011, 3D)

conan blu Blu Ray Review: Conan The Barbarian (2011, 3D)

I’m willing to give any movie a chance as long as it’s not a black & white indie bore, so even though Conan got a bad rep, I gave it a shot.  The trailers made it look watchable but the critics and the box office said otherwise (22% rottentomatoes, $48 million worldwide take on $90 million budget).  I hate to say it but the critics were right.  This movie is dull and lifeless.  Jason Momoa is actually good as Conan.  He’s charismatic and athletic, just like in the comic books.  Conan hunts down the villain, Khalar Zym (Stephen Lang, also the …

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‘The Rock’ And Bay

‘The Rock’ And Bay

dwayne johnson 3 The Rock And Bay

‘The Rock,’ excuse me, I mean Dwayne Johnson is in close talks with Michael Bay for the director’s next film. Here’s the shocker, the film will only run $20 Million. Is it possible for the Transformers director to direct such a low budget film? Of course it is. His directorial debut with Bad Boys cost $19 million, and in my opinion, is one of his better films. Transformers was great, but the second and third sequels were rehashes.

bay transformers3 The Rock And Bay

The next project will be called ‘Pain and Gain,’ and is about two body builders running amok in the mean streets of Miami, …

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Girl w/Dragon Tattoo Producer Bans New Yorker Movie Critic over Review

Girl w/Dragon Tattoo Producer Bans New Yorker Movie Critic over Review

the new yorker magazine screenshot 1 Girl w/Dragon Tattoo Producer Bans New Yorker Movie Critic over Review

When movie reviewers are as big and sought after as David Denby from The New Yorker is, movie studios will beg them to come and see advance screenings of their films. There usually is a stipulation, however, that they can’t review before a certain date.  This is called an embargo. (Seriously, like there’s an official sounding word for this). Well, David Denby was asked, apparently, not to review The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo before December 13 but went ahead and published an early review of the film anyway!

This didn’t sit well with producer Scott Rudin who reportedly has a …

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List Of Theatres Showing Dark Knight Rises Prologue

List Of Theatres Showing Dark Knight Rises Prologue

banehires List Of Theatres Showing Dark Knight Rises Prologue

Dark Knight Rises is getting mixed buzz lately, due to pictures of Catwoman looking like crap and the amount of characters it will have.  WB is hoping to change all that when it releases the first 6 minutes of Dark Knight Rises on Dec. 16th on IMAX.  The clip will introduce the audience to Bane, similar with Joker in the Dark Knight.  The clip will be shown before Mission: Impossible Ghost Protocol.

Below are the IMAX theatres showing the Dark Knight Rises prologue:

Austin, TX – IMAX Theater Austin – Austin
Boston, MA – Jordan’s IMAX – Natick
Boston, MA –

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Cool Mondo Prints

Cool Mondo Prints

Remember Alamo Drafthouse, the movie theatre that made a PSA about a rude customer?  Not only do they make, awesome PSA’s, they also make posters that are pretty expensive on the secondary market.  They usually made less than 500 of each design and sells out in seconds.  I’ve tried a couple of times ordering but I’ve never had luck.  Last week, their boutique shop, revealed they’re working with DC Comics and released this awesome Fortress of Solitude poster on Black Friday:

mondo superman Cool Mondo Prints

Today, Mondo announced their next poster.  It’s for Cowboys & Aliens.  There’s only going to be 145 available prints for …

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Open Casting Call: Johnny Depp’s “Silver Bullet”

Open Casting Call: Johnny Depp’s “Silver Bullet”

Tonto NM 500x306 Open Casting Call: Johnny Depps Silver Bullet

Silver Bullet is rumored to be the code name for Lone Ranger.  Why they don’t just call it that, I have no idea, unless they’re purposefully trying to give the impression that Johnny Depp is filming a werewolf movie.  But after several false starts going all the way back to 2002, most recently just this past August when it was reported that Disney shut down production due to budget issues, (namely, difficulty in cutting the cost from $250 million to $200 million), this latest casting call makes it look like this thing might finally get off the ground.  Depp also …

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Artist Parody of Avengers Promo

Artist Parody of Avengers Promo

This parody was created by artist Ken Bolk.  I found it on Bleeding Cool under the heading “What if the male Avengers posed like the female one?”  I hadn’t really noticed that Scar Jo aka Black Widow was always posing like that.  But then there’s always been that sort of gender bias in comics and comic films in general. Still looking forward to seeing it in May, though …

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