Blu-Ray Review: The Rocketeer

Blu-Ray Review: The Rocketeer

rocketeer bd art 816x1024 Blu Ray Review: The Rocketeer

I was severely disappointed with The Rocketeer when it first came out in 1991.  The previews looked great but when I watched it on the big screen, it was flat.  There was no excitement to the story and I expected more cool scenes from it.  I figured I would give it another chance since I liked Captain America (same director, Joe Johnston), 20 years later…damn I’m old. For the most part, I still feel the same way about the movie.

Set in the 1930’s where aviation is taking off, The Rocketeer is about a down on his luck pilot that accidentally …

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Blu-ray Review: Blackthorn

Blu-ray Review: Blackthorn

blackthorn blu ray Blu ray Review: Blackthorn

What if Butch Cassidy was still alive? Well, he’d be a rancher in Bolivia. At least, this is how the story unfolds in Blackthorn. Actual DNA tests showed that the burial where they thought Butch Cassidy was buried isn’t of Butch Cassidys’. Where and what happened to Butch Cassidy if he isn’t in his grave?

Butch Cassidy is now a rancher in Bolivia, some 20 years later after his supposed death. He is surrounded by quiet and emptiness within the beautiful countryside of Bolivia. All he has to worry is his Bolivian girlfriend, and all his horses. But, …

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The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey Preview

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey Preview

Warner Brothers has released the trailer for the prequel to the Lord of the Rings trilogy.  Gandelf and Bilbo are back along with Cate Blanchett’s elf (who looks as though she might have something going on with Gandelf).  No sign of Legolas but he is reportedly in the film.  It looks like Peter Jackson has created another masterpiece.  Can’t wait.


Dark Knight Trailer Is Here!!!

Dark Knight Trailer Is Here!!!

Hot dammmmmnn!  This has epic written all over it.  The first half of the trailer has Nolan’s trademark voice over montage as it jumps from scene to scene.  The last half is more action oriented.  Bane is shot aggressively as the camera moves with him in a lot of shot but also shows him as a master strategist.  Anne Hathaway still sucks but it’s not as bad anymore because the rest of the shots look great.  It also shows Joseph Gordon-Levitt barging in through a door. 

I can’t wait to watch this.  Move over Avengers, you’re not my most anticipated movie …

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Trailer:  Live-Action Rurouni Kenshin (aka Samurai X)

Trailer: Live-Action Rurouni Kenshin (aka Samurai X)

Rurouni Kenshin started out as a manga in Japan in 1992 and has since been adapted into an anime series, OVAs, video games and now has evolved into a live-action, full-length feature film.   Originally aimed at teens, Kenshin’s overall popularity can be easily credited to its lone samurai/romance formula.  However, writer/illustrator Nobuhiro Watsuki did originally intend the story to be swordsman-centered as opposed to a romance.

This is a synopsis of the film compliments of Comic Book Movie:

Japan is about to enter the Meiji era and transition from the Middle Ages to industrialization. The samurai have no place in this

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Blu-Ray Review: Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes

Blu-Ray Review: Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes

rise2 Blu Ray Review: Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes

Hail Caesar!

I’m not talking about the Roman Emperor, I’m talking about the bright eyed ape that led a revolt in San Francisco in convincing fashion.

Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes is hands down the best movie of the year.  While James Franco takes the lead credit role, it will be Andy Serkis performance as Caesar that made the film an emotional and exciting ride.  We don’t see Serkis actual face because he was motion captured but the facial expression on the revolutionary ape is so life like and convincing that you root for the primates instead of the  …

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G.I. joe: Retaliation, Written On The Toilet!

G.I. joe: Retaliation, Written On The Toilet!

GI banner G.I. joe: Retaliation, Written On The Toilet!

Holy crap, what did they do to G.I. Joe!?! The 3 minute trailer felt like it lasted a lifetime. Directed by Jon chu who only has a few 3rd tier flicks under his belt and written by a pair of hacks, Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick who only had a one hit wonder in “Zombieland” (which could have been better) this triad of terror has finally put the last nail in the “Joes” coffin.

Here is the rundown–Zartan is still “The President” and rules the country (at least that was continued on) apparently he aligns himself with the countries of France, …

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Blu-ray Review:  Dr. Who – The Sixth Series

Blu-ray Review: Dr. Who – The Sixth Series

seasonsixbluray Blu ray Review:  Dr. Who   The Sixth Series

Dr. Who is a sci-fi, fantasy set in the present/past/future.  Characters from different eras are all co-mingling with each other in time periods other than their own. There’s also aliens and scary monsters.  What the show lacks in special effects, it makes up for in audacity. The storylines are unconventional and while hauntingly familiar at times, still completely like nothing you’ve probably ever seen before.

This season brings back up and coming it girl Karen Gillan in her portrayal of the eleventh doctor’s sidekick Amy Pond. She’s sensitive, caring, loyal, driven and pretty tough yet feminine at the same time. Dr. …

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Winners For Dr. Who Season 6 Contest

Winners For Dr. Who Season 6 Contest

seasonsixbluray Winners For Dr. Who Season 6 Contest

In behalf of Nerd Society & BBC, we want to thank all of the participants for the Dr. Who Season 6 Blu-ray/DVD contest.  The four winners have been contacted and they are:

Erma H
Erica C.
The Bad Movie Guy

Dr. Who Season 6 is available now on Blu-ray & DVD.

We always have contests so make sure to keeping check back.…

New Trailer:  Battleship (2012)

New Trailer: Battleship (2012)

hr Battleship 3 New Trailer:  Battleship (2012)

I’m trying not to let the fact that Rihanna is in this one deter me.  We’ll have to wait and see if her acting is any better than her singing. She does seem to have a nice speaking voice … But there’s also Aleksander Skarsgard who plays Sheriff Eric Northman on True Blood. And the main character is played by Taylor Kitsch from Friday Night Lights (whom you might also recognize as Gambit from the ill-fated Wolverine movie).

Battleship brothers 320 New Trailer:  Battleship (2012)

Peter Berg is directing Battleship and it looks to be your average one man saves the world from evil aliens coming out

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