Wrath Of The Titans Posters

Wrath Of The Titans Posters

wrath titans Wrath Of The Titans Posters

Wrath Of The Titans is a sequel to the crappy Clash Of The Titans.  Besides Zeus looking like Moses on the poster, this movie actually looks good.  The special effects is better than the original and I think WB got it right by focusing on big ass creatures.

The movie opens at the end of the month, March 30th.  Let’s just say that the weekend take for this movie will probably double John Carter’s paltry $30 million.…

Blu-Ray Review: The Immortals 3D

Blu-Ray Review: The Immortals 3D

immortals 3d bluray cover Blu Ray Review: The Immortals 3D

The Immortals is a hot mess but damn is it fun!

The movie looked like a cheap version of 300 (same producer) because of the misleading ads: Too much CG and crappy action scenes.

I gave the movie a chance because it’s from Tarsem, the director of The Cell.  I loved that movie for its production design and camera work and I’m glad to say his productive and amazing antics can still be seen in Immortals.

The story doesn’t really make sense but here it is anyways.  Theseus (Henry Cavill, the future Superman) is a lowly peasant that becomes a reluctant …

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DVD Review: Star Wars Parody XXX

DVD Review: Star Wars Parody XXX

StarWarsXXXArt DVD Review: Star Wars Parody XXX

Star Wars Parody, just like the Batman Parody is entertaining. It’s entertaining because it’s cheesy, as it should be. The green screens are obvious, and the acting is comical. All the favorite characters from Star Wars are incorporated into the XXX scenes, and then some. Chewy gets into a threesome with the female storm troopers. Obi Wan is my favorite character as a drunken old jedi, played very well by Award-Winner Tom Byron. Yes, they have awards too.  Allie Haze is awesome as Princess Leia, a nerd’s dream come true. Maybe not all, as some would probably still prefer Carrie Fisher. …

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DVD Review: Gantz 2 Perfect Answer

DVD Review: Gantz 2 Perfect Answer


 DVD Review: Gantz 2 Perfect Answer

Let me just start out by saying that I really liked the first Gantz film.  I know that a lot of fans of the Manga did not like it and that’s to be expected with film adaptations. Rarely does one live up to its literary predecessor.  Being also  a fan of Kenichi Matsuyama (“L” of Death Note), I thought he did a decent job in the first Gantz and was looking forward to seeing what Kurono was going to do with his 100 pts. in the sequel.

If you’re not familiar with the story, without giving too much away, …

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Transformers 3D Ride Preview

Transformers 3D Ride Preview

Dave sent us a link to a video of the new Transformers 3D Ride at Universal Studios Hollywood.  It’s supposed to be “fans” breaking into attraction and getting some footage of it.  I think Universal wants this to go viral.  The Universal copyright at the end of the video proves it was made by them.  Regardless it looks really cool and the design is top notch.

The ride opens May 12, 2012.


Threadless Election 2012: Ninjas Rule & Others Fall

Threadless Election 2012: Ninjas Rule & Others Fall

hires2 Threadless Election 2012: Ninjas Rule & Others Fall

The world’s best shirt company, Threadless, is having an election and absurd candidates have joined the race.  But only one will prevail, the ninjas!

Dictionary.com defines a ninja asa member of a feudal Japanese society of mercenary agents, highly trained in martial arts and stealth (ninjutsu), who were hired for covert purposes ranging from espionage to sabotage and assassination. “

That’s all true, except for the “feudal Japanese society” jargon.  We all know ninjas exist amongst us today and loved by everyone. Having said that, this election will be an easy kill (pun intended) for our ninjas against …

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Movie Review: Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance

Movie Review: Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance

Ghost Rider Movie Review: Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance

After a less than promising first movie, Ghost Rider rides once again in a new movie co-written by one of Batman’s saviors, David S Goyer and directed by Neveldine/Taylor, the two hipsters who made the Crank films such bloody, good fun. Alas, this Ghost Rider is an incoherent, cheap-looking dud. Laughably acted, poorly written, even the lighting is terrible. This ugly looking dud can’t even come up with decent action scenes. The special effects are OK at best and certain scenes go on far too long, which is hard to believe, considering the fact that the film has a runtime of …

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Young Justice Season 1 Volume 3 DVD Review!

Young Justice Season 1 Volume 3 DVD Review!

YJ vol 3 cover 840x1024 Young Justice Season 1 Volume 3 DVD Review!


“Robin, Aqualad, Kid Flash, Superboy, Miss Martian and Artemis have become YOUNG JUSTICE – The Justice League’s secret weapon against the forces of evil. The teen heroes will take on under-the-radar missions that would be impossible for the Justice League to handle covertly. Red Tornado will be their supervisor; Black Canary will be in charge of their training and Batman will hand out their assignments.”

From Warner Bros. Entertainment is Young Justice, Season 1 Volume 3 on DVD.  Airing on Cartoon Network as part of their Friday night line-up, Young Justice takes elements from Batman: The Animated Series, Superman: …

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Latest Avengers Trailer is Out: Best One Yet!

Latest Avengers Trailer is Out: Best One Yet!

What more is there to say?  I can’t wait to see this movie!!

Marvel Avengers Assemble (2012)

Trailer:  Project X (2012)

Trailer: Project X (2012)


Project X 2012 Movie Image 600x340 Trailer:  Project X (2012)

This latest Warner Bros. party film was produced and directed by The Hangover people and scripted by Scott Pilgrim writers Matt Drake and Michael Bacall.  It stars totally unheard of actors found in a nationwide talent search.  The release date is March 2 and the film is rated R. Here is the synopsis found on the film’s website:

“Project X” follows three seemingly anonymous high school seniors as they attempt to finally make a name for themselves. Their idea is innocent enough: let’s throw a party that no one will forget… but nothing could prepare them for this party.

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