Streaming Review:  We Are the Night (2011)

Streaming Review: We Are the Night (2011)

2011 12 01   WE ARE THE NIGHT 001 Streaming Review:  We Are the Night (2011)

This film was directed by the same guy who made The Wave (based on the true story of the German school teacher who conducted a Nazi experiment with his class that got out of hand). Not to be confused with Joaquin Phoenix’s We Own the Night, We Are the Night  is quite an ingenious vampire flick out of Germany.

If you can picture the Cullens as sort of the small town vampires, the We Are the Night ladies are like the big city vamps. They live a seemingly glamorous lifestyle living in a high-rise hotel, driving Lambos and partying in …

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5 Reasons Why TMNT Reboot Will Suck

5 Reasons Why TMNT Reboot Will Suck

tmnt 5 5 Reasons Why TMNT Reboot Will Suck

This week’s biggest news is that Michael Bay is producing a new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie and they’re going to be aliens.  The backlash started right away and Bay told the TMNT fans to take a chill pill.  Then CBR reported today that half TMNT creator, Kevin Eastman supported the change.  Eastman said on FB:

“Sorry to have been away for so long–completely swamped with work–but it is some pretty exciting stuff.  I had been invited to check out the TMNT film development by my friend Scott Mednick over the years, and a while back had a full look behind …

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Blu-ray Review: Hop

Blu-ray Review: Hop

hop01 Blu ray Review: Hop

Hop is a story of a bunny named E.B., he is the son of the Easter Bunny but wants none of his father’s business. He decides to hop over through a hole into Hollywood where he can achieve his dream of becoming a drummer for a band.

The Movie Itself

Hop is from the creators of Despicable Me, but is nothing like Despicable Me, unfortunately. It falls flat on most angle, maybe not if you are a child.  There’s fun in Hop for the less judgemental group. The characters can be appealing to the kids, like the rapping yellow chicks. And, …

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Blu-ray Review: Game of Thrones: The Complete First Season

Blu-ray Review: Game of Thrones: The Complete First Season

Game of Thrones Blu ray Review: Game of Thrones: The Complete First Season

Game of Thrones is just what the doctor ordered for fantasy fans. It’s a big, gory epic with great acting and excellent production values. The “game” is really a play for power between different factions and Game of Thrones isn’t just a series for fantasy fans, it’s a series for fans of great drama as well. The blu-ray set is simply gorgeous. The picture and audio are damn close to flawless while there are copious extras for fans to watch and enjoy. All ten episodes of the first season are included in this handsome, boxed set.

Describing Game of Thrones can …

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Blu-Ray Review: The Muppets

Blu-Ray Review: The Muppets

muppets Blu Ray Review: The Muppets

Disney should do more movies like “The Muppets” instead of big budget dull action movies like “Prince Of Persia” and “John Carter.”  With the two latter movies, they try to make it epic with special effects but in the end, the movies are lifeless and boring.  With the “Muppets”  they take the casual approach.  The real life actors are having a blast and the writing is witty.  But it does run about 20 minutes too long with a 2 hour run time. 

The Muppets crew must rescue their old theater before Tex Richman (get it?) starts drilling black gold in it.  …

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Best Scene In Phantom Menace Sucks?

Best Scene In Phantom Menace Sucks?

I don’t hate Phantom Menace as most people do because there’s several cool scenes including the pod racing and Darth Maul sword fight.  I also think Episode 1 one of the best sound effects in the whole wide world. 

This video tries to justify why the best scne  in the movie sucks….because they weren’t trying to hit each other.’s a movie.  I don’t see anybody complaining when Neo is beating up Agent Smith using ballet moves.  To me this is just nitpicking but here you go anyways:

Source: Topless Robot


Blu-ray Review: The Three Musketeers

Blu-ray Review: The Three Musketeers

three03 Blu ray Review: The Three Musketeers

This is a re-telling of Alexander Dumas’ classic of the same title, however, it is not like the others. This must be the fanciest and loudest Three Musketeers movie ever made.

– The Movie Itself

To say that The Three Musketeers is over-the-top is an understatement. The movie is bright, fast-paced, lots of cool stunts, and with no story whatsoever. The story is obviously given a secondary role by director Paul Anderson. The main role belongs to the action sequences, taking influence from The Matrix, Indiana Jones, and maybe John Woo films. The acting isn’t bad, it’s almost lazy, but it …

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Trailer #2:  Snow White and the Huntsman

Trailer #2: Snow White and the Huntsman

A little parkour, a big, scary monster, some elves… This trailer is a minute longer than the first one and gives you a better idea of what the movie’s about.  The first trailer didn’t really pique my interest like this one does.  It sort of reminds me of the Time Bandits the way it’s filmed all gritty and dark. I might just have to see this one in the theater!…

“Days Missing” Graphic Novel in Development for Film and TV

“Days Missing” Graphic Novel in Development for Film and TV

DaysMissingPICON Days Missing Graphic Novel in Development for Film and TV

The Benderspink production company along with Roddenberry Entertainment are coming together to adapt the highly acclaimed sci-fi graphic novel Days Missing for film and television.  You might recognize the name Roddenberry as the man behind Star Trek. Trevor Roth, the creator of Days Missing, is also the head of development at Roddenberry Entertainment. JC Spink, co-founder of Benderspink, says that Days Missing has the potential for a three-feature trilogy to be produced simultaneously with the TV show.

Here is the synopsis according to  Since the dawn of time, a being has existed whose interaction and interference with mankind has

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Star Wars Identities Exhibit In Montreal

Star Wars Identities Exhibit In Montreal

amidala Star Wars Identities Exhibit In Montreal

This exhibit isn’t your typical props & costume Star Wars gallery.  Identities goes beyond that and discusses the social decisions the characters in the movie and its impact.  It covers all 6 movies so I hope it’ll explain how Darth Vader doesn’t recognize C-3PO & R2-D2.  The exhibit will also let you know which Star Wars character you’d be, based on what answers you give to several questions.  This sounds really because everyone gets involved.

The exhibit runs from April 19 – Sept 16 and tickets can be purchased here.…

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