Review: 21 Jump Street (2012)

Review: 21 Jump Street (2012)

mpw 71692 Review: 21 Jump Street (2012)

Get ready for a lot of vulgarity and penis jokes. This updated version of the 80’s TV show is a culmination of five years of work for actor Jonah Hill who collaborated on the story with actor/screenwriter Michael Bacall (Project X).

In case you are not familiar with it, this film version of 21 Jump Street is about two cops who are total screw-ups. They knew each other in high school:  one was a popular jock who was not a good student (Tatum) and the other was a nerd who got good grades but didn’t fit in (Hill).

Channing Tatum and Jonah Hill in 21 Jump Street 2012 Movie Image2 e1330746254694 Review: 21 Jump Street (2012)

They …

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Trailer:  [Rec]3 Genesis (Spain) 2012

Trailer: [Rec]3 Genesis (Spain) 2012

rec 3 genesis Trailer:  [Rec]3 Genesis (Spain) 2012

[Rec]3 Genesis is a zombie film out of Spain about a young couple who experience an undead apocalypse right in the middle of their wedding. Their friends and family in attendance become the zombie horde they must kill and run from.  The world premier of this third installment of the [Rec] series will be held in Paris on Friday April 7, 2012 with a midnight screening at the South by Southwest Festival in Austin, Texas on April 9th.  It will be available on demand in August in the US with a limited theatrical run scheduled for September.

Rec 3: Genesis Official

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Blu-ray Review: War Horse

Blu-ray Review: War Horse

warhorse Blu ray Review: War Horse

The Movie Itself

War Horse is an engaging film, but don’t expect anything similar to Saving Private Ryan. The original novel was written as a children’s book, and Spielberg didn’t stray far from the feel of the original work. The feel of the film is almost fantasy-like, even within the theme of the First World War.

The film is mainly about the relationship between a teenager and his horse named Joey, and the journey that both experienced throughout Europe. Through unfortunate circumstances, the young man is forced to part ways with his horse, but not without promising a reunion in the …

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Avengers Lego Poster Free On Opening Day

Avengers Lego Poster Free On Opening Day

avengers poster street thumb Avengers Lego Poster Free On Opening Day
The latest poster for Avengers looks like crap with clearly photoshopped faces of the stars to make sure we know who’s in the movie.  Lego did their own version and it actually looks better because it’s funnier and more clever. 2 million Lego Avengers poster will be given to fans on opening day, May 4th.  No detailed announcement has been made which theaters will hand them out.

lego avengers Avengers Lego Poster Free On Opening Day

Blu-Ray Review: Lion King 2 – Simba’s Pride

Blu-Ray Review: Lion King 2 – Simba’s Pride

lionking2 Blu Ray Review: Lion King 2   Simbas Pride

Lion King 2 is a better sequel than Lion King 1 1/2.  Part two actually focuses on Simba and his female cub, Kiara.  Simba has understandably become over protective of Kiara.  She doesn’t want him to make the same mistake he did in the original movie.  Kiara accidentally meets up with an exiled male cub, Kovu.  He’s from a pride belonging to Scar’s lineage.  The introduction of the new pride was the worst part of the movie.  They were just created to make the plotline move forward.   So anyways, there’s a bit of Romeo & Juliet tale and of course the …

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Fast Five’s Justin Lin Tagged to Direct Live-Action ‘Lone Wolf and Cub’

Fast Five’s Justin Lin Tagged to Direct Live-Action ‘Lone Wolf and Cub’

lonewolf Fast Fives Justin Lin Tagged to Direct Live Action Lone Wolf and Cub

George Takei might soon have another fight on his hands.  Now that Kamala Films has acquired the rights to make a Hollywood version of Lone Wolf and Cub, it shouldn’t be long before an uproar breaks out about non-Asian casting choices.  The 1970’s manga will be adapted for the screen by Blade Runner scribe David Peoples and wife Janet. Fast Five’s Justin Lin is set to direct. It seems like they have a lot of good people on board, it will just be a matter of who they get to play these pivotal roles and how much of the …

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Logo For New Superman Movie Revealed

Logo For New Superman Movie Revealed

man of steel Logo For New Superman Movie Revealed
WB unveiled the logo for the new Superman movie, Man Of Steel on its Facebook fanpage.  Currently the fanpage has close to 10,000 followers and the logo unveiling alone had 263 comments.  The comments are mixed with one fan saying ” I am quite puzzled by the reaction to this banner. It looks like it belongs in a Batman movie. It’s too dark, too depressing, and overly industrialized.”  Another was more upbeat with “Cool..not everyone will like. Change is hard to accept for some..”

For me it looks good, the design overall still captures Superman’s symbol but updated for our …

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Blu-ray Review: Lion King 1 1/2

Blu-ray Review: Lion King 1 1/2

lionkinghalf Blu ray Review: Lion King 1 1/2

Lion King 1 1/2 is a direct to video follow up to um….Lion King.  The movie focuses on Timon & Pumbaa this time around.  It shows how they first met and what they were doing before, during and after they met Simba.  The movie felt like a weekday cartoon with cheap gags that kids will definitely enjoy.  There are some funny moments as the filmmakers make light of some epic scenes from the original.  I didn’t like the tongue in cheek humor.  Timon & Pumbaa were funny in Lion King because they were goofy.  In this semi sequel, they’re just …

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Newest Trailer For The Raid

Newest Trailer For The Raid

Sony Classics sent us the latest trailer for The Raid: Redemption.  I think it was originally just called The Raid in Indonesia.  The movie will have a wide release on April 6 but several theaters in Los Angeles and New York are playing it now.

The movie was also just screened in New York with the filmmakers and several athletes showed up including former UFC champ Matt Serra and NHL players, Dylan Reese, Christian Hanson and Derek Roy.

matt raid Newest Trailer For The Raid

Alien Chopsticks

Alien Chopsticks

koto chop Alien Chopsticks

Kotobukiya is a Japanese company, so it’s no surprise that they came up with a weird collectible..Alien chopsticks.  It comes in 3 flavors…facehugger, big chap  & chest burster.

I think these chopsticks will be awesome for people on a diet like myself (high cholesterol).

“That nodles looks great”

Then as you start eating it, your chopsticks will remind you that what you eat might  burst from your chest.

They’re scheduled for a July release for $10.…

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