Funny Trailer: The FP

Funny Trailer: The FP

The FP is a parody of all the classical Dance films we can’t get enough of like Step Up and Save The Last Dance.

NSFW version

To my surprise, this is an actual full-length movie, here’s Amazon’s Bluray link.


Trailer:  Jet Li’s Flying Swords of Dragon Gate

Trailer: Jet Li’s Flying Swords of Dragon Gate

chineseflyingswords Trailer:  Jet Lis Flying Swords of Dragon Gate

This latest of Jet Li’s martial arts blockbusters will have a limited release in the US in IMAX 3D in September. It is produced by the same guy who brought us Infernal Affairs starring Andy Lau (which was remade by Martin Scorcese into The Departed starring Matt Damon and Leo di Caprio). This will be the first ever Chinese language film to be released in IMAX 3D. It is also the fourth biggest selling Chinese flick in film history.

The Flying Swords of Dragon Gate – 3D Trailer

[Source: Deadline]


Movie Review: The Avengers

Movie Review: The Avengers

Avengers Movie Review: The Avengers

The Avengers isn’t the best superhero movie of all time (as many are saying), but it is a whole lot of fun. Well-cast, paced, and executed, it’s a crowd-pleaser with a ton of great moments, and some surprisingly funny ones as well. Joss Whedon does an admirable job of making this huge blockbuster a film that works on all levels. It’s far from perfect though. Overlong and a tedious first 30-40 minutes make seal its fate when comparing it to Nolan’s Batman films and Spider-man 2. I also preferred X-Men: First Class to The Avengers. Once the movie gets going though, …

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Parody: Galactic State Of Mind

Parody: Galactic State Of Mind

Well done College Humor, Jay-Z and Lucas would be proud!…

Trailer: Looper

Trailer: Looper

A time traveling tale, with a twist. It stars Joseph Gordon-Levitt and the beloved, Bruce Willis. Kevin Smith will not approve of this movie!…

Trailer: Dark Knight Rises Attached To Avenger Is Here

Trailer: Dark Knight Rises Attached To Avenger Is Here

This will probably get taken down in the next couple of hours so my apologies in advance.  This new Dark Knight Rises trailer will be attached to Avengers, coming out this Friday.  Here’s an early peek:

Does JGL become Robin or what?  They keep showing him.


Flashpoint Animated Movie

Flashpoint Animated Movie


flspcv015 Flashpoint Animated Movie

Kevin Conroy, the well known voice actor who played Batman in the animated series/movies and video game interpretations recently announced that a Flashpoint animated film is being produced.

For those of you who dont know, Flashpoint was a 2011 DC Comics mini series and crossover event.  Written by Geoff Johns and drawn by Andy Kubert, the series showed Flash (Barry Allen), altering the entire DC universe by tampering with the past.  This radically changed the DC universe and all of the characters. One of the more notable examples of this change was the new Batman.

In the Flashpoint universe, Bruce …

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Movie Review: The Avengers

Movie Review: The Avengers

avengers1 Movie Review: The Avengers

The movie we’ve all been waiting for is here, The Avengers! This movie has been planned since the release of Iron Man in 2008. Director Joss Whedon has created a cinematic masterpiece that will rival Nolan’s Batman films. Each of the Avengers had entire movies solely dedicated to their origins, that’s the first big plus of The Avengers.  This allows Whedon to completely focus on the main plot and the interaction between the characters. Many fans were worried that too many characters appear in the movie and some wouldn’t get their due.  This is not the case as every character gets …

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Funny Pic: Alan Moore

Funny Pic: Alan Moore

alan moore Funny Pic: Alan Moore

A true genius does not care about hairstyles. Alan Moore wrote great graphic novels like From Hell, League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, and Watchmen.…

Comic Watch:  The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

Comic Watch: The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

the girl with the dragon tattoo Comic Watch:  The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

Just in case you haven’t had your fill of the Steig Larsson novel, the Swedish film or the US version of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, come November fans will be able to buy the Vertigo comic book written by Scottish crime writer Denise Mina. I have already seen the special edition preview and if you like the cover art you should be happy with what’s on the inside as well.  The writing and the artwork has that same dark, gritty feel the films have.

The preview should be available at your local comic book store or you can …

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