Behind The Scenes Of Axel Braun’s Latest Batman Project

Behind The Scenes Of Axel Braun’s Latest Batman Project

dark knight xxx parody 3 Behind The Scenes Of Axel Brauns Latest Batman Project
“I’m a big batman fan,” director Axel Braun explains as I visit a carnival set for his latest porn parody, Batman: Dark Knight XXX – Porn Parody.  Distributed by Vivid, the movie will have appearances from notable batman characters including Joker, Bane, Catwoman, Batgirl and Poison Ivy.

“I can’t wait to show the fans the batman costume”

I asked him if it’s based on Dark Knight Rises.

“It’ll be something better, it’s going to surprise everyone, it’ll be from Arkham Asylum video game.”

He explained further that while the movie has Bane and there will be several Dark Knight Rises reference, …

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Blu-ray Review: The Secret World of Arrietty

Blu-ray Review: The Secret World of Arrietty

Secret World 1 Blu ray Review: The Secret World of Arrietty

The Secret World of Arrietty is another lush, visually enthralling classic from Hayao Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli. Dubbed with great care by Disney and now on blu-ray with an amazing transfer, the movie springs to life. Based on the novel The Borrowers and written by the master Miyazaki, the look of the movie is quite stunning and full of vibrant life. The story also has a gentle message about respecting all creatures and beings regardless of their size or place in the food chain. Far from preachy, the movie is also just a fun adventure that bounces along from one great …

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Unboxing John Carter 3D Blu-ray

Unboxing John Carter 3D Blu-ray

Here’s our unboxing of John Carter on blu-ray.  The cover can be better but just like the theatrical release, Disney still doesn’t know how to handle this movie.  Expect a review of the movie in a week or so.

The blu-ray set comes out June 5th, 2012.…

DVD Review: G.I. Joe Renegades!

DVD Review: G.I. Joe Renegades!

GIJoe R Cover 808x1024 DVD Review: G.I. Joe Renegades!

Although “he” still fights for freedom wherever there’s trouble, G.I. Joe is there—in a different form. In a world controlled falsely by Cobra, five “Regular Joes” travel the country in search of evidence to prove that Cobra is not who they say they are—a family company who is looking out for “you.”

Coming soon to DVD is Season 1 Volume 1 of G.I. Joe Renegades. Renegades is somewhat based off of The Rise of Cobra movie, however it holds its own as a fresh new version of the property.

At the beginning of the first episode, there is a great public …

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Japanese Trailer for Starship Troopers: Invasion

Japanese Trailer for Starship Troopers: Invasion

Casper Van Dien who played Rico in the live-action version of Starship Troopers is an Executive Producer on this project. Flint Dille, who was story editor for the Transformers and GI Joe TV shows in the 80’s is writing the script. Shinji Aramaki (Appleseed) is directing. The animated film will be released this summer.

[Source: ANN]

Transformers: The Ride 3-D Experience At Universal Studios

Transformers: The Ride 3-D Experience At Universal Studios

tf theride 1 Transformers: The Ride 3 D Experience At Universal Studios
Being a big Transformers fan, I was really fortunate to attend the opening celebration for the 3-D ride at Universal Studios Hollywood. I was already hyped as I entered the park because Universal was playing the score from the movies (Steve Jablonsky, you’re still epic!).  Everything was Transformers themed including the food tables and an energon inspired drink.  The orange colored beverage tasted like a mix of orange cream soda and cherry slurpee.  It was thick but tasted pretty damn good, the drink is available right across the ride’s entrance.

tf theride 2 Transformers: The Ride 3 D Experience At Universal Studios

N.E.S.T. leader, Colonel Sharp (Glenn Morshower), inducted the opening ceremony.  Transformers …

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Real Reason Why GI Joe 2 aka Retaliation Is Delayed: It’s Crap

Real Reason Why GI Joe 2 aka Retaliation Is Delayed: It’s Crap

therockgijoe Real Reason Why GI Joe 2 aka Retaliation Is Delayed: Its Crap

Paramount announced today that it has changed the release date of GI Joe: Retaliation from June 29, 2012 to March 29, 2013.  Paramount’s official reason is they’re converting the movie to 3d to make more money.  When was the last time you heard a movie studio admit to greed?


Sources have informed NERDSociety that the real reason is plain and simple:  It SUCKS.  It doesn’t take a rocket science to figure this out but test screenings  (as recent as last week) didn’t go well.  Plenty of the audience preferred the original to the sequel, which Paramount wasn’t happy about.  I …

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The Dark Knight Returns Animated Movie Voice Cast Revealed

The Dark Knight Returns Animated Movie Voice Cast Revealed

darkknightreturnb The Dark Knight Returns Animated Movie Voice Cast Revealed

While we got information who will voice the main characters of one of the most legendary Batman’s story ever, we have confirmation that this storyline will be broken up into two parts. The first part will debut this fall while the second halff will come out sometime early 2013.

As for the voice cast, the following have been confirmed:

Peter Weller (Robocop) will star as Batman/Bruce Wayne.  Ariel Wayne (Modern Family) will voice Robin/Carrie Kelly. Wade Williams (Prison Break, Deegan in Green Lantern: Emerald Knigts, Black Mask in Batman: Under the Red Hood) will voice Harvey …

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Streaming Review:  Boy Wonder (2010)

Streaming Review: Boy Wonder (2010)

 Streaming Review:  Boy Wonder (2010)

When I first found out about this film, it was the title that initially caught my eye. For obvious reasons, I wondered if perhaps this could be some backstory on Batman’s sidekick, Robin, the Boy Wonder.  (After seeing his latest appearance in the Arkham City game, I definitely think he’s a character that needs to be explored a bit more).

Boy Wonder is a debut effort by writer/director Michael Morrissey. Here is a synopsis from Rotten Tomatoes: “A young boy witnesses the brutal murder of his mother during a Brooklyn car-jacking. Now a 17-year-old loner, Sean Donovan (Caleb Steinmeyer) is

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Amazing Spider-Man 4 Minute Preview

Amazing Spider-Man 4 Minute Preview

I saw the preview when I went to the Playstation store on my PS3.  Sure enough, it’s already out on youtube.  But if you have a PS3, make sure to download the high res version and watch it on your tv.  The preview looked pretty epic:…

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