Blu-ray Review: Spawn – Director’s Cut

Blu-ray Review: Spawn – Director’s Cut

spawn blu Blu ray Review: Spawn   Directors Cut

Spawn isn’t an original character but what made the comic great was his attitude.  An African American super hero that was always super mad.  It was a big deal in the mid 90’s that a best selling comic had a black main character.  He uses big ass guns and kills bad guys without remorse.  Spawn has a living breathing cape that he can control. Eat your heart out Batman!  His arch nemesis is the Clown…another Bat influence.  Clown is a wise ass too like the joker but he actually turns into a scary monster if you don’t like his jokes.

Then …

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Punisher Short Starring Thomas Jane

Punisher Short Starring Thomas Jane

Thomas Jane presented this at Comic-Con.  They can use Hans Zimmer score from the Dark Knight because it’s fan made.  There’s a cool cameo from a cult actor.

Overall, it’s entertaining but nothing we haven’t seen before.  Definitely overhyped.…

SDCC 2012: Marvel Phase Two Offical Tittle Cards Revealed

SDCC 2012: Marvel Phase Two Offical Tittle Cards Revealed

After this years Avengers, Marvel Studios showed us at this years Comic Con some test footage of the long in development Ant-Man movie as well as some Iron Man 3 footage.  Sadly I have neither of those for you, but what I do have are some tittle cards and release dates for the next big movies of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, enjoy.

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Jessica Biel Cast as Viper in ‘The Wolverine’

Jessica Biel Cast as Viper in ‘The Wolverine’

jessica biel wolverine the viper Jessica Biel Cast as Viper in The Wolverine

20th century Fox has announced that actress Jessica Biel will be taking the role of Viper (aka Madame Hydra) in the upcoming Wolverine film, set for a 2013 release. Viper is an interesting character who has wavered between good and evil over the years allying herself at one point with the likes of Red Skull then eventually double-crossing him.

She was born in the 1920’s and entered into a pact with the elder god Chthon to slow her aging process. She would later go up against the ninja clan The Hand and help rescue Wolverine from Sabertooth. Viper eventually organizes a …

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Movie Review: Ice Age: Continental Drift

Movie Review: Ice Age: Continental Drift

ice age Movie Review: Ice Age: Continental Drift

What sounds like an exciting premise for ‘Ice Age: Continental Drift,’ falls short because it lacks character development.  Right off the bat, we’re bombarded with old and new characters as Manny the mammoth is having daughter problems.  She wants to be cool so she can impress a hunky teen mammoth.  Of course Manny gets over protective and they argue.  In between their argument, the continent starts breaking apart and he’s separated from his friends and family.  Diego, the sabre toothed tiger and the outcast sloth, Sid all land on the same iceberg as Manny and their quest to come back home …

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Movie Review: Amazing Spider-Man

Movie Review: Amazing Spider-Man

 5c1e008eab74f1eadf073289d11416de ft xl Movie Review: Amazing Spider Man

Now many people were not happy with the news that we would be getting a Spider-Man reboot just 5 years after the last film.  Many people say that this movie isn’t necessary and that we should have waited longer for another Spidey flick. But after the premiere in my country, I can honestly say I love this movie even more than the Avengers.

The biggest plus for this movie is that it perfectly captures what its like to be an outcast in society.  Many teenagers (including myself) have had the usual stuff, being called geeks or nerds, beaten up by bullies …

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Behind The Scenes Of Hunger Games

Behind The Scenes Of Hunger Games

Lionsgate just posted some behind the scenes footage for Hunger Games.  More of the footage will be seen on blu-ray/dvd when it comes out on Aug 18th.

3 hours worth of extras?  That’s going into LOTR: EE territory.  Who knew!…

Movie Review: The FP

Movie Review: The FP

The FP Cover Movie Review: The FP

The FP is a wacky little gem. An utterly ridiculous spoof of 80s movies where macho men from a near-future settle their differences over bouts of Beat Beat Revelation aka Dance Dance Revolution. It’s as fun and stupid as it sounds. The FP is one of those ready-made cult movies that some people will enjoy while others will scratch their heads in disbelief. Made on the cheap by The Trost Brothers (one of the brothers also stars in the movie), it’s a fun ride that pushes its one joke premise to the breaking point without totally sinking. A special mention must …

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Hellboy Helps Wish Come True

Hellboy Helps Wish Come True

ron perlman Hellboy Helps Wish Come True

While both Hellboy flicks weren’t big hits, Zachary wanted to meet the red superhero.  Ron Perlman reprised his role as Hellboy.  He treated Zachary and everybody on the set to the superhero’s favorite food of burgers, shakes and fries.  Make A Wish Foundation first contacted make up effects Spectral Motion about Zachary’s request.  Then Spectral Motion contacted Ron Perlman, who was happy to help out.  Below is the description from Spectral Motion’s FB Fanpage:

ron perlman3 Hellboy Helps Wish Come True

“In the past three weeks, Spectral Motion has been honored to host two wonderful Make-A-Wish children, Caleb and Zachary. Zachary loved his visit for two very special …

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Blu-ray Review: Wrath Of The Titans

Blu-ray Review: Wrath Of The Titans

Wrath of the Titans 2 Blu ray Review: Wrath Of The Titans

A sequel to Clash of the Titans, Wrath of the Titans is a slightly different animal. With a different director (Jonathan Liebesman) attached, Wrath feels a little less grandeur than its predecessor. The Gods are not as powerful, and exhibits more humanly weaknesses. But with a higher budget, Wrath is CG galore, and it’s amazing. The giant monsters are great, maybe not as great as the Kraken, but they are still awesomely gigantic. The acting is slightly better, and back in the sequel are the characters of Perseus (Sam Worthington), Zeus (Liam Neeson), and Hades (Ralph Fiennes).

The story takes place …

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