Movie Review: The Dark Knight Rises

Movie Review: The Dark Knight Rises

Dark Knight Rises 1 Movie Review: The Dark Knight Rises

The Dark Knight Rises is truly the movie event of the year for comic book fans. There’s a sense of dread and menace running throughout the entire movie that makes it work on a whole nother level that a film like The Avengers does not work on. The Avengers has a big alien menace that threatens to take over the world, but never once did the viewer worry that the heroes would not triumph. In THe Dark Knight Rises, the darkness is everywhere and threatens to destroy Gotham. The performances are excellent while the action scenes are exciting and once again, …

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Blade Anime: DVD Review!

Blade Anime: DVD Review!

Blade 1 Blade Anime: DVD Review!

From Marvel, Madhouse and Sony comes the Blade Anime on DVD July 31st. This 2 disk set features all 12 episodes of the series and comes in a clam shell case with a disk on each side.

The Blade Anime has a very Japanese style story with a samurai theme to it. This is found more-so than in X-Men, Iron Man and even Wolverine—other Marvel series’ made into Anime.

Characters return cross-over style with an appearance by Wolverine and new characters are introduced such as Makoto, a vampire hunter who helps Blade in his quest for revenge against Deacon Frost.

Here …

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CW Acquiring Rights for a Battle Royal TV Show

CW Acquiring Rights for a Battle Royal TV Show

 CW Acquiring Rights for a Battle Royal TV Show

Six years ago, Fast & Furious producer Neil Moritz tried to make an American version of the dystopian Japanese film known as Battle Royal. But due to the Virginia Tech shootings they felt as though it was a bad time and put the idea on hold. Flash forward a couple of years and Hunger Games hits the shelves and then the theaters, making a feature film remake of Battle Royal virtually impossible.

Of course, if you’ve seen Battle Royal (which came out in 2000), you would know that the premise behind the Hunger Games story, namely school kids forced to …

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Movie Review: The Watch

Movie Review: The Watch

watch ben stiller kc Movie Review: The Watch

I’m a big Ben Stiller fan so I was excited to watch this flick.  The Watch has 4 bored adults forming a neighborhood watch.  It consists of the boring and group leader Evan (Ben Stiller), wise-cracking Bob (Vince Vaughn), wannabe cop Jonah Hill (Franklin) and an awkward Brit, Richard Ayoade (Jamarcus). Together, they patrol the streets hoping to catch a killer in their uneventful town. What they think is a killer turns out to be an alien monster and their adventure ensues.

The movie is rated R so there’s dirty jokes, nudity, sci fi gore and plenty of thick blood in …

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Blu-ray Review: Butterfly Effect

Blu-ray Review: Butterfly Effect

butterfly Blu ray Review: Butterfly Effect

Ashton Kutcher from “That 70’s Show” fame plays a serious role in the time travel movie “Butterfly Effect.”  The result is a surprising emotional love story with a sci-fi backdrop.  The story reminds me of Twilight Zone episodes.  Kutcher is Evan, college student who had black outs when he was a kid.  He starts reading his journal and finds a way to time travel.  By traveling back to the past, he fixes the problems that he has in the present.  The coolest part of the story is that whatever he fixes in the past has an effect in the present.  So …

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Trailer:  Cloud Atlas (2012)

Trailer: Cloud Atlas (2012)

Cloud Atlas is an epic fantasy by the Wachowski siblings (The Matrix) and stars Tom Hanks, Jim Broadbent, Halle Berry, Ben Whishaw, Jim Sturgess, Susan Sarandon, and Hugh Grant.  Here is the synopsis from IMDB: “An exploration of how the actions of individual lives impact one another in the past, present and future, as one soul is shaped from a killer into a hero, and an act of kindness ripples across centuries to inspire a revolution.” It will be released at the end of October.…

The Dark Knight Rises Review (Minor Spoilers!!!)

The Dark Knight Rises Review (Minor Spoilers!!!)

TDK P3 1600 The Dark Knight Rises Review (Minor Spoilers!!!)

I know I’m late, but the première was last night and I am ready to give you guys my thoughts on Nolan’s final Batman movie. The Dark Knight Rises takes place 8 years after the last film, Gotham has destroyed organized crime through the Dent Act.  Harvey Dent is called a true hero while Batman is still the most wanted man in the city despite nearly a decade since his last appearance and Bruce Wayne has not left his manor since the Joker killings.

What immediately made this film work is that the choices and actions of all the characters from …

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Blu-ray Review: Jiro Dreams of Sushi

Blu-ray Review: Jiro Dreams of Sushi

jiro dreams 01 Blu ray Review: Jiro Dreams of Sushi

Jiro Dreams of Sushi is a compelling documentary about a renowned sushi chef in Japan. His name is Sukiyabashi Jiro, and he is obsessed with perfecting the art of Sushi making. “There is always room for improvement.”

If you like Sushi, this documentary will make you hungry. The cinematography is very clean and precise, it seems to represent Jiro’s very disciplined lifestyle. The film does not only focus on Jiro himself, it also focuses on his sons, and the seafood merchants that Jiro works with. The quality of the seafood has to be premium to begin with. As shown in the …

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Wolverine: The Anime-DVD Review!

Wolverine: The Anime-DVD Review!

Wolverine Wolverine: The Anime DVD Review!

Coming to DVD on July 31st 2012 is Wolverine: The Anime! Produced by Madhouse, Marvel and Sony, this is one beautifully animated series. Continuing the line up of great Anime from X-Men and Iron Man; Wolverine features the best art and animation available today.

Here is the synopsis of the story that branches 2 disks and 12 episodes:

The love of Logan’s life, Mariko Yashida, is forced back to Japan by her father Shingen, a notorious crime lord. Once in Japan, she is forcibly betrothed to Kurohagi, a cruel criminal associate of her father, to solidify their business interests. …

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Transformers Prime- One Shall Stand: DVD Review!

Transformers Prime- One Shall Stand: DVD Review!

TF PRIME 1 720x1024 Transformers Prime  One Shall Stand: DVD Review!

From Hasbro and Shout Factory comes Transformers Prime- One Shall Stand on DVD. Transformers Prime is the current animated program featuring everyone’s favorite transforming robots! Animated in CGI, the details of the robots are great; however Optimus Prime has the most detail down to scratched paint. With favorite characters appearing such as Bumblebee, Bulkhead, Ratchet and Arcee, the Autobots battle the Decepticons for control of the Earth.

Transformers Prime follows in TF Animated’s footsteps with Megatron being very tough and difficult to defeat—I think after TF Armada where the Decepticons would run when Optimus Prime came by, made the writers …

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