DVD Review: Fast & Furious: 2-Disc Special Edition

DVD Review: Fast & Furious: 2-Disc Special Edition

Fast and Furious DVD Review: Fast & Furious: 2 Disc Special Edition

Fast & Furious is the 4th entry in the popular street-racing franchise and it’s a fast-paced good time. Vin Diesel flexes and broods returning to the franchise as Dom, a somewhat psychotic (though oddly likable)criminal, who along with his girlfriend Letty (a briefly glimpsed, scowling Michelle Rodriguez) is still performing heists and trying to outrun the law. Paul Walker also returns as FBI agent Brian O’Connor, along with Jordanna Brewster as Dom’s sister Mia. This is the sequel people wanted to the first movie all along. It wisely tries to ignore the sequels, except for an odd bit that does nothing …

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John Spartan’s Comic-Con 2009 Adventure

John Spartan’s Comic-Con 2009 Adventure

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Here I am at Comic-Con with Hailey (Paramore)

I recently attended Comic-Con and let me say it was a blast, well that’s because I was busy flirting with the babes (shhh, don’t tell the girlfriend). Throughout the event, we did video interviews and got a chance to attend the Kamen Rider panel.

“Wait a minute, You went to Comic-Con and only went to the Kamen Rider panel? Is that it?”

Yeah, we didn’t feel like waiting in line for the other panels (as awesome as they may be) and instead used that time to take loads of pictures of cosplayers, babes, …

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DVD Review: The Spectacular Spider-man: The Complete First Season

DVD Review: The Spectacular Spider-man: The Complete First Season

Spiderman DVD Review: The Spectacular Spider man: The Complete First Season
The Spectacular Spider-Man is an entertaining and light watch for kids and teenagers, but Spidey fans in general will enjoy the series, which currently airs on TheCW4Kids Network. The plots are simple but they never insult the intelligence of the audience and the episodes are mostly self-contained and full of classic Spidey villains. We’re a long way from the dark, brooding angst of Batman and even other incarnations of Spidey. The animation is bright and colorful and the art is stylized and clearly drawn.

The Spectacular Spider-man starts with a catchy opening theme and takes us back really early into the …

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Blu-ray Review: Coraline

Blu-ray Review: Coraline

Coraline Blu ray Cover 300x300 Blu ray Review: Coraline

Coraline is the latest animated stop-motion movie directed by Henry Selick, but somehow people always seem to think that Tim Burton is somehow attached to these types of projects. Well for one thing, his name was plastered all around Nightmare Before Christmas.

The story starts off with Coraline and her parents moving into a new home. Coraline is not happy and her parents are too busy working that they hardly notice her, leaving her to explore outside and inside the house/apartment. She meets Wybourne, a neighbor, and he gives her a doll that resembles Coraline. It’s this doll that would lead …

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Toy Review: G.I. Joe: “The Rise Of Cobra!”

Toy Review: G.I. Joe: “The Rise Of Cobra!”

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It’s almost time…fans of G.I. Joe—the movie, “Rise of Cobra” will be out as soon as August rolls around!  Until then, we have the new figures in most large retail stores such as Target, Toy’s R Us and Walmart.  Each regular action figure is priced between 8 and 9 dollars—until you go to the internet specialty stores where you can be sure you’ll pay up the nose.  Prices so far are either the same as retail or 2-3 times the retail value.

Many months ago I was able to purchase on Ebay a ROC Baroness

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Fatal Fury: From Games To Anime!

Fatal Fury: From Games To Anime!

Fatal1 300x225 Fatal Fury: From Games To Anime!

In the early 90’s the names Terry Bogard, Andy Bogard, Joe Higashi and Mai Shiranui were as well known as Ken and Ryu.
Fatal Fury came off of a game system called Neo Geo which had arcade quality for the home gamer. For it’s time it was considered great and had a price for both the console and games to match. Nintendo had then picked it up and the titles Fatal Fury, Fatal Fury 2 and Fatal Fury Special were born and distributed for the average gamer to afford. From the original to Special the graphics had …

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Top Ten: Movie Villains!

Top Ten: Movie Villains!

Throughout the years movies have portrayed many villains, some were over the top and some were under the table. The following list describes ten of the better villains which were attached to excellent films.  Make your own judgement, but you can’t deny the impact the following list makes on some great films.

10. Gordon Gekko: Michael Douglas–Wall Street. Coining the phrase “Greed….is good.” Gordon is what made up the yuppie life-style of the 80’s and was the first businessman to show his true colors. If a remake of “Wall Street” was to be made today, the phrase …

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Movie Review Remix: Bruno (CCFMDS)

Movie Review Remix: Bruno (CCFMDS)

Bruno 1 Movie Review Remix: Bruno (CCFMDS)

Bruno is a spitball lobbed with deadly accuracy at homophobes, hicks, fake liberals, and pretty much anyone else in its comedic path. Raunchy and sure to shock, Bruno also comes with a message of tolerance, along with closeups of penises. That’s just the way I like my comedy, it’s got a message but it never preaches. If anything, Bruno is decidedly un-PC. Sascha Baron Cohen’s creation Bruno is a swishy Austrian fashion reporter out to become a star. From its pre-credit scene set to techno (the music is terrific), to a post credit song for peace and love, Bruno is a …

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Movie Review: Brüno

Movie Review: Brüno

Bruno Poster Movie Review Movie Review: Brüno

It’s the one thing that Sacha Baren Cohen does best, is make situations awkward. If the Borat naked fight in Borat with his producer, Azamat Bagatov, made you spill milk out of your nose, then Brüno is right up your alley.

Brüno follows the same formula as Borat in storytelling. It sets up a story and pokes fun of real people in the setting of the story. In the movie, Brüno was on top of the fashion world until he was ousted because of a Velcro incident that ruined a fashion show. Now Brüno is on a journey to reclaim his …

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John Spartan Believes in The Legend of Chun-Li

John Spartan Believes in The Legend of Chun-Li

Street Fighter The Legend of Chun Li Poster Kristin Kreuk1 202x300 John Spartan Believes in The Legend of Chun Li

I love this world we live in. We are blessed to have the almighty Hollywood gods bless us with yet another awesome Street Fighter movie. Who cares about Ryu and Ken? One just walks around the world with a bag and the other dyes his eyebrows black. Hollywood gave me the characters I wanted in a Street Fighter movie with a Belgium accented American badass and a scrawny bug-eyed mixed Chinese pianist whose knowledge of wire-fu would make even Jet Li scream out, “Lana Lang is number one!”

When adapting from a video game to the big screens, the writers were …

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